Chapter 19 - Too dangerous

Nice but for two reasons

Xu ling remarked, "One, You can't beat anyone who has already qualified, and two, I don't have time for any competitions."

Are too terrified of a competition, Xia mi stated.

You requested it, Xu ling remarked.

Who should go up first, please?

Xu ling enquired

"I'll go up first," Xia mi declared.

Xia mi stated, "Three star shine plane."

Xu ling uttered, "9th plane of awakening."

What a joke, thought Xia Mi, and with all of her force she transformed into a fearsome lion covered in fire.

Ling also gathered some qi, and she created a cold dear. The enormous lion then charged ferociously toward the cold deer, which was just standing there.

When the lion finally came close to the deer and made to attack it the dear made a lot of water and powder all of the lion which eventually quenched the fire around the lion

The lion roared fiercely and tried tearing the dear apart the deer realsed a ice cage which started covering the lion from it's legs and it soon was covered with ice which later broke the lion apart

Xia mi looked at the deer and Xu ling in shock

"How can someone who is not even in the shine plane defeat me"

" That will be a disgrace to me"Xia mi thought and she mind controlled the deer to attack Xu ling, and it charged at Xu ling slowly but steadly

The spiritual qi in the deer was swiftly absorbed by Xu ling, and it lost all support as a result.

Xia mi constantly launched fireballs at Xu ling, who responded by creating a water bubble to put out each one of the fireballs.

With the advantage, Xu ling created an ice crystal in the form of a blade and began tossing them at Xia mi. Unable to avoid them because she was busy creating fireballs, Xia mi fell to her knees while stopping her fireballs as a result of weakness.

Do you recognize your loss? When Xu ling questioned Xia mi, she was unable to respond and instead just bowed her head in shame.

"Don't worry," I'll defend you, As she turned to face Xia mi, a young man approached.

Xu ling frowned as she said, "Ah come on, another one."

Xia mi glared at Xu ling and stood up, hanging onto her injured arm, saying to the young man, "Thank you, senior brother."

I'm Xu Zhan from the Four Star Shine Plane School of Magic, and I'd like to challenge you to a fight.

Zhan Xu

Impressive, Xu ling said.

Well, I'm Xu ling, you ought to have known about my plane.

"Let's finish this up," Xu ling stated.

An Earth elemental named Xu Zhan gathered some vines, formed them into a tight rope, and threw it at Xu ling. Xu ling was holding the rope in his flaming hands, which caused the vines to be burned to the core.

A fire cage was created by Xu ling and thrown at Xu zhan.

Wow, Xia xiaoyu remarked, "I had no idea such a spell even existed.

Xu Zhan constructed a tight vine cage, but the fire burned it and began slowly consuming Zhan's flesh.

Stop it, Xu Zhan pleaded frantically.

"Admit defeat," Xu ling commanded, but Xu zhan merely remained silent.

"Whether You admit defeat, I still know I won." Let's go," Xu ling remarked as she took the fire cage off and approached Xia xiaoyu.

They got up and headed for their room.

"I had no idea you had such power," Xia xiaoyu exclaimed. "You didn't even show it in the competition."

"Did I just demonstrate my skills?"

Xu ling enquired

Anyway, it's none of my business.

Xu ling declared

Do you realize that you are the root of all of this? Xu ling enquired


"How!?" Xia xiaoyu enquired.

"I had to fight three people all because of you," Xu ling stated.

"Three!? "

"Three already?"

Xia xiaoyu inquired, but Xu ling simply gave her a glare.

"I apologize."

Plead Xia xiaoyu

I haven't forgiven you yet, Xu ling said.

As soon as they entered the room, Xu ling jumped into bed and dozed out.

Where did you two travel to?

Mi Yiran enquired

"We visited...."

When Xia xiaoyu noticed Xu ling staring at her as she was speaking, she quickly changed her subject.

Xia xiaoyu stated, "I went to practice."

Alright, Mi Yiran

What's wrong, San Yan questioned.

I'm really exhausted," ling remarked.

what you did do

To exhaust you so much? Ying yu enquired

All eyes turned to xiaoyu when Xu ling remarked, "I fought with three people from your school of magic arts today all because of xiaoyu.


It's not my fault!" Xia xiaoyu exclaimed as if she had been wronged.

If that's not yours, "Who's it is?"

Xu ling questioned, but xiaoyu didn't respond.

Mi Yiran remarked, "I guess you'll have more issues than that."

Why would I?

Xu ling enquired

They all continue to seek what they refer to as "justice" because they take offense if one of their peers triumphs over them.

Mi Yiran remarked


"So, do I have to compete every day then?"

Xu ling enquired

"Yes, probably," responded Mi Yiran.

"Xiaoyu!" Xu ling called gently, as if she were placing the blame on her.


Xia xiaoyu is also known as pitiably.

"No!" Suddenly, Xu ling said

I can't allow that to occur. Xu ling went on.

What are you going to do about it?

San Yan enquired

Xu ling said, "I'm going to mount So'an."

Why would you visit the place?

San Yan enquired

To avoid competitions and also to practice, Xu ling added.

San Yan questioned, "Why do you want to train so badly?

"Three of my friends there have attained immortality," my mother told me when she called from home.

And although I attended college before them, I am a long way from immortality.

The same goes for you folks, Xu ling added.

"But it's still too risky,"

Xiaoyu, San Yan exclaimed.