[Time Skip]
(Olivarick's POV)
Malenia sits in front of me, silently having a drink. That is until, my clone walks through the door with the corpse of Mohg dragging behind and the full cocoon of Miquella on his shoulders.
I immediately rush over to give a hand, all of it looks unnecessarily heavy. I tossed Mohg into the meat freezer as usual and placed his patched up clothes on a mannequin. By this point Malenia has already placed Miquella in his original spot. All of this is the least I can do after they saved me from Homelander, and trained me to beat him as well.
With a sigh, I disperse the clone.
[Re:Zero Fire magic lv19]
[Blood incantations lv6]
Just one step away? I forgot to get Mohg's great rune from the divine tower actually, I wonder what characteristics it might take. So I sent my clone off running to get it, it'll only take him 5 minutes.
"Melina, now that I have a great rune, does that mean I'm on the roster of people for your tarnished to kill?" I look over to her, curious if I'll have him after me one day.
"I suppose so, word of the bartender has reached his ears. But fear not, I'll give him ample warning."
Fair enough, but now I have another less glamorous job.
Shoving the naked corpse of Mohg into Alexander.
Right at that moment, Subaru and the Boys walked in. "Uh hi, what can I get for you?" I managed to squeeze the lid on so I go and wash my hands.
Subaru just looked slightly intrigued but mainly unbothered, Hughie however…
"What the hell was that thing?!" He said, honestly understandable all things considering.
"That was Mohg, a demigod I killed earlier" I go to pour some more pints out.
"A demigod?! Why and how?" He's resting on one of the tables now, looking like I've just told him I pissed on his cat.
"He kidnapped one of my customers, so I beat him the hell up. Then stabbed him." I say matter of factly. Just then my clone walked in and dropped the great rune off in front of me, dispersing immediately.
[Godskin apostle incantations lv10]
[Dancing lv7]
He gets up to the weirdest things, how on earth did he get in a dance off with the godskin duo? I'm looking back through the memories given but they still don't make any sense.
Nevertheless, I left a new clone at the bar whilst I went off with Mohg's great rune. Sitting down with it in my hands I assume I'm just supposed to overload it with my own energy? And so i did.
Initially it started shaking somewhat, then it started glowing blue, a deep ocean blue. It felt almost like it was sucking me in. A while of this passed before it rocketed into the air spinning, the initial shape maintained but now a deep shifting blue. I slowly grab it and place it on my chest, it sinks in seamlessly with my chest, almost looking like a tattoo.
[Olivarick's Great Rune -
Grants 50% Magical Negation.
Olivarick exclusive - Grants 33% increased learning speed.
After the kidnapping of Miquella, Melania sought help from the only one she trusted to help, Olivarick. He tracked down Mohg and quickly executed him before carrying Miquella's cocoon to the Haligtree.]
I look around at the training room, I may as well try and finish off the last few fire magic levels. Al Goa is mastered but it doesn't have the destructive properties needed to be considered part of my main arsenal yet.
Just before I did so, I heard a commotion in the front. Looking out, I see Loretta with varying misbegotten types entering. I heard her saying that Melania recommended the place to them all and there was an extra door somewhere else in the Haligtree.
[Requirements met (250) active customers. New universe linkage available.]
Oh absolutely not, I still haven't touched all the magic of elden ring yet, never mind the Re:Zero magic. Plus Frenchie said he'd tell me more about chemistry.
[Time Skip]
Years have passed in the bar, Subaru is considered a resident expert of glintstone sorcery and is happy with Emilia. The tarnished did end up trying to attack me but I just kept smacking him and it worked really well, he just left.
Alexander however is disturbingly close to being Elden Lord, he just got to Farahm Azula. Where luckily, he found a door to the bar, being stuck full of a demigod's corpse has juiced him up radically well. Ranni convinced him to let her start the age of stars if he becomes elden Lord, no marriage though, she'll be taking Blaidd.
Miquella cast aside his flesh and went to the shadow of the erdtree, leaving everything aside but his love. Malenia followed behind, thankfully I had doors in the scadutree area, and with Miquella going his followers also became regulars of mine.
Many of the sorcerers have become full fledged professors, researchers or adventurers. Which I'm really proud of them for, the issue is they won't leave my mind be.
I sent my clone out to see if we could recruit more people from elden ring or The Boys. Re:Zero is a hassle because they all forget. So now I have a classic pub gathering of normal people but I also got fire cultists and thorn sorcerers to join. Along with a small beastman called Boc.
As for myself, I made plenty of progress:
[Rainbow Flame lv1 -Merger-]
[A flame that can take on any absorbed flame's aspect (frenzy, ghost, giant, messmer,standard, dragon, golden, magma, blood)]
[True Pestilence lv1 -Merger-]
[Made of a mix of finger, dragon communion, rot, poison, Yin and death sorcery/incantations]
[God's light lv1 -Merger-]
[Made of two finger, erdtree, spiral, golden order and yang sorcery/magic/incantations]
[Dragon Cult incantations lv20]
[Stone beast lv1 -Merger-]
[Made of bestial incantations and earth magic]
[Re:Zero Wind magic lv20]
[Re:Zero Water magic lv20]
[Blood star's grin lv1 -Merger-]
[Made of Alberich's teachings and aberrant sorcery]
[Polyglot lvMAX -Merger-]
[Made of English, ASL, French, Turkish, Spanish, Norwegian and Sumerian]
[Status nullification lv5 -Merger-]
[Made of scarlet rot, frenzy, bleed, poison, charm and diseased immunity]
There was a variety of other things that levelled, but 'juicing' reaching lv18 isn't something noteworthy. When I reached lv20 with the elemental magics of Re:Zero there was nothing to merge it with, so I figured I'd just wait it out until I do. The last thing I realised I had to do was get some kind of language skill so I don't end up in a situation like last time.
(When deciding on a world I usually try to think of something for the characters' growth or maybe so certain worlds collide and I get to narrate it)