The class went by normally, except for when David asked the teacher if it's possible to change seats, But she told him we can't change seats till the begining of next year.
I wouldn't say it didn't hurt me when I heard he wants to change seats, it did, but am trying to make it seem like I don't care.
It's obvious David doesn't like me, why should I then waste my entire time on someone who doesn't want me?
It's like bringing myself and my self esteem low.
"Daniel," Erick came to our desk when the teacher went out for a call break.
I smile when I saw him, "Hi Erick."
David balled his hands into a fist, "wrong", he muttered under his breathe, but I still heard it.
He still thinks am wrong, not worthy of love because I like boys instead of girls like the normal boys does.
"Are you free today?" Erick looks a bit nervous as he asked me that.