Tomorrow is David's party, and I've not yet decide on if I will attend it or not.
Am still torn between that.
Attending it will mean seeing David's new girlfriend, the one he will cherish for all of eternity while I silently die from a broken heart.
The one who will have his heart all to herself without her working for it.
Should I attend and risk seeing them being cozy with each other, or shouldn't I attend, and risk David's anger on me?
As I thought on those two, my heart decided not to attend.
David being angry with me is far more better and endurable than seeing him being cozy with a girl that's not me.
Seeing her might bring out my violent self, and that's not something I will want.
I won't attend the birthday party despite how angry David might be.
The mistake is an avoidable one, and it will be far more better to avoid it than embrace them.
A knock sounded on my door, and I walk to open it.