Chereads / To Love An Alpha / Chapter 9 - A sweet nightmare

Chapter 9 - A sweet nightmare

The blood chilling silence of the forest was giving me the Creeps.

I increase my pace, but it seems I am walking in circles.

I seem to get back to where I started.

The sound of a twig breaking made me know my pursuers are still hot on my heels.

Busy a I was trying to evade them, I wasn't paying attention to where I was heading towards.

I walk into a cleared part of the forest.

I look around frantically for my pursuers, but they're no where to be found.

I leanon a tree trunk closer to me, heaving out a breathe, I Try  to relax.

I hear the sound of twigs being broken before my pursuers made their presence known.

They are four in number. Their faces showing their anger as they stalk towards me.

Unbelievable the humans morphs into wolves right in front of me.

Loving a drawn werewolf is okay if they remain  just drawing.

Seeing the real deal is not just okay, it's not okay at all.

With their deadly fangs showing, they approach me.

I take a step backward trying to mentally figure out a way to get the jelly outta here before I become wolf dinner.

I nvision what will be written on my obituary, it will probably be "poor wolf lover eaten by wolves"  I laugh at that.

It will make a good cover story.

The approaching wolves stops in their tracks,  confused about the reason for my laughter,  they are probably asking each other"who knows a dinner laughs before being eaten?"

I was so focused on the wolves that I didn't notice the presence of another until the wolves turn towards the intruder.

It was so dark  I couldn't make out the face of the person but, I could have  sworn by my  favorite movie that the person looked familiar and might  I add,  quite attractive ( not that I was checking him out, my mind just thought he was and I  had no option but to agree with it. My mind can be damn stubborn if it wants). 

The Wolverton's growled  angrily at the intruder *I don't blame them one bit, if it were to be you,  wouldn't you be if someone interrupted your dinner ?

as for me, I will be if am the one but, in this case am quite happy they were interrupted since am the dinner in question and am tooooo young to die, I can give you a million reasons why if you ask but since you didn't I won't tell* as he walk towards us.

As one, they charge towards him.

My eyes boggled *trying to escape from their socket* when the man turned into a wolf.

yeah he really turned into a wolf so does that mean werewolves aren't legend.

I know I think the exist but I don't think it really did exist, but I was hoping it did exist, not that the three wolves didn't make me consider the fact initially. 

The wolf he turned into was no other but the Grey wolf I have grown fun of drawing.

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me till he turned and his golden eyes shone in the darkness.

Yeah, I mentally fist pumped, my guardian wolf is here to save the day.

Instead of taking flight, my feet decided to stay where they where.

I chance a look at the battle arena and was pleased to discover the Grey wolf was winning the battle, but my happiness was short lived when I recalled that he was the person following me earlier.

Maybe he was hunting me but when he saw others trying to eat his dinner he became possessive which led to the fight. 

I turn to run but wasn't able to as my feet is stuck rooted to the ground preventing me from my flight. 

It didn't take long for yeh grey wolf to defeat the others.

The Grey wolf stalks towards me but before he reached where I was, he shifted back to his human form. 

Although he was nearer to me I still couldn't make out his face, his face was blurry, he sniffed me as he  turned  my head to a side

" mine!!! He growls  before he iank his teeth into my neck. 


I wake up on a drenched bed.

This is the third time am having this dream, but each of them have different locations. 

The first time, I was at a cemetery, the second I was in an abandoned warehouse but nevertheless they all have the same ending. 

I can't really call it a nightmare.

nightmares don't end nicely, his teeth on my flesh was the nicest feeling I have ever had. 

I sometimes hope it will happen to me in real life and not in my dreams.

I know I sound weird but I wish Dave is a werewolf, then I will only hope their goddess chooses me as his mate. 

But like all wishes I know it won't come to pass. 

My mom's alarm brought me back from the wish world I was in. 

I check the time and discovered it was only six.

I still have almost one hour before school. 

I decide to stay till seven before I rise, but my rumbling stomach had other things in mind. 

I rise up from bed, took my bathe and walked downstairs to eat breakfast without bothering to wear my clothe, I wear my bathrobe. 

My mom always the early brid is already preparing breakfast. 

"Morning mom" I greet.

"Morning" she muttered absently.

I wonder what must be bogging her. 

My mom went about her cooking without bothering to ask how my night was.

Oh mothers, sometimes you don't know what to do with them. 

As she wasn't ready to initiate a conversation, I decide to start one. 

"So how was your night mom?"

"My night was okay "she replied as she resumes her cooking without bothering to ask how mine was.

always a sucker for her attention I couldn't let it be. 

"Mine was awesome thanks for asking "

I can't literally see the sarcasm dripping.

That got her attention

"Darling am sorry for not asking how your night was, my mind was occupied but I promise I will clear a space for you" she tried to joke. 

"Mom what's wrong with you? You seem off"

She sighs obviously wishing she wouldn't have to answer the questions but she knew its fruitless as am a persistant person.

"Mybossaskedmeout" she a said it so fast I couldn't make out what she was saying. 

"I don't understand can you please try to talk slowly"

"Umm..... I.... We..... Ok.... Ummm... My... Umm... Boss..... Ummm.... Asked..... Me.... O.. Out" she fidgeted. 

Her boss really asked her out?

And I know she likes him, I have seen how flushed her face was when we met him on one of our grocery shopping, since she liked him and he obviously does if asking her out is any indication, then why do she look scared? 

I really want her to be happy as this is the first time she have liked someone since my dad and she have devoted all her free time to me, I'd be a selfish bastard if I don't support her. 

I look at my mom and smiled "that's great news!!! So why do look scared?"

"You are really not angry am thinking of dating someone??"

She asks obviously not believing my words. 

"Come on mom, how can I be, you really need to have fun.

I haven't seen you having any. I won't prevent you from dating someone.

And besides am about to go to college and you will be alone if I move to campus , am really happy you are giving someone a chance.

Mind you tell that boss of yours to treat you okay, if not his got some fist coming his way."

"Oh I will really tell him, but don't worry he knows his place...."

The ringing of a doorbell interrupts my mom, 

"I should probably check who's knocking at this time. "