Chereads / To Love An Alpha / Chapter 10 - Mr Secretive

Chapter 10 - Mr Secretive

I open the door to see a well dressed Dave at the door. 

"What are you doing here?" I frown at him.

"See Dan, am sorry for causing you to worry.

Believe when I say it wasn't my fault, circumstances beyond my control held me.

am really sorry I didn't try contacting you." He pleads.

"What circumstance?" I raise a brow at him

"I can't really tell you although I want to but I can't , I promised not to tell"

"Who did you promise?

And what is so big it should be kept a secret?

Well, if you can't tell me then don't bother to contact me."

I shut the door in his face but not before I see the hurt look on his face. He can fake hurt all he wants, I just don't care. Not at all.

He really have some guts coming to tell me how sorry he was without telling me the reason for his disappearance. 

"Darling who was that?," Mom asks.

"No one important" I answer as I walk to my toom to wear my uniforms.

Wait a moment, Dave actually saw me with only my robes on!

I face palm, am officially ruined.


I ask my mom to take me to school to avoid any unnecessary confrontation with Mr secretive. 

I know am acting like a spoiled girlfriend, I don't care as long as he acts like a secretive dude.

"Honey, are you sure you are okay?" Mom asks for the third time since today.

She look worried as she gives me a one over "you know I won't mind spending the day with you if that's what you want."

She says so with all seriousness.

Mom isn't your typical

"you must go to school or face execution"

type of parent and I love her the more for it.

"Mom am fine, you don't have to worry about me and you know it won't look good on my resume if I start skipping school this early."

My mum sighs in defeat

"All right dear, if you say so."

"Am okay. You need not worry about me." I peck her on the cheeks before I exited the car.

"Take care son, I love you!"

She shouts earning glances from students scurrying into the school compound.

Kill me and let me die.

I almost died of embarrassment right that instant.

"Ok I get it.

I know you love me and I love you too, but you don't need to announce it to the whole human population!" I whisper yell at her, she just chuckle in answer before driving off.

"There you are!!" Jane hug me from the back

" I thought you were avoiding me" she pouts.

"Oh no" I looked flabbergasted, " how can I avoid the only sun in my world?" I roll my eyes at her.

"You humor me darling with your sweet words, I must confess your words just made my day," with that said she links her arm with mine and drag me off to the assembly grounds as the bell went off.


My first class for the day is French.

You really need to note my horror when miss spoilsport*yeah that's my secret name for Jane* sashayed her way into the class with me with me in tow.

"Oh, are you actually surprised? Well, unfortunately for you the universe is against you.

Darling I hate to break this to you, you are stuck with me for like….. Let me think...…forever!.

So get use to it," she winks as she sit on a chair near the window, having no option at all, I sit next to her.

The door open as more students streamed into the class.

I wasn't surprised to see David as he has the same classes as I do.

His eyes scanned the room looking for someone and when the lighted on me, he smiled shyly as he starts Walking towards me.

I frown averting my gaze from him.

he walk past me and sit on the chair at my back, which if you ask me is not really what I thought he'll do.

"Bonjour mademoiselle"

The Class chorused when the teacher majestically stroll in

"Bonjour" comes her single reply.

She wrote the topic on the board and droned about only God knows what in a language I barely understand.

I know what you are probably thinking.

Yes I signed in for the class, no I wasn't forced. I just took the class as my dad is from France * that's what mother told me* and I thought taking the class will make me feel closer to my dad and should I tell you something? It didn't bring me closer to him instead it made me frustrated with the language.

I would have dropped the class, but I saw the hopeful look on my mom's face when I mentioned taking the subject in the first place and that's why am still stuck in this hell hole of a class.

Although I don't pay attention in class, I still get an A in the class, which is quite unbelievable if am to say.


David nudge me and instead of turning, I blatantly avoid him*as a saying is resist the devil and he will flee* pretending am actually listening to the droning teacher.

"Hey Danny"

Nice try mister, nice try.

"Danny ,I just want to talk to you okay?"

I huffed still not turning to look at him.

I know am acting childish, I don't care, really I could care less as about it.

"Ok I get it that you are angry, but isn't it a bit childish acting like that, I have already apologized." He says in am angry tone.

I fist my palm.

how dare he call me childish?

I turn to give him a piece of my mind.

Jane seeing how uncomfortable he is making me beats me to it .

She turn and gives him a look that can make any feeble man piss his pant but it doesn't seem to have any effect on him.

he seems …amused?

Well am not really sure as I can't read a persons feeling on their faces as I would have loved to.

Most novels I read talked about people reading others emotion just by looking at their eyes only ,but I can't for the life of me pull that shit off. 

"Am trying to pay attention here as you can see and I will really love it if you shut the hell up and listen" Jane glares at him.

I Smile fondly at her.

I swear she gets on my nerves but a boy can't ask for a more spoilsport than her.

David actually listened to her and didn't disturb me till the bell signaling the end of the class rings.

I quickly packed my books as I dash towards my next class with Jane hot on my heels.

"Oh holy Angels! Danny slow down, you are walking like one whom hell have been unleashed on."

I don't pay her any heed as I enter the biology lab.

this time I made sure to take the seat at the extreme leaving the only seat near me the one Jane was currently occupying, as such there is no way for him to seat anywhere closer to me.

"Danny you have being acting weird since that new boy stepped into the class, what's wrong?"

I blatantly ignore her as I start arranging my biology practical book.

As expected when Mr disturber a.k.a secretive came into the class, and starts walking towards me.

I smirk as he neared me and saw there wasn't any empty seat near me except the one Jane was currently occupying.

He sighs loudly as he take a seat near Jane earning him a deadly glare from her.

It's funny how confident she is now when she was shivering on the day I saved her.

The Jane I saw that day and the Jane of today are two different persons.

I wouldn't have agreed the are the same if I don't know first hand.