Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 403 - Drastic move

Chapter 403 - Drastic move

Natasha shook her head as she drove her car, boy did she hate driving at night, everywhere was just so dark most times and she drove really slowly just to be careful, she did not want to end up having an accident, because it was a clear fact that she had bad luck driving even in the day, not to even talk about during night time.

  Natasha was starting to feel a little bit regretful for not taking Dom's offer of getting someone to drive her.

She just did not want to prove him right, even though she knew he was just speaking out of common sense more than anything else, but she wanted to annoy him, call her spiteful or whatever, but she just wanted to get back at him, there was something about his words last night that struck the wrong chord in her heart.

She was just angry, she didn't know if she was angry at herself or angry at him, or maybe even both, that was why she had resorted to avoiding him, she thought that she was past feeling this way, but maybe she was wrong, she didn't want to be angry at anyone anymore, but she could not help it.

Natasha sighed, she needed to calm down her thoughts, her mind was a mess, she honestly felt like punching Dom's stupid face, remembering him saying that he had never broke anyone's heart, the idiot did more than break her heart, he shattered it into a million pieces, he crushed it and blew away the remains with all his words and actions, she had forgiven him yes, but she had not forgotten, she had repeated that fact over and over again, believing it would make her feel better, but certainly not with the way things were going.


"Relax Natasha, calm down, you have to focus on the task on hand" said Natasha to herself as she took a deep breath.

She was sure that Dom didn't even care about what he said, and yet here she was focusing on it, she had much more important things to think about than his words.

For one, she needed to get to where she was going really quickly, and settle this matter that has been irking her for a while now, Natasha hoped that she had good luck on her side tonight, because she had already made a really drastic move, and her plans would be delayed if anything bad happened.

Natasha kept on driving for a while until she squinted her eyes when she saw several lights and a large fence that appeared to be a fence of some sort of base, she was sure that she was here.

Natasha kept on driving until she reached a security gate that kept her from moving forward into the compound.

Natasha wind down her window when she saw a security guard walk to her side.

"Good evening miss" said the security guard.

"Good evening" replied Natasha as the security guard looked at her weirdly, wondering why she was here at this time, he had never seen her or her car here before.

"How can I help you? Or are you lost miss?" asked the security guard with a smile.

"Actually no, I am not lost, I am here to see someone" said Natasha with a smile.

"Miss you do know that this is government property right?" asked the security as it seemed like he was trying to make sure her intentions were good.

"Yes I know that, and I am here to see someone" replied Natasha.

"Alright, who?" asked the security guard with a raised eyebrow, he seemed to be suspicious of her, and Natasha did not mind one bit.

"I am here to see Agent Dians" replied Natasha simply as the guard did not seem to believe her at all.

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the guard.

"Well no I don't" said Natasha.

"Then I am sorry Miss, I cannot let you in" replied the guard as he frowned.

"I might not have an appointment, but I do have this" said Natasha as she opened her car's glove box and brought out a shiny looking police badge and she showed it to the security guard as he looked at it and made sure he got to look at it very well and it looked authentic.

"You are with the police?" asked the guard as he looked at Natasha.

"That I am" replied Natasha as she nodded and lied, she really had to thank Pete for giving her that badge, honestly she did not want to lie, but it was clear from the way the security guard was looking at her, that he did not believe her, and she really had no time for this, she had to find Agent Dians quickly.

"I apologize miss, I did not mean to be rude" said the security guard as he apologized.

"It's fine, I understand, you are just doing your job" replied Natasha as she put the badge away and she felt a bit guilty for lying to the poor man, but she would be out before he even knew it.

"Thank you" replied the guard as he smiled and he gestured that the gate be opened as the large iron gate opened and Natasha thanked him as she drove in.

"In and out Natasha that simple" said Natasha to herself as she found somewhere to park her car and she switched off her car and brought out a yellow folder from her glove box and she got out of her car and locked it.

"Now to find the man I am looking for…" said Natasha as she just realized that this was harder than she thought it would be.

Natasha decided not to go anywhere, this place looked huge and she did not want to end up getting lost there were so many buildings here.

Natasha though It through and it was better to stay here, than go looking for a man who she did not even know personally, but from what Pete told her, he should be leaving right about now, and she was parked right next to the exit and she would be able to see everyone who was leaving and coming in.

Natasha looked through the file in her hand double checking that all the information she had in here was information she wanted in here and when she was satisfied with everything in the folder she closed it and brought out her phone from her pocket and she texted Pete very quickly when she hear some voices coming from the right.

"I told you that you shouldn't have done that, now you messed up and we have to pay for it" came the angry sounding voice of a brown haired man as another young man ran behind him to catch up to him.

"I have apologized severally" said the man.

"That's not enough, I warned you and you didn't listen" replied the man as he sounded furious, as if he would blow up at anyone who dare speak to him in this state of his.

Natasha looked to the right when she saw the exact same man she was looking for.

"Well that was easy" said Natasha to herself as she was happy she did not have to wait long, now came the real problem.

Natasha braced herself as she followed after the man.

"Agent Dians" she called as the man stopped right in his tracks and he turned around.

"What??!" he asked in an obvious tone that stated that he did not want to be disturbed, but oh well, there was nothing Natasha could do about that right now, she had no time to waste, and she also had no intention of going back home without getting what she wanted.

So if he wasn't in a good mood to listen to what she had to tell him, he would just have to save his bad mood for later then.

"I need to speak to you" said Natasha simply.

"Just who the hell are you??!" asked Agent Dians was visibly irritated, he had had a bad day today, and to top it all off this woman who he had never seen before came out of nowhere calling him suddenly, he was very annoyed.

"Look I have important information that is very essential to you, if you don't hear what I have to say you are going to pass up a very important opportunity that would be beneficial to you and your organization" said Natasha as she did not sound scared at all, she wasn't scared, she just wanted to get this over with already.

"Believe me when I say that what I have to tell and show you Agent, you will not be able to find anywhere else" said Natasha as Agent Dians looked at her.

"It better be good, start talking lady, I don't have all night" said Agent Dians as he hoped that this was worth it, he did not want his time to be wasted at all.