"Thank you" replied Natasha as now she could rest at ease and do what she came here to do, she did not mind that Agent Dians still looked angry, he would just have to shut up and listen.
"Start talking" said Agent Dians as he did not have time to waste here and Natasha looked at him and then at the man who was behind him, obviously staying to hear what this was all about as he looked at Natasha with suspicion.
Natasha looked at the man and then at Agent Dians as he took the hint that she did not want to discuss whatever information she had with him present.
"He stays, say whatever you have to say or just leave" said Agent Dians, he didn't even know her from anywhere, he didn't trust her, he needed a witness to be able to account for everything he had heard her say just in case.
"Noted" replied Natasha.
"Can you just get straight to the point lady, I don't got all night" said Agent Dians as his impatience was starting to show, first she stopped him, and now she was taking her sweet time to tell him whatever she had to tell him.
"What do you know about secret organizations in Russia?" asked Natasha as Agent Dians scoffed.
"Is this some type of joke or what?" he as he scoffed, he was convinced that this woman was totally messing with him.
"Do I look like I am joking?" asked Natasha.
"Oh tell me, who put you up to this? Was It James from tech?" asked Agent Dians.
"No one put me up to anything, I actually do have very valuable information for you" said Natasha.
"Then out with it, you are just playing around and asking me baseless questions, tell me what you know or else" said Agent Dians.
"I will only tell you what I know if you tell me what you know" said Natasha as there was no way she would give the sensitive information she had just like that, she needed to make sure that Agent Dians was the right person to entrust with this information she was not dumb, there was no way she would tell him anything If she did not know what he already knew.
"And who put you in the position to make demands?" asked Agent Dians.
"Who has the information you need?" asked Natasha.
"Oh please, I don't even know if what you have for me is valid" said Agent Dians.
"Oh trust me, the information I have is very valid, you won't want to pass up what I have to say, so just cooperate and answer my questions" said Natasha as Agent Dians could not believe the audacity she had to actually order him around.
"Are we on the same page now?" asked Natasha as Agent Dians kept silent.
"I will take that as a yes, now I will repeat my question again, what do you know about secret Russian organization?" asked Natasha again as she could see Agent Dians visibly gritting his teeth, he was annoyed and she did not care one bit, if he was still standing here, it meant that he was smart and he would not let valid information pass him up.
"What I know about secret Russian organizations is classified, it is confidential, I would be betraying the government if I leaked out confidential information to you" replied Agent Dians simply and Natasha could tell that what he really meant was that she was not getting any information from him.
"True, I respect that, you are right" said Natasha as he scoffed and the man behind him frowned angrily at her as she just ignored him.
"Well I have confidential information on the secret Russian organization of the white viper" said Natasha as Agent Dians looked at her as if he did not believe her words, which was expected.
"I know, I shocked you by mentioning that organization" said Natasha.
"You are lying, you know nothing about them, you just put together a random name" said Agent Dians.
"Oh not so Agent, I know things, a lot than you and the government know" said Natasha as she smiled and he scoffed.
"Prove it, all talk and no proof equals not the valid information you have been going on about" said Agent Dians.
"In that folder you will find information that contains everything you need to know about the organization, from their leaders, to their agents, and in fact, even their organizational plans for the next three months" said Natasha as she handed the folder to him and he took it and looked at her with suspicious eyes as she just smiled and he opened the folder and quickly looked through it.
"It's fake" he said as he scanned through the folder quickly in doubt, he was not going to believe this so easily.
"I assure you Agent Dians that my information is not fake at all, if anything it is the most genuine information you will ever find about this very, very secret organization" replied Natasha as Agent Dians looked at her and then at the man who had the same look of suspicion in his eyes.
Agent Dians handed the folder to the man and he collected it and quickly looked through the contents carefully as he looked up.
"It's real, legit information" he said in shock as Natasha smiled and Agent Dians still looked skeptical.
"Like I said" said Natasha with a proud smile.
"Are you sure?" asked Agent Dians.
"Very sure, see over here is the seal of the organization and their watermark is everywhere over these documents, I am totally convinced that this is real information" said the man as Agent Dians looked at the smiling Natasha.
"Where did you get this information from?" asked Agent Dians as now he was curious about Natasha and who exactly she was.
"I have my sources and they are confidential" said Natasha.
"Don't give me that nonsense I could get you arrested right now and take the information, I don't care, so tell me who you are and where you got your source from" said Agent Dians seriously.
"Well I'm with the Police" said Natasha.
"That's a lie, you don't work with the Police, if you did, I would have remembered seeing you somewhere before" said Agent Dians as he did not believe her one bit.
"Oh so you're telling me that you know every single agent in the Police force?" asked Natasha.
"No I'm telling you that I know a considerable amount of agents from the police force and you certainly aren't one of them" said Agent Dians as he was sure he would have remembered an annoying, confident redhead if he had seen her before.
"Is that your deduction?" asked Natasha.
"Cut the crap lady, you aren't working with the police, now spill and tell me who you really are I before I arrest you and lock you up" said Agent Dians as Natasha knew this would happen, but she was prepared.
"Hmm let me see, alright, my name is Mrs Natasha White, I'm 26 years old, I'm a mother of a wonderful daughter, my favourite colour is yellow" said Natasha as she concluded that there was no problem with using the White name to her advantage.
"Hmm, what else did I forget?" asked Natasha sarcastically as she seemed to be thinking.
"Aha, my best friend is commander Peter Lawson, and I am allergic to the fur of, dogs, cats and hamsters, oh and I have ginger hair oh and my favourite flavour of ice cream is ginger ice cream, is that enough information for you?" asked Natasha with a smile as Agent Dians looked at her in disbelief, was this some sort of joke to her.
"Are you joking right now?" asked Agent Dians in a mix of disbelief and irritation.
"Do I look like I am joking?" asked Natasha.
"Wait, did you mention Lawson?" asked Agent Dians as Natasha nodded.
"Yes, he's my very good friend" replied Natasha as Agent Dians cursed internally, he knew Pete reasonably well and if this woman was associated with him then she was legit, the question was why was she here, and why did she come to see him with this information?
"I know there is more to what you are telling me, how did you get this information? And don't play with me" said Agent Dians as his tone was softer and no longer filled with anger and annoyance.
"I am half Russian half American and I also happen to be an agent of the organization" replied Natasha simply.
"And then why would you betray your organization by giving us this sensitive information?" asked Agent Dians as he narrowed her eyes at here, for all he knew this could be a set up.
"They aren't my organization" replied Natasha with a scoff, the annoyance clear in her tone.
"Do you clear to shed more light on what you mean?" asked Agent Dians.
"Do you have time to listen or are you still in a very bad mood?" asked Natasha.
"Talk" replied Agent Dians, he did not want to play any unnecessary games here, this was something very serious.
"My mother was a Russian spy for them and my father was an American accountant" said Natasha as she could tell that Agent Dians and his partner seemed interested in what she had to tell them.