Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 397 - Not happening

Chapter 397 - Not happening

"Hi Chloe, are you at the office right now?" asked Natasha as she spoke to Chloe on the phone as she was driving.

"Umm no not yet, I will be back at 2pm I'm at home" replied Chloe as the call was put on speaker.

"Alright, I need you at the office" said Natasha.

"Why, did the Police find something?" asked Chloe.

"Well they will soon enough" said Natasha as Chloe gasped.

"What do you know Natasha?" asked Chloe.

"I know who caused the fire" said Natasha as Chloe gasped.

"Who?" asked Chloe.

"I will tell you when you get to the office, I need your help with a plan that I am working on" said Natasha.

"Alright I will be there soon" said Chloe.

"Alright then, I will be waiting" said Natasha as Chloe ended the call, she had an idea of who really wanted to ruin them, all she needed was a testament and evidence, which she would get soon.

"Madam, you called for me?" asked Mandy as she knocked on the open door to Natasha's office as she entered her office.

"Yes Mandy, I need you to go with me to inspect the premises" said Natasha as Mandy looked reluctant.

"Is something the matter?" asked Natasha in a not too pleased tone.

"No madam… it is just that going for an inspection of the premises at this time is not recommended" said Mandy as she looked at her watch.

"And why not?" asked Natasha.

"Well it's 2pm, and it will take more than an hour to inspect everywhere" said Mandy as she did not know why Natasha wanted to go for an inspection all of a sudden.

"And so what, I want to do it and I will do it, and you are coming with me" said Natasha in a tone that stated she did not care what Mandy thought.

"Madam, why don't you go with Chloe instead?" asked Mandy.

"Chloe is busy, I asked her to take care of a few things for me" said Natasha.

"Oh but Madam…" said Mandy as she groaned and Natasha cut her off.

"Can you give me one good reason why you don't want to go with me?" asked Natasha.

"Well madam it's Wednesday and I close early today" replied Mandy.

"So you are telling me that after coming to work one hour late, you still want to leave early?" asked Natasha in a displeased tone.

"Well yes…" said Mandy as she was cut off once again.

"Not happening, and I repeat, not happening, go get ready, we are leaving in five minutes" said Natasha coldly as Mandy sighed, wondering why Natasha had to come in today of all days.

"Yes Madam" said Mandy as she nodded and walked out of Natasha's office as Natasha scoffed.

Mandy was extremely tired after their uncalled inspection, all she wanted to do right now was go straight home and have a nice bath and relax.

"Mandy, I need you to bring me the report from the lab" said Natasha as her voice snapped Mandy out of her thoughts as Mandy looked at her.

"But madam, we only just returned to the office, and we passed by the lab ages ago" said Mandy.

"And what are you trying to say?" asked Natasha with a cold expression on her face.

"Nothing madam" said Mandy as she was sure that Natasha just wanted to torture her today.

"That's what I thought" replied Natasha.

"Hurry up and get me those files, we don't have all day" said Natasha as Mandy groaned internally and she nodded her head and left as Natasha's phone rang, they still had fifteen minutes before the police showed up, and it was nice to just torture Mandy.

"Yes" said Natasha as she answered her call and Chloe walked into her office.

"This is she" replied Natasha.

"A package from where?" asked Natasha.

"Oh, I didn't order any packages from there, maybe you have the wrong number" said Natasha.

"Then maybe the package is for my husband not me" said Natasha.

"Yes call his number, it has the same digits as mine but it ends with a 234" replied Natasha.

"You are welcome" replied Natasha as she ended the call.

"What's up Chloe?" asked Natasha.

"Natasha, I'm starting to think that maybe this would be too harsh on Mandy" said Chloe.

"Not at all, she had time to confess and she didn't, so this is the best way to go" replied Natasha.

"I guess so, when are the police arriving?" asked Chloe.

"I about ten minutes from now, come on, we should get set" said Natasha as Chloe nodded.

Mandy cursed Natasha under her breath, she was sure that she just wanted to make her working her unbearable with stupid tasks that made no sense at all.

Mandy was walking back from the lab when she passed by an alley where she saw a police officer and one of the employees as she stopped.

Wait, weren't the police gone already? Then what the heck was one still doing here??

Mandy stopped to listen in.

"Have you seen a woman named Mandy, we need her to answer some questions" asked the officer as the female employee shook her head.

"No, I have not seen her all day, she must be with the boss though" replied the woman as Mandy's eyes went wide and she took off running, not looking back at all, the police were looking for her, she needed to get the heck out of here.

Mandy ran straight into the building to get her things quickly from her office and get out of here.

"Mandy, where have you been? We have been looking for you" said Chloe as she entered into Mandy's office only to see her packing her things.

"Not now Chloe, I have to go" said Mandy in a hurry as Chloe stood in front of her door unmoving.

"You are not going anywhere Mandy, why are you in such a rush?" asked Chloe.

"I don't have time for time this right now" said Mandy as she got her handbag and she pushed Chloe out of the way as she rushed out of the building.

"There she is, she's trying to escape" came the voice of another officer as he saw Mandy trying to flee as Mandy felt the hair all over her stand up as she took off and ran as fast as she could as the officer ran after her.

Mandy did not dare look back as she bolted through the doors and into the parking lot, she needed to get out of here fast.

"Hey!" called the previous officer from earlier as he caught sight of Mandy running and she turned to look at the left as she saw him and she quickly got to her car and searched for her car keys in her handbag and cried while doing so as she could not find her keys.

Mandy sobbed while looking for her keys, she could see the police men cornering her in the reflection of her car's windows.

"Miss Mandy, you are under arrest for arson, destroying private property and resisting arrest" said the officer as he cuffed Mandy's hands and she cried.

"You cannot arrest me for that, you have no proof, I know my rights" said Mandy in between sobs as she did not even resist anymore, she had ran too fast, she was tired.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you" said the officer as he guarded Mandy to the police car as she cried even more.

This could not be happening to her, she could not be getting arrested, she had never been arrested in her entire life, there was no way she was going to jail.

"You can't arrest me, you can't" said Mandy as she cried and saw Chloe.

"Chloe, Chloe, you have to help me, I am falsely being accused, help" said Mandy as she looked at Chloe who shook her head.

"There is evidence against you Mandy, I can't do anything" replied Chloe as the officers stopped right beside their police car.

"No that's a lie, the evidence is a lie" said Mandy.

"Please help me" said Mandy as she cried.

"There is no evidence, there has to be some kind of mistake" said Mandy.

"There is no mistake Mandy" said Natasha as Mandy turned to look at her.

"Madam, madam, you have to help me" said Mandy as she was sure if anyone could help her, it would be Natasha.

"My hands are tied Mandy, it's hard to prove the innocence of someone who was caught red handed on the security footage" said Natasha as Mandy's eyes went wide.

"I expected more from you Mandy, I never thought you could do this, but it seems I was wrong" said Natasha as Mandy cried, she should have never agreed to this.

"I am going to press charges and you will rot in jail for what you have done" said Natasha coldly.

"No madam, please, please forgive me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, I didn't want to do it, believe me I didn't want to do it" said Mandy as she cried heavily and Natasha looked at Chloe, it was just as she had expected.

"So you are telling me that you had nothing to do with this?" asked Natasha as Mandy nodded.

"I don't believe you" said Natasha with a scoff.

"No madam, please believe me, I didn't do it" said Mandy.

"So what you are trying to tell me is that someone else put you up to this?" asked Natasha as Mandy nodded.

"Who?" asked Natasha as Mandy seemed hesitant to speak, contemplating whether to tell the truth or not.

"I thought so, take her away" said Natasha with a scoff as the office opened the door of the police car.

"No!! No!!" said Mandy there was no way that she would go to jail, she would talk.

"It's Willy, Willy is the one who put me up to this, he's my boyfriend" said Mandy as she confessed.

"He's angry at you for not agreeing to be his partner, so… so he asked me to get revenge for him and I did it, please I don't want to go to jail, don't send me to jail, I beg you" said Mandy as she cried.

"I knew it" said Natasha with a scoff, she just needed Mandy to confess.

"Let her go, she confessed" said Natasha as the officers did as she said and uncuffed Mandy released her.