Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 73 - Not a couple

Chapter 73 - Not a couple

"What do you want you ungrateful brat??" came Ernest's angry voice from the other side of the line.

"Do not tell me that you want to ask for a stupid divorce again!!" said Ernest as he sounded very angry.

"I tell you and I will always tell you, my answer will remain No!!" said Ernest.

"My Great Grandfather never got divorced, my Grandfather never divorced, me and your Grandmother never divorced, your father and mother did not divorce and you will not be the first one to ruin the family image and our long life lasting marriages!!" said Ernest in a very determined tone.

"Wow, what a very loving Grandfather I have" said Dom as he did not look surprised at all, in fact he had seemed to expect this reaction, which was why he had moved his phone very far away from his ear, before he developed an ear problem due to his Grandfather's shouting.

"Okay Now let us try again" said Dom as he put his phone back to his ear.

"Good Evening Grandfather" said Dom once again.

"And then you say Good Evening beloved Grandson of mine" said Dom as he smiled.

"Oh what do you want, out with it already" said Ernest as he did not look pleased at all.

"Wow Grandfather, do I always have to want something before I call you my beloved Grandfather??" asked Dom.

"You tell me" said Ernest as he replied in a monotonous tone, it seemed that he had finally calmed himself down from that spree of scolded he had scolded Dom when he first picked up his call.

"Okay, okay, you know we well Grandfather" said Dom as he laughed.

"Of course I do, If I don't know you well then who will??" asked Ernest as coughed.

"Now supposedly beloved Grandson of mine, tell me what you want, and why you called me at this time of the night" said Ernest.

"But Grandfather, it is only 8:30pm" said Dom.

"Exactly!!" said Ernest.

"Unlike you Children on nowadays, I require my nice sleep, so out with it Dominic" said Ernest.

"Well alright Grandfather" said Dom.

"But I am sure that if it was Natasha calling you, you would listen to her endless pleas patiently" said Dom to himself and he sighed, was it not criminal for your Grandfather to be biased against you??

"Anyway Grandfather, how are you doing?" asked Dom.

"I will be better once you tell me what you want and end this call" said Ernest.

"Grandfather, come on are you still upset with me??" asked Dom.

"Are you and Natasha still not together??" asked Ernest and Dom went silent.

"Exactly what I thought" said Ernest as he shook his head and his reading glasses almost came off.

"*Sigh* Grandfather I really do not want to argue right now" said Dom as he sighed.

"And so do I, I was quietly reading a nice book Cecilia got for me about world war two fighter planes" said Ernest as he removed his glasses and he set them down on the table.

"That sounds nice" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yes... yes it is, unlike you my grandson who does not get me anything at all" said Ernest.

"Well that is because the greatest gift you can have is me" said Dom as he smiled.

"Oh don't flatter yourself Dominic" said Ernest as Dom laughed.

"Anyway, Grandfather, have you by any chance seen Father??" asked Dom.

"I was told that he came to the office some days ago to settle some matters, and yet he did not come and see me" said Dom.

"Well how should I know about that insolent son of mine" said Ernest has he frowned.

"He never even comes to visit me at all, all you children of mine" he said as he sounded very annoyed.

"But Grandfather... he lives right across you??" said Dom as he was confused.

"Exactly!!" said Ernest.

"He lives right across me and yet he does not come and visit me even once, as if he forgot all about me" said Ernest.

"But you do know that you could just walk across the street and go visit him Grandfather" said Dom.

"Yes... but I am not a burden to anyone, if my own son does not come and visit me out of his own will, then I will not visit him at all" said Ernest.

"I gave him the wrong name, I named him Ernest junior and yet he does not seem to love his father at all!!" said Ernest.

Dom sighed and laughed, he did not even know what sort of petty battle was going on, his Grandfather's behavior was just simply childish, he sounded very ridiculous right now.

What sort of battle was going on between father and son.

"Well alright, if you say so Grandfather" said Dom as he laughed.

"Speaking of visiting, since you have called me now, how come those other insolent brats have not called me at all??? As if I no longer exist???" asked Ernest.

"Do not worry Grandfather, I am sure that they are just probably busy, but they will soon call you" said Dom.

"Hmm, of course you say that, since the four of you always cover for each other" said Ernest as he grunted.

"They better call me before I disown them all" said Ernest and Dom laughed, there was no way his Grandfather would actually do such, so it was now that he knew the saying about old people starting to act like children was true.

"Of course you will Grandfather" said Dom as he laughed.

"Anyway, Joy is going to start going to school soon" said Dom as he smiled.

"Oh how wonderful, my great granddaughter is growing up so fast" said Ernest with a smile, but it was a sad smile, he had not got to see her the last time he went to the city because Natasha was still upset with him, and she had asked him to stay out of her life.

"Yes she is Grandfather" said Dom as he smiled, his little princess was actually growing very fast, it seemed like it was just yesterday when he held her in his arms for the first time.

"So which school did you and Natasha decide to take her to?" asked Ernest.

"Well Natasha decided on a school not too far from the Estate, it is called the Scholars Academy" said Dom.

"Wow, the school better live up to it's name" said Ernest.

"Oh we will see Grandfather" said Dom as he laughed.

"All that is left is for me and Natasha to go and see the school ourselves" said Dom as he switched on his laptop.

"Ahhh... there is nothing better than touring a school for your child, to bring a couple together" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Please do not start Grandfather" said Dom as he frowned.

"Me and Natasha are not a couple, we might be married, but we are not together" said Dom.

"Oh haha keep on lying to yourself, you both share a child" said Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather that might be true, but I am not obliged to love her" said Dom.

"Like I told you when you first started this nonsense, I will never love Natasha, never, she was just a friend to me" said Dom.

"Oh hush" said Ernest.

"I am determined to stay alive till you both reconcile, and by the both of you I mean you" said Ernest.

"You need to move on and forgive Natasha, regardless of what it was that she did or did not do" said Ernest.

"Please do not go there Grandfather, I can never forgive her for that, so please do not insist anymore" said Dom.

"Fine, fine" said Ernest as he was not going to insist anymore, he was just going to wait.

"Thank you Grandfather" said Dom as he smiled.

"Anyway, I will allow you to rest now" said Dom.

"I have work to do, so Goodbye Grandfather, have sweet dreams, and I will call you later" said Dom.

"Alright Goodbye Dominic, and please tell my lovely Natasha that I miss her, and I want her to forgive me" said Ernest.

"I will see what I can do" said Dom as he laughed and he ended the call.

Dom put his phone down on his desk, until he remembered something and he picked it up again and he dialed another number.

"Hey Guys" said Dom as his call was picked.

"Hey Dom" said Michael as he smiled.

"Please tell me that you all are together?" asked Dom.

"Yes... yes we are what is the matter???" asked Charlie as his voice could be heard in the background.

"Good" said Dom.

"So please forgive me, because I may or may not have decided to call Grandfather and he called you all ungrateful brats as usual" said Dom.

"So I just called to give you a heads up, since he might call you all soon" said Dom.

"Awww Man!!!" said Charlie as he was the one that sounded the most disappointed.

"Wow gee thanks Dom, now we have to deal with the words of the dragon" said Michael as Dom laughed.

"The old man will never let us rest now" came Nine's voice from the background.

"Sorry" said Dom as he laughed.

"Anyway, Goodluck and Goodnight" said Dom.

"Goodnight Dom" said Michael.

"Easy for you to say" said Charlie.

"Whatever" said Nine and Michael ended the call and Dom laughed, he did feel a teeny tiny bit bad for getting them into trouble, but Grandfather would have called them all eventually, which was why he gave them a nice heads up.

"They will be fine... eventually" said Dom to himself as he laughed.