How did I not notice that the man's cloth was not really white. The clothes were covered with blood... not a good sight that I want to explain.
There's so many things that I can do with this body... should I turn? Nah... I'm sure he'll be fine dripping blood and everything. I jumped a few steps back when the man's eyes seems to quiver. The man opened his eyes fully and started looking around the room.
Man1:"huh? A cat?"
"I'm just a normal cat... definitely normal, I can't talk or do stuff like destroying the world!" Uh wait... did I accidentally speak out loud just now? Looking at the man's surprised face... I guess I did.
Man1:"must've been my imagination from blood loss" the man murmured while spotting the bandage I prepared and putting it on.
"Whew! Good thing those mobs are stupid"
The small room of the wood cottage I found frozen off instantly.
"Ah... seems like I count as those mobs don't I?"
My IQ really got lower after coming here.
The best things or stuff like this! 'System'
'You got lazy to even put the H there... give me my guid book'
I can't 'use' my guid book with this paws... I'll just turn for a bit since that man won't remember anyway.
[you mean: won't remember 'everything' anyway]
(Goddess's POV)
Goddess:"Hey, we feel like that... Benjamin's musician was it?"
Twin:"you mean 'The Bremen town musicians'?"
Goddess:"yeah! The Benjamin's town musician"
Twin:"similar I guess?"
Goddess:"but there's supposed to be four members... we'll look for that other crazy guy!"
God( of questions):"ah... we have that main villain, you, spicy chicken nugget, and me. Doesn't that make us four?-"
Goddess:"who are you?! I mean, you were there?!"
(Ex-MC's POV)
Hey, I'm famous in this word too. Except that the posters of me are a wanted posters, and what the people want is not my sign but my head. Same old same old....