Chereads / Kara Cahill (The White Wolf) / Chapter 9 - Who could the Voice be?

Chapter 9 - Who could the Voice be?

Kara jumped back just in time as his sword sliced the space she had been standing.

"Good reflex wolfgirl." He chuckled and turned to face her.

Breathing heavily in shock, she snarled. "Are you crazy!!! Are you trying to kill me? Who the hell are you and why are you in my head? "

He clicked his tongue and adjusted his grip on the sword, making a stance. Something snapped in her and she growled. She'd had it with people attacking her like they were saying hello. What was all their problems!

She felt her tail come out from behind, her claws grew and so did her fangs. She felt the sharp pain of the changes but she had no time to focus on them. She didn't change into a full wolf, just parts of her did. She was a sight he couldn't look away from

"I've had it with all of you." She screamed and attacked him.

It wasn't easy dodging his sword swipes. She took some cuts to the arm but was careful not to get any critical ones. Fueled by anger and the smell of her own blood from bleeding, she was able to land a couple of blows on him. He was agile on his feet and she admired it, only he was about to kill her.

At a thought, Kara jumped back. She wasn't fully used to fighting as a half wolf so she needed to do something. She shifted back to her total human form and ran further into the forest. She needed time. When she got deeper, she climbed a tree and balanced on the branch. She had just a minute or so before he found her. Taking in deep breaths and releasing them, she focused on her right hand.

"Come on come on." She whispered to herself angrily.

She could feel her powers at the tip of her fingers but they didn't want to bend to her will. Ugh, she needed a sword. If she could build a freaking thick force field thingy on her first try, why couldn't she make a sword?!

A blast of wind sent her toppling off the branch and onto the floor. Groaning, she tried to stand up but a boot landing on her tummy and pushed her back down. The boy stood on top of her. Or man. She couldn't say but she knew he was young.

"I could easily squash you." He said as a matter of fact.

Breathing heavily, she stopped struggling and bite back a cry of pain.

"If you wanted me dead you would have killed me before now. What is it you want?" She managed to say inbetween deep breaths, hating every second of her weakness.

He was too skilled. There were times she knew he had the advantage but it was like he held back.

He chuckled and stepped back, allowing her to sit up. "You put on a good fight."

"Ah, glad I could amuse you." She said, venom dripping from her every word.

Looking down, she saw her wounds had healed. The pain was gone.

The guy knelt to the ground beside her and offered his sword to her with his head bowed.

"For years my family has searched for the chosen one and it is an honour to be the one to find you. I offer my allegiance and that of my family, we will fight by your side whenever needed." He said, his voice vibrating around the silent forest.

Kara's mouth fell open. Okay what just happened?! First he tried to kill her, now he was swearing allegiance to her? So far, nobody was sane in this realm or whatever inbetween they were. Wait, they were still in her head!

Pushing his sword aside, she stood up. She turned and studied him, he was still on his knees. Was he being truthful? He had very good skills and he had figured out who she was! He was a deadly person to have for an enemy.

"What is your name?" She asked, pretending to be very confident.

He looked up at her and deep green eyes stared at her. "Do you accept my allegiance?" He asked.

There was something about him that she wasn't sure if she should be wary of. He just tried to kill her in her own mind. Wait, she was in her own head! In her own mind! Her body was on the floor... vulnerable!

That woke her. Kara's eyes flew open and she stared at her room. She was so exhausted that she couldn't move.



Kara woke the next day in her bed. For a few minutes she just laid there staring at her ceiling, absorbing the heat from the rays of the sun coming through her window. She'd had more excitement in the past few days than she'd had in her entire life.

Her door came open and Liv walked in.

"Hey. Good morning. Classes start today. Did you sleep well?" She chatted excitedly as she looked through Kara's wardrobe. She was dressed in a jeans overall with her hair in a ponytail and sandals on her feet.

Kara stood up dully and went to have her bath. She didnt bother looking in the mirror, she was sure she looked the way she felt. Gloomy. Without a word of argument, she wore the clothes Liv picked out, black trousers with a baggy crop top and sandals. People had already seen her hair so for the first time in her life, she was going without her beanie... voluntarily.

"Let me do your hair." Liv beamed and made her sit.

She did it in such a way that the white parts in front spilled to the right side, covering her left eye and the remaining black at the back was packed in a ponytail.

Liv pulled her up and into a hug. She said. "Everything will be fine."

Kara didn't even have the energy to scoff, she just went along with Liv. She was exhausted body and mind.

"So classes... we have training on our unique abilities. Then normal human classes, science and whatnots. I want to become a nurse so our classes will be different. Father enrolled you into government class and some others. We have some together, this is your time table.." Liv droned on as she gave her a slip of paper. Her timetable.

Kara sighed. "Why do I have to go to school when I'm just going to get killed anyway?"

Liv stopped right before the class. She glared. "Well that wasn't pessimistic at all."

"What do you expect? People came at me yesterday and I got hurt body and mind. At this rate, they might as well just finish me off and save me the stress. I can't do this everyday... I can't do this for the rest of my life." She gritted her teeth and entered the classroom.

Not bothering to look at anyone, she went to take a seat at the back. Liv tried to get her attention but she ignored.

"Hey new girl, that's my seat." Ezra said standing in front of her some minutes later.

Kara ignored him and leaned back in the chair with her eyes closed. Couldn't the teacher get here any faster?!

Ezra slammed his fist on the table.

"I am talking to you. Get up. That is my seat." He snarled at her.

Liv stood up and came to meet them.

"Come on Ezra there are so many other seats, just let this go for today." Liv pleaded.

"I'm not talking to you Hartridge so shut up." He replied without glancing at her.

"I know but..."

His head whipped in her direction so fast that she gasped. Luckily for them, the teacher came in.

Kara had a bored expression throughout but she took note of every student in the class. She was trying to guess who had been in her head. She remembered Liv saying Adrian Frost was a good mind weaver. Could he be the one?!

When the class was over, she hurried to an angry Liv.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked sheepishly. Her mood better.

Liv turned on her. "Am I mad at you? Kara one minute you are easy to talk to, the next it's like I'm disturbing you. I stood up for you against Ezra and you didn't even say anything."

"You guys spoke yesterday at the cafeteria. Did something happen?"

"Are you even listening to me? Ugh you are just like Ezra." She groaned and walked away. Kara hurried after her.

"I'm sorry okay, I just don't see the point of coming to school. I shouldn't take it out on you and honestly, if I had spoken up... I'd have frozen his glaring eyes off." She whispered to her friend, making her laugh.

"Look, I get that it's not easy. Father wants you to have a normal high school life before things get out of hand. We all know it will." Liv replied with a sad smile and pulled her into a hug. "Now what do you mean by you got hurt body and mind. I saw the fights yesterday, which one involved your mind?"

Kara pulled her to the wall and made sure no one was close by before explaining her ordeal with the mind weaver yesterday. Leaving out the part where he swore allegiance to her.

"Wow, that takes a lot of skill. Not everyone can engage in a mind battle, control elements and change the scenes at the same time." Liv admitted thoughtfully.

"Well, I think that person is Adrian Frost... you said so yourself, he is the best at this mind thingy."

"Want to go meet him?"

Kara nodded. "The worst he can do is attempt to kill me then and there but you'll be my knight in shining armour."

Liv laughed nervously and led Kara away.