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Dragon Ball Super (A Rewrite)

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This is Dragon Ball Super but rewritten with my vision. This is not meant to be a replacement to the original source material and is instead just for fun and for me to share it sparingly. This rewrite starts shortly after the Buu Saga, 4 years like it does in canon, but with some...very clear changes. As always, this is a tribute to the original material and not a replacement. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super and all other related official material are owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation and Akira Toriyama. Please enjoy those official medias and support them/ The Cover is updated per saga released! New Chapters Release Every 2 Days Roughly Between 10 AM EST and 9 PM EST! Stay on the lookout! Continue to enjoy this story as there are plenty of tales to continue! This is also on my account at wattpad. Here's a link to there:

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Welcome Back Heroes! A New Threat?

Four years ago, the appearance of a formidable opponent, Majin Buu, forced all life on Earth to near extinction with his impossible power. Fortunately, through the call from what Earth believes to be their mightiest champion, Hercule, energy gathered from Earth and traveled across the universe formed a most impressive and extremely potently powerful Genkai Dama*. Goku wielded this Genkai Dama and with a very mighty effort to save the universe, was able to defeat the mighty Majin Boo.

* Genkai Dama is the Spirit Bomb.

Four years have passed since then...

"Heh... you're getting sloppy Vegeta!" A familiar voice stated, dashing forward and delivering a swift punch towards Vegeta's jaw.

"Kakarot(Son Goku), you don't know the meaning of sloppy!" The now identified Vegeta, quickly blocked the punch, delivering a kick to send Goku back.

The two quickly ran towards each other once more, delivering equal exchanges of punches and kicks to each other, leaping back and around the area, causing craters wherever they landed. As they continued to exchange their blows, they both stopped as they leapt back from each other, smiling. It had been long ago that Vegeta admitted to who was number 1, and while he still knows who that is, he didn't give up on doing his own training to improve himself FOR himself.

"Alright Vegeta, let's kick it up a notch." Goku stated, a white aura engulfing him as he began to charge up.

" read my mind!" Vegeta stated, also charging up.

In a glorious flash of whitish-yellow light, their hair quickly stood on end in bright yellow, both with lightning surrounding their now golden auras. Quickly taking flight, they charged at each other fist forward and began clashing, shockwaves spreading throughout the area. With each fist collision the area shook with power as two boys flew towards them.

"Dad!" Both shouted in unison, as they were holding boxes. It was meals for their fathers, Goku and Vegeta, as they landed on the ground with Vegeta and Goku following suit, powering down as they did.

One of these boys were Trunks, a much more older and mature figure since his fight with Buu. He sported purple hair and was more similar in appearance to his End of Z appearance, having grown and become a teenager. Even Goten looked different, sporting his End of Z outfit and a more Kid Gohan like hairstyle to further differentiate himself from his father. Both had matured and evolved as fighters and people.

"Thank you Trunks." Vegeta stated, grabbing the boxes one of the boys delivered, quickly spreading it out so he could begin eating.

"Life saver, Goten!" Goku stated, patting his son on the head as he grabbed the boxes and sat down, quickly opening them to eat.

Elsewhere on Planet Earth, we see one particularly famous person arriving outside of Son Goku's home. The legendary Hercule himself, holding a suitcase of some kind. What could possibly be in there?

Hercule proceeded to quickly knock on the door, as when Goku's wife opened the door he quickly explained how due to the incident with Majin Boo and Goku saving the world he thought that they could use this Peace Money of 100 Million Zeni, and Chi-Chi graciously accepted. 100 Million Zeni was a ton! They could survive for years, especially since she didn't have a working husband. Well, the 100 Million Zeni would last them for a bit, maybe not years, but for a while.

Elsewhere in the Universe, on a much more different planet, we come in to view of a weird purple cat poking at some type of fish with his nail.

"These are your finest meals right?" The cat stated, using his nail as a fork and lifting up the fish as he ate it, looking at what seemed to be some type of bug. "Well... it's something alright. But... I'm more interested in how you thought you could poison a God of Destruction like me." The cat looked upward, glaring at the creatures with a sinister smile.

A pale bluish white creature was behind this cat, shaking his head. "You all should know better than to try and Poison Lord Beerus." The creature stated calmly, turning to his 'Lord'. "Well, my lord? What do you plan on doing to them?"

"...Hakai." The now identified cat, Beerus, stated calmly--pointing his hand to the ground as he quickly flew up with his pale friend--watching as the entire planet began disintegrating before their very eyes. "That, Whis. That is what I planned on doing. But, the meal reminded me of something I saw awhile back. Something about a Saiyan Diety. A... Super God Saiyan thing? No, it was Super Saiyan God. Yes, that's it! A Super Saiyan God is the reason I have awoke this early." Beerus stated, turning to his pale friend.

"A Super Saiyan God hm?" The now identified pale being, Whis, quickly lifted up a staff he was holding and looked into his orb. "Well...I can't say I've heard or seen of it." He got to see a glimpse of a fight from years ago, back during the days of Namek with Super Saiyan Goku against a Full Power Final Form Frieza.

Whis quickly shook his head as he turned, letting Beerus place his hand on his back, the two quickly flying away and leaving the disintegrated planets previous outer atmosphere and going back to a planet in a galaxy far far away. This Planet was home to this so called God of Destruction and his, what could be seen as, Attendant with a Blue Ringed-Neck Halo like some kind of Angel. When they arrived, they were greeted by a fish in some type of bowl, blue in nature, as Beerus asked this fish something.

"Say, Oracle, was it not you who recited to me 50 Years Ago that in 50 Years Time I would fight some sort of Super Saiyan God? Well I don't see him here!" Beerus shouted, looking at the fish as he spoke once more. "I need more information." After crossing his arms, he turned to Whis and spoke. "Whis, can you check your staff and tell me what you see?"

Whis thought for a moment and turned his attention to his staff, as he looked into the orb and began to view the history of these Saiyans. "Beerus, didn't you ask Frieza to destroy the Saiyan's homeworld though? Planet Vegeta I believe it was called."

"OH, YEAH I DID, DAMN IT! Well, are there any left? Surely there had to be some survivors." Beerus stated, crossing his hands behind his back as he looked over to Whis.

" appears there are. But, there's also something even more interesting. There's a Saiyan...who defeated Frieza it appears. His Son Goku." Whis stated, looking at a stretching Saiyan through his staff.

Back on Earth...

"Alright, I'm off you guys. Vegeta, I'll cya later. I'm going to go do some training on North Kaio's world for now." With that, Goku placed his middle and index finger on his forehead, vanishing using his Instant Transmission as he appeared in front of King Kai's car, quickly stopping it with his palm. "Phew...that was close!"

"G-Goku!? Why would you teleport in front of my car?! What kind of idiot does that?! And, why aren't I revived yet?" The North Kaioshin, also known as King Kai, shouted as he stepped out of his 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air hardtop.

Goku proceeded to stretch, looking at King Kai. "My bad! I forgot! I've been preoccupied you know! I'm just gonna get in a quick round of training here! Since your Planet can handle a bit more than Earth. And I finished sparring with Vegeta already so some extra practice before I have to go home would be nice." Goku proceeded to charge up his energy as he extended his hands outwards, concentrating it as he turned around to face away from the car, bringing his hands to his side.


A blue orb began to form in Goku's hands, as he concentrated, smirking.


Quickly, he proceeded to fling his hands forward, unleashing a massive blue energy wave that proceeded to go around the planet.


Turning around and moving quick to push the car out of the way, he extended his hands on the energy that quickly spun around the planet and came back, catching it as he smiled. "HYAH!" Flinging the energy into the sky, he quickly appeared above it as he punched it into the ground, a massive crater ensuing. As the dust cleared, Goku noticed King Kai panicking and quickly appeared in front of him, wiping the sweat off of his own forehead.

"What's wrong King Kai? Why are you in a panic?" Goku asked, staring at him. If King Kai was panicking, then it must have been serious.

"Lord Beerus, he's approaching us at a rapid rate! And I don't know why! This is extremely bad! Too bad! Insanely bad! What do we do!!!" King Kai began panicking as he moved back and forth.

"Lord... Beerus? What's with the Lord title? Is he like Frieza?" Goku asked, punching his hand into his palm.

"Yes and no. Yes in the sense that he's powerful, no in the sense that he doesn't claim to be an emperor. He is the God of Destruction, one of the most powerful beings in our universe." King Kai explained, shaking his head. "This is bad news for us! If we make him mad... who knows what'll happ-" As King Kai was speaking, he overheard what Goku said. "Repeat that."

"I would like to fight him. I can test myself from my last 4 years of training and push myself to the very limit if he's as strong as you say he is." Goku stated, slowly smiling.

"No! That is ba-" King Kai started, quickly being interrupted.

"Fine by me. Give it your best shot." A being stated behind Goku and King Kai, a familiar one to you viewers. Beerus...and his attendant Whis!

"L-Lord Beerus?! A-Are you sure?!" King Kai shouted, as the Destroyer God nodded.

"Yes. Hopefully through fighting I can learn how this Saiyan came to defeat Frieza and to see if he's who I'm truly looking for." Beerus stated, pointing at the Saiyan. "We can begin when you're ready."

"Amazing! Thank you for the opportunity! But I did beat Frieza. Back then I couldn't do it in my Base State, but now I'm as strong as several Frieza's put together." Goku stated, taking his stance, as he looked at Beerus analyzing him quickly.

"Show me then, Saiyan." Beerus stated, yawning.

At that moment, Goku vanished and reappeared in front of Beerus, delivering a punch towards his face. Beerus quickly blocked it, leaping up to avoid an incoming kick as he sent his own sending Goku tumbling backwards. Goku quickly shot forward again, appearing next to Beerus as he sent a punch at his face, snap vanishing in front of Beerus and delivering another punch, appearing above him and delivering an elbow. Beerus quickly caught each attack, smirking as he countered with another kick, though Goku quickly blocked it and vanished before Beerus could send another attack.

'He's Good...too good. On top of that, I can't sense his Ki for some's evading me! What do I do?' Goku thought to himself, as he was above Beerus by a couple hundred feet and was hovering in the air. He noticed Beerus vanish and looked around. "H-Huh?! Where'd he go?!"

"Right here!" Beerus was in front of him, and quickly punched him towards the ground.

Quickly catching himself, Goku powered up, transforming straight into Super Saiyan. " hit hard! But let's see if you can keep up with a Super Saiyan!" He vanished and reappeared in front of Beerus, delivering quick punches towards the cat god's gut.

"S-Super Saiyan?!" Beerus was slightly shocked, taking the first 2 punches but quickly blocking the rest as he sensed the power increase. It was a solid multiplier, no wonder this Saiyan had the potential and did beat Frieza. This power had to be at least 100x greater than Frieza's power level. Beerus quickly went in for a punch, only for Goku to move to the side to avoid it, delivering an uppercut as he quickly unleashed a point blank energy wave. An explosion ensued, as Goku smirked.

"I got him..." Goku stated, only to be sent crashing into the planet as Whis watched on with surprise. It seemed Beerus was still warming up after all. Beerus looked down at the Saiyan, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts. "I'll admit you surprised me! I can see how you defeated Frieza! But if that's all you got, then this is too easy!"

"!!!" Goku quickly powered up into Super Saiyan 2, dodging some of the blasts, but being hit by most as his shirt was completely destroyed, with only his blue undershirt remaining as he shook his head. "I'm coming at you with even more now!"

There were only a few beings who knew of the clash going on right now at North Kaioshins world. One such person was the Supreme Kaioshin Kibito Kai, and Elder Kai as well. But there were 2 others watching over the battle from far, far, far away.

"So my brother's in combat is he? Whoever that person is, I pity them. Vados, let's keep searching. It has to be here. We can use it as a cover to search for those orbs." An all too similar cat--though much chubbier--to Beerus stated.

"As you wish Lord Champa." Seemingly just a Female version of Whis with much longer hair stated, as they flew past a ship.

Though, the Supreme Kaioshin and Elder Kai did notice them, and when they said orbs, they quickly told the Namekians to gather and protect the Dragon Balls. Back on North Kaioshins' Planet, however.

Goku and Beerus had quickly flew at each other, Beerus vanishing and reappearing to deliver 3 gut punches, followed by 2 left hooks and right hooks, finished with an elbow to send Goku into the ground. Goku took all of the attacks, coughing up blood as he stayed on the ground. 'He's too strong. He's way stronger than Majin Buu is and I've only recently acquired enough power to be able to hold my own against Buu far better than when I did back then. Ng...I did my best to further perfect Super Saiyan 3 as well but this is ridiculous. I shouldn't have to use it...but I have no choice as it is now!"

Standing up, Goku looked at Beerus, holding his gut as he spoke. "Y-You're good Lord Beerus. But I gotta say, I've been holding back until now. Now, I'll give you my true power. You're far stronger than Majin Buu, I have to admit. You might be the strongest person I've ever faced. Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 didn't fair well against you, but let's see if Super Saiyan 3 can do the trick. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!!!!!!!!" After shouting, his aura erupted from his body with lightning sparking all over the place as his hair began to grow longer and get even spikier. After a few minutes of powering up, about 2 and a half which is far less than when he powered up back then, he looked at Beerus as he smiled. "This is Super Saiyan 3."

Beerus raised his eyes in amusement. This power was at least 4 times that of before. He could tell that much. He exploded his aura temporarily, elevating his power as his aura faded. "That is indeed interesting. But I can tell you're no Super Saiyan God. And your energy is fading quickly now. So why don't we finish this, Saiyan?"

"Heh, you read my mind." Goku cupped his hands in front of him and brought them to the right side of his waste, charging up an energy wave. Only to have it dissipate into several smaller energy blasts as he flung them around Beerus, cupping his hand to his side again as he began teleporting to the Energy blasts that were around Beerus. "Ka...Me...Ha...Me.." Quickly teleporting to the furthest one, he unleashed the Kamehameha as the other blasts quickly exploded. "HAAAAAAAA!"

One explosion after the next, and then a much larger one resulted in many smoke clouds forming around the area, as Goku huffed and looked around. "Did I get him?" Goku asked aloud, looking sternly and staying on guard. As the clouds dissipated, Beerus stood there with his arms crossed in front of him in an X position, having blocked the attack.

"You are strong Saiyan...that much is certain. Son Goku, I believe is the name. I'll remember it well. But you are not a Super Saiyan God." Beerus stated, vanishing and reappearing in front of Goku, as he quickly delivered three elbow attacks into Goku's side hitting specific pressure points in quick repetition so that not even Goku could keep up. Goku's Super Saiyan 3 transformation quickly faded, as he fell into the ground causing a huge crater as he was left with bare consciousness and heavily wounded. Goku had took far too much damage and his Super Saiyan 3 state did nothing to help him.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave now. Maybe the Saiyans on Earth are the Super Saiyan Gods I've been looking for. Farewell, Kai. Saiyan." Beerus landed on the ground and walked next to Whis. "Let's go, Whis." With that, a bright light consumed Beerus and Whis, as they flew off the Planet with the light fading.

"You're one big idiot Goku." King Kai walked next to him and took a Senzu Bean from his pocket, feeding it to him. Goku slowly stood up, feeling his power soar higher than before, but not by much.

"Even if me and Vegeta fused again...I don't think that power would help...he's strong. Too strong. The strongest I've ever faced. Hehe...they said they were going to Earth right? Well...Bulma's party is soon. If they cause trouble...there's no way to stop them." Goku grunted, as he began to think.