Chereads / Dragon Ball Super (A Rewrite) / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: A Tale of Yamoshi! The Legend Reborn!

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: A Tale of Yamoshi! The Legend Reborn!

Previously on Dragon Ball Super (A Rewrite):

"Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!" Goku stated, as the Dragon Balls began to glow and the sky darkening. Shortly afterward, a blast of yellow light shot through the air and within seconds it formed the mighty wish granting dragon known as Shenron.

"I shall grant thee any wish. Now speak!" Shenron stated.

" you know what a Super Saiyan God is Shenron?" Goku asked.

"Yes." Shenron stated.

"Great! Can you bring one here then?" Goku asked.

"No, for one does not exist." Shenron stated, continuing. "The Super Saiyan God is a deity that can only be brought forth by Saiyans temporarily." Shenron spoke.

"Huh? What do you mean by that Shenron?" Goku asked.

"All these questions with no wishes. What is your wish?" Shenron stated.

"Beerus says to produce a Super Saiyan God." Goku stated, turning to Beerus.

"!! B-Beerus?!" Shenron got flustered, turning to face the Destroyer God. "I-It's a pleasure to meet you lord beerus!"

"Yes Yes, just tell them how to form this Super Saiyan God already." Beerus stated, flicking his hand forward as he faced them.

"Right! This is a long tale, so bare with me. This is how the Super Saiyan God first came into play and also it's entire story. It should clear up any and all misconceptions and be quite the insightful tale." Shenron began to start his story, this going back to a time far, far, far long ago.

Now on Dragon Ball Super (A Rewrite):

In a long forgotten Age, there was once a Saiyan named Yamoshi, who lived on Planet Sadala with his wife Elery, as Yamoshi was called to the King. On the way to the King of the time, one of the many Vegeta's, he was conversing with another.

"Say Yamoshi, were you really called to the King?" A female asked, looking over to him.

"Yeah, I was, Tato. How'd you know?" Yamoshi asked, staring at Tato.

"Rumors circulate you know. But you should know you weren't the only one called. Your friend Teeb was as well." The now identified female, Tato, stated.

"?! Teeb was as well? Thanks for the information." Yamoshi stated, quickly walking off towards the King's Castle.

When Yamoshi arrived at the castle he was greeted by his friend Teeb.

"Yamoshi, you're late!" Teeb stated, staring at Yamoshi.

"Yeah Yeah, do you know why we were called?" Yamoshi asked, staring at Teeb.

"Not a single clue. Might have something to do with the previous mission though."

Yamoshi nodded in agreement and walked into the castle, treading up the steps with Teeb until they arrived in front of the king. "You called?"

"Yes, Yamoshi. It's to discuss your previous mission. About the murderer of those victims. Lately we've observed several changes within the last few months to people, plants, and animals. Some of whom have died through what we can only conclude to be an invisible virus through him. All these elements and our evidence seems to point towards a particular person you know well, Yamoshi. Cumber. I want to send him away to a different Planet. Planet Plant."

Yamoshi nodded as Teeb shrugged, and they were dismissed shortly after they devised a Plan. A couple of days later, Yamoshi was on some particular Island and found Cumber who walked out of a cave and noticed him. Cumber was ready to attack but came to his senses and Yamoshi filled Cumber in on the situation. After realizing something Yamoshi flew off and Cumber just shook his head.

"It's time to Begin..." Cumber started, walking back in the cave.

That same day, Yamoshi reported his findings to the King and the great war against the Evil Saiyans versus the Good Saiyans proceeded to happen. Cumber with his Infection vs Yamoshi and his squad, including one Giblet and Shallot. It was at that time that a Super Saiyan was born for the first time, along with the legendary but forgotten Super Saiyan God.

Back to the Present:

"So, a Super Saiyan God is a savior created by a handful of righteous Saiyans. This savior has immense power but shortly thereafter returned to normal, with the power apparently all used up. Once again, Planet Vegeta became a world of Evil Saiyans and the savior was also eliminated from their legends. This vanished legend goes 'Five Saiyans who possess righteous hearts join hands, and by instilling their power into another righteous saiyan they will become the Super Saiyan God. I have now told you the information you want to know and a bit more details on this Legend. Excuse me, farewell!" Shenron stated, as he quickly was engulfed in light and vanished back into the dragon balls, them hovering into the sky and flying off into different directions where they would turn to stone for one years time.

"Well you heard him. I've been patient for long enough. Now, perform the ritual." Beerus stated, sipping on a milkshake he had gotten from Whis. He had waited decades for the Super Saiyan God so a couple more minutes for this ritual couldn't hurt.

"Right...well let's do this then. But who's going to receive the power?" Goku stated, turning around.

It was a unanimous decision that...they'd do the ritual for Goku. Goku walked forward, as Vegeta grunted though with Gohan they stepped up as did Goten and Trunks. They all held hands and shut their eyes, concentrating on Goku as the five quickly powered up into Super Saiyan, channeling their Ki towards and into Goku. Sparks began appearing and Goku's power elevated, though there was no other changes.

"Well Kakarot? How does it feel? Any different?" Vegeta asked, sensing out Goku's Ki, though not noticing too much differences other than a slightly elevated power, which only felt as if it was increased due to the gathering of all the Ki.

"It's no use." Piccolo stated, staring at Goku. "There's no way that's right since you're just a Super Saiyan who gathered the ki of 4 other super saiyans. You're missing one saiyan for the RItual that Shenron stated."

"Yeah, you're right Piccolo." Goku grunted, looking around. "Well...where do we find another Saiyan?!" Goku thought aloud, looking to Vegeta.

"D-Don't look at me! I don't even know WHERE my brother, Tarble is." Vegeta stated, looking around.

"Uhm...Excuse me." Videl stepped forward, raising her hand. "There is a sixth saiyan. But I wouldn't say it's one who's...technically here. They haven't been born yet...but I know their at least a quarter Saiyan...since Gohan's the father."

Everyone congratulated Videl as Beerus grunted, though let them have the minutes to congratulate and go through the formalities. Afterwards, they remembered that the planet was at stake if they didn't produce at least one Super Saiyan God so they quickly included Videl in the Ritual, as they all focused on sending their power to Goku.

They all powered back up to Super Saiyan once more, gathering together and holding hands with all of them concentrating. Lightning began to strike the ground, as the sky began to darken and the auras being produced quickly erupted into a yellow flame-like beam that shot into the sky.

"It's working Whis! Look at that Divine Ki...!" Beerus stated rather excitedly, watching on as the Ritual was being performed.

"Hm.." Whis stated, looking at it. "I have a weird feeling about this...something seems off." Whis finished, eating some of his sushi as he watched on interested.

Golden colored clouds start to emerge, quickly spreading across the sky and covering it completely after a few minutes. The sea changed into a golden hue as well, becoming violent and forming whirlpools throughout. Goku groaned in pain as a blue aura starts to appear from Videl, going into Goten and Trunks, then Gohan and Vegeta, and lastly Goku. Following this a second beam of Divine Ki, yellowish-red now in nature shoots up from Goku, which causes some of the clouds to dissipate and leave an enormous hole. The weather changes over and over in a matter of seconds, changing from rain, to hail, to a thunderstorm, to clear, during which a few days appear to pass, to snow, and clear again. Goku rises up and becomes a pinkish-red silhouette of himself. Next, he becomes a shadowy figure, before emitting a huge light and appearing again in their natural form, with some slight differences.

Goku's body was slightly different, as he had a slight pink skin tone and hair that is a shade of red, specifically a magenta-red hair. His hair retains its natural style but becomes more refined as he completely lost his stray hairs. His eyes become more detailed and the irises become red, giving the appearance of a more relaxed state even in battle until sufficiently angered. His body structure overall to become younger and thinner in frame and build.

" appears you were successful!" Whis stated, pointing at them.

"Good...this is what I get for being so patient." Beerus stated, turning to Goku as he stood up, slowly hovering into the air as he set the milkshake down.

"I...Incredible!" Roshi stated.

"I...I can't sense his Ki!" Krillin mentioned.

"So this is a Super Saiyan God.." Vegeta stated, clenching his fists. The pressure...he could feel it but he couldn't sense Goku's energy. Was this truly the level of a God?! It was breathtaking, and mouth watering for any saiyan that wanted to achieve this level of what he could only assume to be power.

Goku nodded, looking at his hands as he ascended into the sky, a red flamed aura igniting around himself as it quickly dissipated nearby water as he turned and faced Beerus. "Well, let's get started Lord Beerus."