'Did she present these said papers to you?' He asked.
'No. She didn't say anything about them either, but I think that's the strategy she'll employ.' I said.
'Okay, she didn't say anything about it. But how come she took Kolin?' He brought out his notepad.
'Frank, he was the one that took him.' I said.
'But Frank ran away again.' He wrote something down.
'I guess he doesn't know how to face mum.' I said.
'Okay, we'll be paying Emily a visit soon. And soon means this evening. Just go home to your family, Kassy.' He smiled at me.
'Thanks. And your wife is really pretty.' I left his office.
When I got home, no one was there, save for an officer at the door. I had no idea where Alicia would have gone, in fact, I did not expect her to go anywhere.
Maybe she went out with Mauve to take her mind off everything that was going on.
'Kassy.' The voice was very familiar.