The next day, the sky cleared. November was approaching, and the temperature in Ardale had been dropping for days, causing the Devil's Ivy that Miss Watson kept on the balcony to wither from the cold.
Breakfast was made by Khalil Wright, a simple porridge with side dishes, along with fried golden eggs and slices of ham.
Levi Wright had trouble getting up in the morning, while Simba basked in the sun on the balcony, happily wagging her tail.
"Wyatt," at the breakfast table, Miss Watson asked about the group message from last night, "Did you send it to the wrong group yesterday evening?"
Wyatt Wright said, "No."
"Then why did you send out those photography news?"
"Just because."
He didn't explain and just lowered his head to eat his porridge.
Miss Watson was confused.
When Wyatt Wright had left, Miss Watson asked Khalil Wright, "What did Wyatt mean by that?"