"Are you doing this on purpose!"
Dylan yelled and held the side of his face were he just got punched again. He hissed and questioned the woman's strength.
He tried finding her but she was nowhere to be seen. He then took a deep breath then dive back into the water. He saw her struggling to go back to the surface
Dylan immediately swim towards her figure. He immediately held her in his arms and swam back to the surface
They were back on land
"Lex! Lex! Wake up!" he said then did the Cpr. He desperately called her name. Until she started coughing water
Dylan immediately embraced her in his arms but, was harshly pushed by her. What shocked him the most when she spit on him
"Get away from me!!" I yelled at him
"It wasn't my fault you couldn't swim! I just saved your life and you pay your gratitude by spitting on me!" he yelled back
"You nearly killed me!" I retorted
Dylan couldn't respond. She was right it was his fault
"I'm sorry" he said, then placed his palm on my cheek. I didn't know if he was genuine or is he lying at his apology
My brows furrowed as I stared at his face. My eyes suddenly drifted at his shirt. He was wearing a white shirt but, now it was all drenched in water.
I quickly turned my head away from his figure. He was completely soaked. You could see the outline of his muscles
I coughed and walked my way back to the rest house. Dylan who noticed her actions immediately wanted to tease her
"Someone is flustered!" he cooed in a very annoying tone
"I'm not flustered! I'm cold!" I denied his accusations
I could hear his laughter soaring in my eardrums. I wanted to punch his face but, I focus on going back to the rest house
I immediately went inside and went to the shower. I dried myself and changed into fresh clothes. Dylan used the shower next
I didn't want to speak with him for now. I locked the door for him not to enter. I lay on the gigantic bed that was larger even for two person
I heard a knock on the door which I ignored.
"Lex can you open the door?" I heard him asked at the other side
"I can open the door..... But I don't want to open it for you" I yelled for he could hear at the other side
"Lex! I am butt naked right now! I need my clothes" he yelled
"That's cute... Then suffer! I don't care! Use the curtains like how the people in the past did!" I yelled back
"I'm not joking!"
"So am I!"
"Open the door it's freezing out here" he said while pounding on the door
"That was also said by the caveman that tried to survive in a harsh cold winter!" I yelled
"I'm not a caveman! I'm a businessman!" he retorted
"Same thing! Both still scavenge for raw materials! To survive and make money!" I stated while making my own point
"That was a great analogy but, please let me in"
"No I won't! This is my territory!" I yelled
"What are you 5!?"
I then realized that I was acting rather childish. I make business proposal and negotiate with others. Why was I acting like this exactly
"Okay get inside"
"Don't make me change my mind" I unlock the door. It opened revealing him in a blanket draped across his waist
His abs were shown. I shook my head why did my eyes drifted on that area. He then rest his arm at the doorway
"Well someone is enjoying the view" he said with a slightly flirtatious tone
"No, I wasn't I think Dwayne Johnson has a more refined body than yours" I lied to him. The truth was that his body was perfect. I simply didn't want to admit the fact that he was right
"Could you at least sugarcoat your words not lower my self esteem" he said slightly offended by my insult. He was used to girls fighting over him. It was his first time being treated like this but he wasn't complaining
He liked this new change
"I think it's because they wanted to be on your good side. They acted kind towards you because it would be beneficial for them. They would never like you to be there enemy" I stated the truth
He was slightly offended by my comment. I was surprised when he suddenly leaned towards me that made my whole body froze from shocked. His face was inches in front of me. Then his head darted towards my neck and into my ear he whispered cooly
"Then why are you getting on my bad side? You have been acting pretty bad lately"
I took a few steps backwards away from him and remained eye contact
"It's because I'm not that kind of person that would fake smile just to please others but, if I do then I'm only doing it for my own benefits" I said
"Then why aren't you kind to me? I could be use for you" he suggested, I was surprised that he would willingly let me use him but, I shook my head
"I simply couldn't tolerate with you. Your extremely annoying that always gets in my nerves. I couldn't resist to punch you on sight" I confessed
I then left in order to give him privacy to change. He went out a few minutes fully clothed. He was only wearing a normal T-shirt and pants but, it made him look attractive. I wouldn't lie despite him being irritating he looks handsome
"Hello Wife" he greeted
"Don't call me that" I harshly stated
He placed his hand on his chin and pretended that he was thinking
"Then what should I call you? Darling? Honey? Babe? Baby-"
"If you utter another word. I would cut that tongue of yours and throw it at the pacific ocean. As for the shark would eat the remnants of your tongue" I said
"Then what should I call you?" he asked
"I don't care"
"You don't care? You just threatened me to cut off my tongue and feed it to the fishes!" he said with a terrified look as if I would truly do it
"The sharks" I corrected, perhaps something pop up on his head. It was obvious because of his facial expression
"I called you that earlier Lex! Isn't that great"
"Lex, my cold cruel wife"