Niloc pounded on the door three times. "Come on out, it's time!!! You better not make me come in because you'll be missing a door," Niloc yelled.
"Okay, I'm coming don't do anything stupid!!!" The Professor screamed.
"You have five minutes or I will demolish your door" answered an unfamiliar voice.
"Say, I don't recognize your voice. Look Niloc if you're out there tell me why this guy is threatening me when I don't know him"? Professor asked
"When you come out, you have about four and a half minutes you will see" said the Mysterious Man.
"Just, let me call work and tell them I will be late? Otherwise they will come here looking for me. The school will report me missing. Is that okay with you people"?
"How come you're not down yet," he said screaming "come on Xela, how come you weren't able to get him down"? Niloc asked argeritivly.
"Well Niloc, he was telling me how the police will be looking for him if he didn't call the school, so I was waiting for him to call" Xela told Niloc with uneasiness.
"Hey, Xela" the professor said with that uneasiness in his voice "where will we be going".
"Oh, with your years of research you should know by now". Xela replied back.
The professor was unsure, so he just went along. He kept on trying to get information where they were were going, without receiving an answer, he kept guessing hoping to figure it out. They stopped at a Mega Chevy Dealership open early and Niloc bought a red pickup truck no more than 10 years old.
The professor noticed to his right that there was some climbing gear in the bed of the truck. They continued for four and a half hours until they ran out of gas by a mountain here is when Xela knocked out the professor with a quick and skilled blow to the back of the head. When he woke up he was lying next to some bones that were good sized and of no creature of this world. Then he noticed that there was a wall with ancient writing on it, it told the story that he had told in the day before, in his class the day before.
"However, it said that the evil shadows name was Void and how it teleported to a different dimension. The writings called this a dimension shift with unparalleled powers. It told, in depth, of the Void using his power of nothingness to take control of everything, that is the ability that the Guardians gave you".
The professor asked "are you to the chosen ones who have powers over time and space.
Niloc answered "we are the embodiments of time and space, but the guardians recently gave some of their powers to a new organism is you Professor Steven Nature and you have the power over all things natural in the Mack universe. We need to locate each power, in its natural state, so you can take control of them.
"Okay, I have always felt connected with this story somehow but never like this. It is also shocking how this little mark on my shoulder that I thought was just a bruise, "Steven explained.
"Well, we didn't expect that great of a reaction but you were better than expected. That thing you whereby is the skeleton of the old embodiment of the Void," Niloc explained
Xela followed with" Niloc we need to hurry up and get the portal active the time is almost used up in this world."
"Wait one second there, Xela if you the embodiment of time, because time seems to be slower to me when I'm by you?" Xela nodded "and you Niloc live the powers of matter?"Niloc also nodded.
"You professor have a power referred on our planet as cosmic, there are few beings in our universe who are blessed with this" Niloc explain
Xela quickly interrupted "look, it won't matter what is our universe because if we don't hurry we will disappear in cross dimension, so let's finish opening the portal".
As the strongest warriors started opening the portal an evil presents, pulled open the portal until is started to implode on itself. They quickly jumped into the portal and exploded, as Steven was pulled through by Xela and Niloc holding it open. Xela changed from was shown he was a six foot tall half humanoid half machine with a brass plate where his heart would be plus, some sort of strange glow coming from it. He also was holding some sort scythe with circuits glowing. Then Niloc was five and a half tall with a robotic arm with an arrow on it (made of a type of metal) with blonde hair his body was slightly transparent.
Later they explained to Steven how to use a device called a D.N.A Changer. When you defeat the native life in the area, if they are monsters you can take their D.N.A cores (which are the centers of their D.N.A) and when you choose to access their powers you change into them (for the most part). Your body when you change for the first time will absorb some of the powers from that creature. But as your collection grows the amount of attacks you can use grows. Also as that first monster gets stronger with you, your abilities will grow just as fast.
"Okay, Xela how do I get one in the first place" Professor asked.
"Well that's the thing you have to be other partners which means he has your same D.N.A core not to mention he or she has to accept that if you die they will too because these monsters have life time that naturally extended our by multiply life times."
"Plus, they never really do die when their powers goes silent there (ghosts) minds gather together any left over power in the air, and a crystal is formed it barriers itself deep underground, then slowly it charges back up their minds resort back to when they were born. Then they find a female to call mother by taking over the embryo before it forms its own power. There are many new Macks born that were not alive before." Niloc and Xela explained.
"Okay, but let me ask both of you a question" asked the professor but both Niloc and Xela said nothing or did nothing. "Are you to this warrior that I have done my research on for years," they both just simple sighed their shoulders.
"Are you serious, I think you're lying to me I believe that your him and that you are some evil corporation".
"Are you some kind of idiot? If we knew the answer we would know how to defeat him it took us years to get here and if you want to leave you can't, we are the last life forms that can cross dimensions for one year;" Xela exploded. "And if you want to see your dimension not being manicured then you will listen".
"Nowadays there are precautions for that not to happen right" the professor asked with slight fear in his voice.
"No there is not such a thing, but there is one way to prevent it before they have a chance to regenerate, it is to exterminate their soul in words. So to permanently destroy them. Which hasn't been done since the human Mack portal was free which is like 30,000 years ago your time" Xela explained.