Zan and the other members of the death row stood there completely shocked. Who brought the princess here and what the hell was she even here for. This was bad. For the prince especially as they were in a harem finding information about the ring. They had to come here and this is how people behaved in a harem. He wasn't having an affair and they all knew but did the princess know?
Kiel stood up fast and went to her. Hatred that he definitely picked up crossed her eyes but she schooled it in a second. " Your highness I came to give you some news from the castle. The queen is responsive and she was raising her hand. Maybe she will wake up soon hopefully," she said in a very formal way.
Kiel stood there just looking at her and they were all not sure if he even heard what she had said as he didn't react. "Princess, why didn't you send a messenger?" Zan finally asked after the silence grew uncomfortable.
"Oh I did but he couldn't be found so I decided to deliver the information myself, although now I believe I should just have sent my coachman as he clearly was too busy. Anyway, that is all your highness. Let me not take much more of your time. Excuse me," she bowed and left the building fast back to the carriage with Kara.
Once the coachman locked the door, she fell into her friends arms and cried. This was like the final blow to her heart and she now just wanted to cut it out from her chest. Kara was not even sure what to say to her friend as she had never been in a relationship much less married. She could only lend a shoulder to her friend and pat her back for comfort.
Mara cried all the way to the castle. At some point she couldn't breathe and she vomited all over her friend but Kara did not mind. She had never at a single time missed her family this much. She remembered what Kia had told her that day and how earlier she wanted to go to Kiel and apologize for being so bad to him only to find him in a harem with women on him. He wasn't even shaking them off.
"Kara can I please stay in your room today?" She asked pitifully. She could barely open her eyes at this point due to how swollen they were.
"Of course you can for as long as you want. Mara if this keeps happening, why not just leave him though?" Kara asked as she didn't understand why her friend kept staying with a man who didn't respect or love her.
"It's just for the kingdom now. Now the love I had is gone but I cannot just leave as they are protecting our kingdom in exchange for my staying here," Mara replied sadly.
Now she would be stuck in a loveless marriage for her entire life. Her life was ruined when she was just nineteen but at least her kingdom would be safe. At least she would feel like she had a goal in her life and she accomplished something.
The coachman pulled to a stop at the castles back area. He had heard the pitiful cries of the princess at the back and them being at a harem looking for the prince, he had put two and two together. He felt sympathetic towards the princess but it was not in his position to say a thing. What he could do is at least help the princess not draw any attention.
Kara and Mara got out of the carriage and Kara nodded and smiled at him in gratitude then walked inside. Thankfully there were not alot of people in this side of the castle at this time and they manoeuvred their way to Kara's chamber.
Mara immediately went to the bathroom to clean up as Kara changed her clothes that had vomit on them. Mara cried her heart out and then slept in Kara's bed after she left the bathroom. The bed was pretty big for the both of them so they just slept that afternoon.
Meanwhile Kiel piece the events together. His mother was responsive and his wife had caught him with prostitutes in a harem and had left. He wasn't sure what emotion exactly he was supposed to have at the moment. He was confused.
He had come here after Zan told him that he had found information about the ring from an owner of the harem. She was the woman who run this harem in the shady side of the city. Kiel had decided to go there himself and get the information first hand. This was the woman's chambers and there were prostitutes everywhere. Kiel did not even give any attention to them as he had to find information about the people who were trying to harm his wife and her family.
Who knew that his wife would come here to give him news about his mother. She must have been so excited wanting to see his reaction to the news. She must have forgiven him and just wanted him to be happy. The woman at the desk told him that his wife rushed past her with excitement and eagerness to surprise him with news that she said would make him so happy.
'Damn it! I'm so stupid! He thought. God she now hated him and he had seen it in her eyes. Her beautiful black eyes and now he didn't even know how to convince her that he had just been so excited and eager that he forgot to chase away those women. Fuck!
"Zan handle everything from here. I need to go find out what was happening in the castle," he said and left. His men looked at him with sadness in their eyes as they knew how difficult it would be to convince his wife that that was not what it looked like.
Kiel teleported to the castle and immediately went to his chambers to find that his wife was not there. Her scent was not there either and it seemed it hadn't been there for a while. He found this weird as he had seen the coachman on his way inside. He decided to look for Kara and he found her seated in front of her room.
She had woken up after an hour knowing that the prince would probably come looking for Mara. "Is she in there?" He asked not beating around the bush. She nodded and he got in fast. He found his wife in a fetal position on the bed. The quilt had slid off her body and she hugged herself.
Her eyes were completely swollen and he saw some concoctions of some sort on the table next to her. He looked at Kara and she immediately moved forward. " She was vomiting all the way from the city then developed a high fever so I had to call the healers, your highness," she said softly.
'Damn it. Oh God what have I done' He thought angrily to himself. He touched her forehead and saw that she was burning. Her lips were all dry and her skin was slightly pink. He also noticed that she was having trouble breathing through her nose as if it was clogged or something. There was also the signature wet patch of tears on her pillow that always indicated her heartbreak caused by himself.
"Leave us," he said and Kara bowed and left the room. After she closed the door he pulled a seat to her side and sat just looking at her. She would sob once in a while and he knew she was probably reliving what she had seen. Where had it all gone wrong. He first needed to find out what had been planted in her brain by Kia. He hated to do this but he mind linked to see her memories that day.
He didn't have to look far as they seemed to be her most recent thoughts. He saw Kia mocking her for not being beautiful enough, for not being taken by him and how when he went to battle, he always carried women to please him as he had a huge sex drive. He saw all her thoughts and fears and everything that she had imagined after that.
She wondered why they had not had their wedding night and why he had left for such a long time. Did he go to Kia? She wondered after Kia had said so. She saw how perhaps she was just in a diplomatic marriage on his side and how he did not love her while she did. He saw her heartbreak after she found them giggling when she came from the powder room that night.
He saw how she wondered why he was not coming to the room after the party was over and after she had specifically told him that she was not feeling well. Did he go with that lady? Or maybe he just doesn't care? She thought and cried in the tub then fell asleep.
Her memories changed to today where she was crying on his mother's shoulder saying how she was stupid to let such a thing of the past cause a rift between them and how she was going to apologize. He saw his mother pat her head and his eyes welled up in tears. He continued watching as she decided to go look for him with the soldier after the maid had not found him.
He saw her all excited to see his reaction and also how she wanted them to be together after that. She saw her vision to the part where she came and found him with women then left. He saw her crying on Kara's arms and her saying that she was no longer in it for love but for her kingdom and his heart broke.
He also saw her vomit so much while crying that there was blood and then she passed out.