Chereads / The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 A helping hand (part 2)

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 A helping hand (part 2)

The next morning Issei woke up pretty early, it was four in the morning.

He decided to get ready for his raid, but when he tried to move, he heard a cute grunt. Looking to his side he saw Valerica sleeping peacefully on his chest with a smile.

He decided to continue sleeping, and go for the raid at night.

This time Valerics woke up. She yawned cutely and got up above Issei. Seeing that he was still asleep she smiled before kissing him on the lips, but something unexpected happened, Issei reciprocated the kiss. When they parted Issei greeted her.

"Morning, that's a nice way to wake me up~" Said Issei.

Valerica blushed even harder as her heart started to beat even faster.

"M m-m-mornig" Valerica stuttered out while looking away, trying to hide her blush.

"Not that I don't enjoy this kind of morning wake-up, but what are you doing here?" Asked amused Issei.

"W-well, I couldn't sleep alone last night for some reason, so I decided to sleep with you, and it worked in an instant" Replied Valerica.

"Hoh, the White Dragon Empress can't sleep without her hug pillow~" Teased Issei with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut it!" Shouted Valerica while hitting his chest playfully.

After that, they decided to go eat breakfast, and later do some training.

The day was average for Issei until he ran into Bikou. He decided to ask him the same question he asked Kuroka and Le Fay yesterday.

"Sup Bikou, how are ya? Asked Issei.

"Oh hey lizard" Replied Bikou mockingly and angry.

"C'mon, you wanted to spar, I granted your wish. It's not my fault you are a great punching bag" Said Issei with a smirk.

Bikou glared at him.

"So what do you want?" Asked Bikou.

"Just one question" Said Issei.

"Yeah, what is it? Asked Bikou.

"Why did you join the chaos brigade?" Asked Issei.

Bikou was confused by the question but answered nonetheless.

"I left my ancestorial territory because no one appreciated my work, I always worked my butt off for someone to acknowledge me for who I am and not as next Wukong.

But it all was for nothing, no one changed their views about me, so I just gave up. After my training was complete and I had mastered all the Wukong techniques, I left the place to travel the world.

During my travels, I met Valerica. We hit off pretty well, and later we joined the chaos brigade" Answered Bikou.

Hearing this Issei gave Bikou a bro hug.

"Well, I think you're a great help to your team as they do appreciate you a lot, plus, you're a great friend, your jokes are funny even if you go a little overboard, and you're a nice punching bag" Said Issei releasing Bikou from the bro hug.

With that Issei helped Bikou get past his trauma, but got chased around the mansion because of the last part he said.

Furious Bikou decided to stop, when everyone got called for dinner by Le Fay.

After dinner was over, everyone went to their rooms to get some sleep. But Issei went there only to get ready for the raid.

Before going out he left a letter on the bed.

"Are you ready for the night raid partner?" Asked Issei with a smirk.

"Of course partner! finally some action!" Replied a happy dragon.

With that, he jumped out of the window and activated his balance breaker.

Just as he jumped out the window Valerica came to his room but saw that it was empty and had an open window.

Looking over the room she saw a letter in which she read 'To my empress' She blushed a bit and opened the letter.

(If you are reading this, I guess you want to sleep with me again. Sorry, but I have an important mission tonight. I'll come back early this morning if the mission is successful. You don't have to worry, it's nothing too serious. Goodnight and sleep well my empress)

Valerica was a little pissed off, because Issei didn't tell her anything about it, but decided to ask him about the mission when he returns.


As Issei was flying at an impressive speed he was near the Pendragon mansion. After getting the description of Elaine he knew how to find her.

Suppressing his presence he sneaked into the mansion through the balcony. Deactivated the balance breaker and he went inside. He wore black clothes and a black face mask, his white hair was out.

Upon entering he saw something disgusting.

Elaine was pressed against a wall by a man who was trying to get his way with her.

"It's all your fault that my son left, now I'm going to have a fun night with you all damn night, so you'll pay for it" Said the man identified as Arthur's father.

Issei didn't wait any longer and took out 'Ascalon' from the gear and rushed towards the man stabbing him through his leg and kicking his lower part.

The man screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. Issei heard guards coming.

Without wasting time Issei grabbed Elaine in a bridal style. She yelped out of surprise.

"Don't worry, I'm a friend of Arthur, I'm doing him a small favour" Said Issei.

She immediately calmed down.

"For the kidnapping to look more realistic, start screaming for help" Said Issei.

She did just that, but before the guards could get them, Issei jumped off the balcony, which was on the sixth floor. Elaine was terrified.

But before they could hit the ground Issei whispered something.

"Balance breaker" Said Issei.

[WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER] Roared Ddraig's voice filled with pride.

Elaine was shocked because she was being carried by the Red Dragon Emperor.

But moments later they both started to laugh because of what happened to the old man.

After two hours of flying, they reached Valerica's mansion.

They entered through the window Issei left. Upon entering Issei deactivated his balance breaker and released Elaine. Then he saw Valerica sleeping on his bed with the letter that he left in her hand.

He smiled before kissing her forehead.

It was three in the morning, so he decided to bring Elaine to a spare bedroom to get some rest.

Returning to his room he laid down beside Valerica and fell asleep before wrapping her with his arms and wings.

In the morning Valerica woke up being wrapped up in something really comfortable and warm. Opening her eyes she saw Issei holding her close and his wings wrapped around her.

She blushed a little bit but smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"I will never get tired of this kind of wake-up call" Said amused Issei.

Valerica smirked a pain-promising smirk before asking a question where a wrong answer can cost him suffering.

"What kind of mission did you have yesterday? and why didn't you tell me?" Asked Valerica as she glared at Issei.

Issei shivered at the cold glare and her smirk.

"Well, why don't you call everyone downstairs to meet our new member huh?" Said Issei.

Valwrica became confused.

"What do you mean Issei? who did you bring here?" Questioned Valerica angrily because Issei brought someone without her knowledge.

"You'll see, just call everyone for the meeting, alright?" Said issei while sweating buckets.

"Alright, but you'll have some explaining to do" Said Valerica as she got up and walked outside to call everyone.

"You nearly dodged the bullet there partner" Said amused Ddraig.

"Yeah, that I did" Said Issei as he got up and went to get Elaine.


Everyone was seated in the living room waiting for Issei.

"Well, who is it Issei?" Asked inpatient Valerica as he entered the living room alone.

"Well, I'd like you to meet our new house member" Said Issei, getting glances of curiosity from everyone but Le Fay, because she knew that Issei raided the mansion.

"I'd like you to welcome Elaine Wescott" said issei.

As he finished Elaine walked into the living room with a huge smile.

Arthur couldn't believe what he was hearing or seeing.

As Elaine walked in, she saw Arthur with his mouth agape.

She giggled a little bit before going straight to him and bringing him into a tight hug.

Arthur for the first time in a long time smiled, not a forced smile, but a genuine smile full of happiness.

Le Fay ran towards Elaine and hugged her too.

"Sister! I missed you so much!!" Shouted Le Fay and started to cry tears of joy.

"Me too dear Le Fay, I missed you too" Replied Elaine as she patted Le fay's head.

"Is that really you Elaine?" Asked Arthur.

"Well of course it's me, I missed you so much Arthur!" Replied excited Elaine.

"But how? How did you get here?" Asked Arthur.

"Last night I was saved by the Red Dragon Emperor. I was seconds from being raped by your father" Elaine replied while starting to cry remembering how close she was to a nightmare.

Arthur immediately hugged her.

"It's alright, everything is fine now that you're here" said Arthur while whipping her tears away.

Arthur then looked at the smirking Issei.

"Thank you Issei, you earned my respect, and now I can truly call you my brother" Said Arthur with a huge smile on his face.

Issei only nodded and started to leave, but got stopped by Valerica.

"So, this was your mission?" Asked Valerica.

"Yeah, Le Fay told me about Elaine so I decided to raid the mansion"  Replied Issei.

"Okay, but where are you going?" Asked Valerica. again.

"I didn't get enough sleep, so I'm heading back to bed, you can join me if you want" Said Issei before leaving everyone.

.....SMALL TIME SKIP .....

Issei woke up and felt something beside him. He thought it was Valerica, but when he opened his eyes he saw Ophis hugging him. She wasn't asleep.

"Hello Ophis, what are you doing here?" Asked Issei.

"I want hugs" Ophis simply replied.

Issei immediately hugged her back. They stayed like that for almost an hour before issei decided to take a shower.

But Ophis had other plans, she didn't release him.

"Ophis, I have to go take a shower, please let me go" Said Issei

"No, I want more hugs" Said Ophis.

"I'll give you chocolate if you release me" Said Issei smirking.

"Okay" Ophis immediately agreed.

'Ha!, nailed it' Issei thought.

Yesterday, when Issei gave her some of his chocolate, Ophis immediately started to love it as she ate almost half a box that issei found in the mansion's storage.

Issei took some chocolate out of the small box from a small cabinet drawer.

"Here ya go Ophis" Said Issei as he gave her chocolate.

"Thank you" Said Ophis with a tiny smile.

'I can't believe that you made an emotionless dragon smile partner' Said Ddraig mentally to himself in awe.

With that, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and the day went as usual for Issei.