After a good rest, Xanther tried to get a good feel for his body. He remembered feeling his entire body being made vividly, but something felt out of place, it just was like something had filled in the gaps and merged with his body. He felt hungry, but there was no pain in his stomach or any feeling of having a stomach at all.
As he was getting used to his new body, he began to feel something flowing all around him. It flowed through him chaotically as if it was trying to fill a vacuum, but instead shot right through him. Xanther quickly understood that this was the energy that Erebus was talking about.
Xanther got dressed and began on his way home. As he walked past strangers on the way home, he felt the rapid flow of energy through them as well. It was an odd sensation, to feel an imperceptible energy flow around you, but it calmed him down. He felt at peace with the energy as if these sensations were what he was always supposed to feel.
By the time he got home, the sky had gone dark. He got in bed and thought about the extremely rapid changes that took place in the last 2 days that have effectively caused his life to change its course.
The next day, he had nothing to do, all he could do was wait for Erebus's preparations to finish. He decided to familiarize himself with his new body and see his new stats
[Name: Xanther]
[Age: 19]
[Bloodline: 89% Scorned Human, 11% Mana Human]
[Voidling transformation: 15%]
Vitality: 116
Dexterity: 64
Strength: 204
Intelligence: 76
Wisdom: 25
Luck: 52
[Energy: 250]
[Energy recovery(Per 24h): 0.01]
{Insatiable Body}
{Natural Energy Affinity}
{Incomplete Void Body}
{Inhuman Mind}
Active: [Body training], [Research], [Mixed Martial Arts], [Heavy Strikes (basic)]
He was confused about why his stats changed by so much, and why his strength was the only one to triple, but also had the urge to test his strength. His body didn't feel much different, but when he tried to use his strength while clenching his fist, it felt like he was drawing extra strength from nowhere.
Xanther spent the rest of the week familiarizing himself with his new strength and technique.
-1 week later-
Xanther was about to go sleep before he heard Erebus talking to him.
[Alright, preparations are done. Get ready to go to leave this dimension.]
Xanther nearly jumped out of his bed upon hearing him.
"Another dimension?! Since when was I going to do that?"
[You're not going to gain anything from a world where barely anyone else is strong. Plus, you've now got a clock ticking down to your death now that you've become able to use the energies]
"Couldn't you have given me a warning or something?"
[I don't need to, everything from here is useless there and I didn't have the time to warn you.]
[You'll be dropped near a recently destroyed village and will pose as the only survivor. I'll point you in the direction of a faction that's recruiting and explain more as you go along.]
"So I have no choice in this matter?"
[Your choices are to leave or die because you are about to be found.]
Xanther finally decided to give in and prepared himself.
An ominous-looking tear appeared in front of him. It looked wrong like his mind rejected its existence.
[What are you waiting for? Get in.]
He took a deep breath and reached into the tear. As more of him entered into it, he started feeling something pull him through it. It felt impossibly cold and yet it didn't hurt to feel on him. He accepted it and was pulled through completely.
He woke up on a patch of burnt grass sprawled out on the ground.
"Fuck, I hated that."
[Most people who go through a dimensional tear don't live long enough to say that.]
[Now, have a good feel of this world and tell me what you think.]
"Can't I get a bit of a rest after hopping dimensions for the first time?"
He sat up and closed his eyes to focus on the world around him. If his previous world felt like it had waves of energies flowing everywhere, this world felt like it had tsunamis.
[Before you say anything, look further around you.]
He tried to do as he was told to and felt a more calm, but dense sea of energy.
"I'm assuming that I'd need to fix this before going out looking for people, right?"
[Correct. To explain the qualities of this world quickly, there are five main types of energies present; Qi, Mana, Vigour, Mind, and Soul. Each has its specialties and unique ways of affecting the world. Are you following me so far?]
"I did feel like there were multiple different types of energies interacting with each other, so yes."
[Good, now the energy you use is a special mixture of those five that I have named True Energy—I welcome you to give it a better name. You will be posing as a Vigour practitioner as it allows you to best hide your other capabilities.]
"Okay, so what is Vigour good at?"
[Vigour is good at strengthening the body and is usually used for brute force here, but the really strong users usually learn to have more control.]
"Great, so I'll be able to use most of what I learned on earth here?"
[Yes and no. When it comes to combat without energy, your world would win, but the moment you add energy everything changes. You should have realized that after learning heavy strikes.]
"Yeah, I just hoped that it would have been of some use."
Xanther stood up and began stretching his body.
"What more do I need to know and what direction do I need to go?"
[Each path has 12 stages, including yours. The first stage for both True energy and Vigour energy is physique refinement or development. You will be going toward your right until you find a path. Rip up your clothes and smear dirt all over them. You will then walk to the side going uphill until you reach the city. Once you reach the city gates, you will say that you're here for the clan recruitment to get assessed. Got it?]
"Yup, I'll head there now."