Ferun led Xanther to a teleportation circle once again and brought them to a very flat-looking building that was bustling with other members of the clan. It seemed like the nauseous feeling from last time was more of a first-time thing. The other "disciples" looked at Ferun as if he was some kind of VIP as they walked up to the front desk. There was an old lady who had droopy eyes and a worn-out expression on her face and looked surprised at Ferun's presence.
"I'd like to issue a core disciple's emblem for Xanther here. He will be enrolled in the Vigour sector and is currently planned to be under the leader's tutelage."
Silence spread quickly through the area as people realized what he said.
"S-sir, you must be joking right? He was only recruited today."
"I am not. This was approved by the leader himself. Get this done quickly."
"Y-yes sir, sorry sir."
She quickly got to work and started using a spell to form the emblem's shape and made small beams of heat to engrave it according to its specifications. She then grabbed an item that turned the metal gold and the writing red, with a blue star appearing around the upper part.
"I'll need your hand for the last part Mr. Xanther."
He extended his hand to her and she tried to prick the tip of his finger to draw out some blood. The needle ended up crumpling up instead of piercing him. She quickly threw away the needle and made a transparent blue one to do the job. It had pierced his skin with a little difficulty and immediately floated over to the emblem to merge with it.
"His emblem is finished, could you check whether it meets the requirements Sir Ferun?"
"You've done well, as usual, I'll make sure that the clan leader hears of your work."
"T-thank you, sir."
Ferun and Xanther quickly walked back to the teleportation circle. The light once again blocked their view. Xanther looked fairly displeased after what had just happened.
"Did you really have to make it publicly known?"
"People would have known one way or another, you might as well thank me for making it a good introduction."
"Yeah, yeah. Also, what was with the crowd, are you some big shot here?"
"I'm the 13th best fighter in the clan. I believe they know me for stopping a good amount of clan wars which they would have had to fight in."
"Ah, so you're the strongest diplomat here?"
"In a sense, yes."
They had reached their destination. It was a small mansion with a large plot of land around it. Inside were magic tools that surprisingly performed what regular home appliances would have done. There also seemed to be a basement area for training, but he was advised to not use it.
"Listen, this is your home as a core disciple and it relies heavily on magic energy. Do not take off those bracelets in your house or any house or else it might just cause everything to collapse. You might have been fine in areas with normal materials, but these rely on the energy inside them. I repeat, do not take off your bracelets anywhere near any building within the clan unless given explicit permission."
"I got it, okay. The bracelets will stay on. I'm not an idiot."
"Good, now then. Did you have any questions about Odune that I can answer?"
"I do. Why has everyone in charge so far only used magic?"
"Magic is the most common energy to awaken to and requires research to utilize spells. It would only make sense that the clan renowned for hoarding knowledge would attract wizards who would benefit from more learning resources."
"Fair. When can I start training?"
"You'll get a message through your emblem. You can use its functions if you pass energy through it or if you put it into the pedestal near your bed."
"Noted. Have I really awakened?"
"You awakened ever since you could sense energy by focusing your mind. Try it out after I leave if you already haven't. You are currently at the physique development stage and need to train your body physically and through the use of Vigour energy."
"Alright. I think that's all, thanks for the help."
"It was an order to help you. You can call me using your emblem if necessary. I'll be getting back to my work now."
Ferun walked through a magic circle and left to wherever he needed to be. It seemed like pretty convenient magic.
Xanther walked upstairs and found his bed. He collapsed on it almost instantly. There was a feeling deep in his stomach that told him this was one of his last peaceful moments for a long while.
[So, what's going through your mind now that you've finally made it?]
"I'm treated almost like a king, but I know that's because they expect me to work hard enough to have earned this treatment."
His voice was muffled by the cotton pillow his face was buried in.
[That is true, but don't forget that you're not actually a Vigour user. Your talents would be wasted on just following that path.]
"Y'know, I nearly did forget that. Is there really anything different in both of them at this stage?"
[There is. Vigour energy requires you to train and just be able to take in Vigour energy. True energy requires you to train while letting true energy roam through your body. Just creating it and letting it do what it wants takes a great toll on your body and you will be required to fit as much uncontrolled energy into it as you can. The more you can fit while surviving, the better, because then it won't explode in you and can instead properly strengthen you.]
"And I'm just supposed to do this first try?"
[I did, but don't worry too much]
"I could die."
[Use your soul space dumbass. You can't die there, so you can at least get the basics down.]
"Once again, I forgot that existed."
[I know.]
[Look, just use your head and start risking your life safely.]