Chereads / Godless Hero / Chapter 3 - All Worlds are Dumb

Chapter 3 - All Worlds are Dumb

My feet hurt…

When seventy levels into a dungeon full of deadly monsters it's the last thing you expect to feel,

The dungeon itself is quite simple, every ten floors there is a boss, in the form of the monsters on that level, and every nine levels the type of monsters becomes harder, so I've fought seven different kinds of monsters, as soon as you take a step after killing all monsters you are taken to the next level, on the 8th floor I was able to kill a monster, so slowly I got sleep and that's the method I've used ever since, there is very little to eat and there is the same problem with sleeping. It's been three years since I started this life and I haven't seen the sun once. It's not like I miss it, it's just strange.

Stranger yet are my instincts. I have been cut maybe fifty times but every time it becomes less painful and easier to dodge. I can wield a sword well enough without having to worry about being hit, but some bosses can take days to kill.

I'm on the seventieth floor, and before me the boss…

Tufts of hair fall from its head plumbing from behind a skull, instead of eyes it has small red flames that ripple across the slits. Right now I'm eating and waiting for my body to recover. After a few minutes I stood up and walked forward, its huge hulking body sat cross-legged clutching a huge spear that ended in a heavy tip, the sharp blade was dry. After the third floor there was no more blood on the weapons as I stepped over to him a ring of fire flared up around me. And the skull was ablaze with a red-hot flame. It stood up and thrust its spear to my head, but like always I dodged, the spear glancing effortlessly to the side of my head I started to walk forward as it held the spear into the air.

Even after three years… it's still terrifying. The fight unfolding before me is something that no sane human should be involved in but here I am, treating giant blood-curdling monsters like they're normal?

The spear crashed into the floor, but I had jumped on top, my feet pushing down the heavy lance. I started to walk again my feet being placed gingerly on the pole as the monster heaved and pulled it out of the stone floor as my balanced grew unstable he stuck his fist towards me, the slow motion almost boring me as I vaulted on the fist, the bony form caving below as I slashed at the monster's arm. My sword cutting and slicing through the arm and dropping it to the ground. I kept walking forward to the legs in front of me. I hacked and slashed at them until the monster crumbled, falling to its knees. The massive monster is now eye level with me. The cold feeling I had stared into its eyes. I drove the sword through its skull and the light flickered out slowly, the last wisps of fire against the blackness of its insides extinguished. The monster disassembled bones falling to the ground and then disappearing as a small man appeared, the same examiner that I had seen seventy times. He wore a small yellow and light blue hoodie that reached his feet, his small body levitating in front of me, he had wispy grey hair that was gelled backwards.

"How are you still alive??? This isn't possible!!!"

"Hey old man, where am I? Now that I've reached a bit higher can you tell me about this place?"


"You have grey hair though."

"That is because I am a spirit!"

"I thought spirits were ancient"

"Wherever did you get that idea, most spirits only live until fifty."

"So you are an old man."

"WHA!!! BUT!!!! Hfbuhiweoefncvvoibua gaaaaaahhh!!!"

"So you're going to tell me or what?"

"I suppose, we are in one of the eight awakening dungeons, each god commissioned them and that is where you can climb to the top to obtain their power, if you don't use the dungeon it is less of a gift and more of a trade, for instance this dungeon is incredibly difficult and the warriors of maut usually give up years of their lives or internal organs for his power instead of dying instantly."

"So… am I the first to reach this far?"

"In my lifetime… yes. I think a few have over the past centuries. But no one has ever cleared it."

"So what kind of power do I get if I reach the end?"

"I have no idea, only maut would know it depends on him,"

"So I could finish this dungeon and get a lousy skill?"

"I doubt it, I think you would gain a large amount of power just from beating the monsters alone."

"So what about the other gods?"

"You really don't know about them?"

"Not really."

"Well I can't say much, but there are eight gods each represented by a different part of the world, they give out their power and in return the different sects defeat monsters and clear dungeons in order to grow the god's power and the power of the sect, eventually one sect will become so powerful it absorbs all others and that god will be crowned god of gods."

"So… what if someone cleared a dungeon without a god, would they get the power of gods?"

The spirit looked at me plainly and then turned his back,

"Go to the next level… and never speak of such things again."

Puzzled I stepped forward again cradled in the light and warped to the next level, my mind began to fill with more questions than I had before,

The angel said that I should kill eight demons… or something like that… don't tell me that crazy witch actually wants me to kill gods?

I need to talk to her again… I need to find out what I need to do this can't be all,

There has to be more to this task,

Why was I reincarnated? Me of all people, I never had a girlfriend, hell i never even had a friend so why me? In TV and in the novels I love they are always cool and powerful heroes, so why me? Wouldn't I just be better dead?

I don't have any plans of grandeur or any way to beat this world, my only hope is to keep carrying through this dungeon, but even then I have no idea what I'm supposed to do in this world, I'm still not quite sure that this is real, but I have to accept whatever I'm put into, right? My dad said once "real men are not strong, not intelligent, not handsome or ugly, real men are those who can break free of their constraints, so if you are in an impossible situation you should always stand up and reject the world that crushes you, if you can do that son you will be the strongest." so I tried to stand,

I stood up, and what did it get me? Trading a life for a chapter of a novel.

so after three years of doing the same thing over and over i have come to the conclusion that all worlds are dumb. No matter how hard you work, how hard you strive, no matter how many times you stand up it all comes down to natural talent, take this dungeon, millions must have challenged it but me, I can glance through without so much as a graze, why? Because I was born this way, with these unnatural reflexes. In my last life, I didn't try… I didn't work, I just sat there and read.

There was no excuse, no society holding me down. I just didn't want to and as a result I made no friends, I had no way to communicate how I felt and in return I had my skull caved in by an aggravated teenager, for the first time in my life I tried, for her… I tried but all that happened was I died. For the first time in my life I desired something and I got sucked into this new world where I'll probably die a grisly death at the hands of a monster, the only reason I'm going from level to level is that I have no other option, I can't die, I can't give up, I can't leave so what's the point. I'm just going to do nothing, I'll be numb until I die…

After all feeling nothing is better than being sad or dying… right?

oh right... I'm all alone