Chapter 3 - The Encounter

Dedry wakes up in his pillow wet from tears of pain last night. He turns over to be on his back.

From what Dedry could tell, it was still nighttime. The sounds of crickets filled the air. The moonlight combined with the yellow lights from the deteriorated street lights broke through the cracks of the structure. It was just enough to just illuminate the chair and table in the middle of the room.

He gets up and sits up straight on his bed. His mind was filled with thoughts fading in and out like a malfunctioning lamp.

'What the hell just happened!? Let me try to recount the details. I was walking home and some rude man yelled in my face. I got mad and my eyes started to burn. I ran home and got knocked unconscious. Wait a minute. Yes... Yes... Yes! This only happened to those who are going to become enlightened. I'm gonna be the richest person in the world.'

Dedry jumps out of bed and starts doing some crazy slurs of movement. He moves to the rhythm of his humming and starts picking up objects like they were his lost lover.

"Blanket! I'm going to become rich! You and I are going to make everyone who has bullied us lick our feet. Oh, you don't have feet."

"Bang!" The loud sound came from the door across the room.

"Sorry, I'll be quiet," Dedry said sheepishly but loud enough for the person to hear.

"I have an offer you can't refuse. I will... I mean, It will help you with all your problems," said the voice on the other side of the door.

The voice sounded like it was a male 18-year-olds voice. Its voice was hoarse as if it was asking all the people in the area about this deal he was talking about.

Dedry cracked the door open.

"I'm sorry. If you want to sell something to me you should do it downtown. That's where all the rich people live. All of us are poor, just look at my house," said Dedry.

The voice of the door-to-door salesman came from a 6 feet male with a business suit on. His face was clean-shaven and his hair looked like Supermans with the little curl hanging down. He stood with his head down staring at Dedry.

"Don't worry, it won't cost money. Just one special condition." said the young man. His sparkling whites showed with every word.

"If your going to make me sign a slave contract then beat it. I'm 15 so I'm not legal. You can't make me sign contracts because I don't have a guardian. I think," responded Dedry.

"Of course. You don't have to sign anything except for an NDA. The goods I'm going to give will help especially you," the salesman said with enthusiasm.

Dedry unlocked the makeshift chain blocking the door. He opened the door fully but stood in the doorway making sure he couldn't get in. There was nothing of importance in there but since he's stayed there for years it still has some sentimental value to him.

"Alright, what's your condition?"

"You have to become my servant."

Dedry got out the doorway and reached the end of the door. The door started closing until the man put his foot in front of the door. Dedry pulled back then pushed again. The door stopped again at the foot.

The foot didn't budge at all. Even with all his might, the foot wouldn't budge.

The man pushed open the door fully. The quickness of it surprised Dedry and he was knocked back a few feet.

"What kind of buff zilohead are you?" asked the bewildered Dedry.

"I'm no zilohead. Just your regular god," said the salesman.

"God? Don't tell me... you have a god complex, don't you. You want everyone to live in your little fantasy world. That's why you asked me to become your servant," concluded the perplexed Dedry.

"Nice try. I'm an actual god. I have powers and all. Just look."

The man snapped his fingers. Dedry expected some confetti to come out the end of his sleeves. But nothing happened.

"Well, I guess you were lying. Now get out of here!" yelled Dedry.

He started to walk towards the chair in the middle of the room. He picked up his foot and set it down.

The wood floor beneath him burst into pieces. It scattered across the rooms at speeds not visible to the human eye. The wood pieces hit everything from the chair to the bed.


"I told you I was a god. Well, more of a god in training," said the man as if confirming a question Dedry had in his mind.

"In training? So like, your masters let you out to talk to humans?" asked Dedry confused on why a supposed "god in training" would confront him.

"Ah, we really can't talk about my masters. It's a rule for trainee gods."

"So gods have rules, huh? I always thought they had free roam in the universe," said Dedry. He was starting to sort the things he's heard and seen.

"Onto the business I wanted to talk about. I'll solve all your problems if you become my servant," said the trainee god walking over the chair in the middle of the room.

"Hey, before you forget, can you like... downgrade me, please?" asked Dedry. He had enough problems in his life and having to walk around a downsized hulk wouldn't make them any better.

"Sorry about that. It took some power out of me to actually make you like this. You'll have to wait for a while until I'm full of power," said the trainee god now sitting down. "Alright. So for the main points of this deal."

"You'll be getting some of my power in exchange for servitude. You'll have to conquer any type of area and keep it under your rule for at least a month. All types of commands you have to follow," said the trainee looking at a golden paper. His voice was robotic with no feeling to it. He just wanted to get this done and have him accept the contract.

The paper appeared out of nowhere, surprising Dedry. If he wasn't confused already then he was confused now. You could feel the warmth coming off the paper and the sheer aura of power.

Dedry was amazed at this as he has never felt such pressure before. He was listening to the few points the god made.

"What are the benefits? I'm sure I heard you say I would get power from you but am I going to keep it?" Dedry had questions since the first sentence. There were some answers but many questions.

"Yes. The power you get will be kept with you, but if you fail it will be taken back. If your territory gets taken then the timer will reset. The timer for this task is a year so be wise with your time," said the man. He tried to answer as many questions that haven't been answered yet,

"After the timer is done, I'm gone. You'll have free will. Just make sure you don't tell anyone about me. Divine punishment will do its job if you do."

Dedry stood still quiet. He pondered about this offer this trainee god gave him. Most of his questions had been answered by then. But, he still had one question pop into his mind. As soon as it came to him, he spoke it.

"What made you pick me?"

"To put it simply, you're going to enlighten tomorrow at dawn. The knowledge your going to unlock is 100% training. Oh, I just remembered to tell you my main power. As you can probably tell, I'm the god of power," said the god of power finally laying it down on the table.

"The god of power!? Isn't the ridiculously overpowered? Doesn't that mean you can govern strength and basically any form of energy that can power any type of technology?" asked Dedry. Finding out about what type of element the man governed freaked him.

The man started laughing.

"Hahaha! You really believe that the god above all would allow that. You're partially right about me. I only govern the strength of organisms," said the man, partially confirming what Dedry said.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"It's Torild kid."

"Nice name."


Dedry was walking up the street filled with the shine from the rising sun. The orange light provided the wake-up call to those who didn't shut their curtains.

He found a rack full of bikes. He pulled out a key and walked to a blue one.

It was rustic, looking as if it was left underwater for a few years to rot. The blue paint was almost non-existent, only a few patches showed blue, fading away.

He undid the lock connecting both rack and bike to each other. He pulled it out and hopped on. Rushing to the school, he barely makes it in time for the bell to ring.

He docks the bike on the dock in front of the school. He was out of breath from the non-stop pedaling. Dedry starts walking over to the school's front entrance.

The school wasn't as broken as you would think it would be for someone like Dedry to be going there. The school looked majestic with greek pillars supporting it. Each floor had windows surrounding each wall. The trim surrounding these windows was gold. You could see students doing their work or just looking outside.

He walked into the school and went to his respective class.

"Yo. You better come out with me for a second. You're already late so they must have marked you absent already," said a voice from across the hall.

Dedry looked back to see Angel. He didn't have his two goons with him but still looked menacing. His tall build would've scared anybody who bumped into him.

Dedry cackled inside his mind. He wanted to test out this new strength of his.