Chapter 74 - Chapter 74

Argland Council State, a nation formed two hundred years ago during the era of the Demon Gods is the home of many various demihuman races that live in peace under the rule of the Five Dragon Councillors.

In two hundred years the nation has risen to be one of the most powerful nations on the continent. No one could tell who was stronger, the Slane Theocracy or the Argland Council State.

But with five dragon lords that are users of the old wild magic made the demihuman nation much stronger than the human nation. A dragon alone can raze a nation, but a dragon lord would be worse.

But everything changed when a new nation arose to the surface. With the appearance of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick, it put the nation in deep trouble. The rivalry between the demihuman nation and the human one went silent or died. Now the cup belonged to the undead that arrived like a storm.

They can't stay like this forever, they should not stay neutral, or they will be invaded by the undead armies.

The capital of the nation is called Argland, and it was a very huge city. Many buildings were very high and wide, especially for dragons. Before the rise of the Nazarick Kingdom, it was the greatest capital in the continent. But the Supreme City surpassed it like nothing.

The great dragon palace that had many long towers was located in the middle of the city. All political sessions and the matters of the nation take place here.

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord appeared upon one of the towers. With his sharp eyes, he saw over the city that his citizens have been building for two hundred years.

In Argland city was gathering all the army of the country. Every young male that is able to swing the sword had gotten drafted into the army. Many that had families here were kissing their wives and children, it was expected when the whole nation is going to war.

"The days of desperation…"

Suveria Myronsilk was the one who is most close with his citizens. He didn't want to send them to war but the undead aggression has sent them to the edge. They must fight so they can continue to live in prosperity.

"We always get to find you here Suveria."

On the tower arrived the Wyrm Dragon Lord, the Obsidian Dragon Lord, and the Diamond Dragon Lord.

"What are you doing here, Suveria? The dragons are ready to fly east." asked the Obsidian Dragon Lord.

"Forgive me, Gessenvult. I usually come here with my child just to see the might of the city and our high mountains. I'm simply impressed by this sight."

"You aren't wrong, it's a beautiful panorama. Weird that I didn't think about this in the past." said Zalazilkalia, the Wyrm Dragon Lord.

A war is coming and they stay here talking about the beauty of nature and the wide blue sky…

"Come you lot, we have a hard task to deal with." said Gessenvult.

They are dragon lords that rule a whole nation. This kind of talking with each other wasn't a thing even when they were younger dragons. It felt like trying to escape from their duty.

"Yes, you are right, let's get going."

All the dragons turned to the entrance. They were dragons that could fly and reach their destination in no time but their pride won't let them. In this city, a dragon lord, or should I say, one of the rulers will always walk when he visits the city or the military camp so the people will bow before their might.

Suveria one last time turned his head at the sky… blue sky…

Suddenly the Blue Sky Dragon Lord stopped on the spot. The other dragon lords notice and turn with annoyance. Now they were beginning to get tired of this depressed looking dragon lord.

"Oi, Suveria knock it off already! We got work to do!"

"Do you even notice that thing over there?!"


Gessenvult turned his eyes at the horizon. Indeed there was something hanging in the sky.

"The hell is that?!"

Even the others noticed it. It was a strange small circle that was very dark. It was far away from the city, but the sharp vision of the dragon lords were able to see it very clear.

"Sh-Should we fly over there and investigate it or should we inform Tsaindoruks?"

"Tsaindoruks should have noticed that thing with his item from the flying castle… Let's fly-

The four dragon lord froze at the moment when the dark circle unnaturally began to expand in every direction blocking the blue sky and turning it into complete darkness. This suddenness shocked the dragon lords.

It didn't reach the city but the citizens were able to notice the sudden southern shadow that fell over the Argland

"What's going on?!"

"What can I do for you, miss Kasumi."

Ainz returned back to the Supreme Palace after giving Zenith the order. He returned to his office to prepare for something but the maids informed him that the kitsune representative wanted to meet him again.

Kasumi was standing in the middle of the room in front of the Sorcerer King. There was an important thing that she wanted to know about her nation.

"Your Majesty… I wanted to know about the fate of the Et'hem Republic. We were about to march into war against you."

"Miss Kasumi, do not worry about anything. You, Aragi, and the brave people of the Et'hem were able to crush the greedy ambitions of the alphas at the right time."

"Thank ancestors, his majesty is so merciful!"

Kasumi completed her duty with great success. She was glad to repay the great mercy that the Sorcerer King has done for her people that lived for many years in the orc concentration camps.

She just couldn't resist the joy and tears of happiness were falling on her cheeks.

"M-Miss Kasumi why are you crying?"

"Fo-Forgive me, Your Majesty, I'm just happy for my people. They did not want this to happen. The respect they have for you is so strong and imagining fighting against you… no, our honor wouldn't allow that. Thank you very much, merciful king!"

"No, no, no, Miss Kasumi, this would have been obvious. I've never had anything against your nation or any other nation on the east. This is a big misunderstanding."

Ainz saw how the fox beauty was trying to wipe her tears and he handed her a handkerchief to help herself.

"Tha-Thank you!"

"It's alright, please be happy… Woah, Miss Kasumi!"

Kasumi lifted her eyes to see the Sorcerer King that had covered his eyes with his skeletal hand. Her mind now was full of scribbles trying to find out what happened.

"Your Majesty is something wrong?!"

"No, it's just… I can see half of your nipples out."

"HAAAAAAAAAH?! Oh no, what should I tell him now that he saw a lewd part of my body?"

The face of the fox female was all red from this shameful moment and didn't know how to get herself out of this.

"Your-Your Majesty, I have committed a great sin. Pl-pl-please use my body as you see fit!"

Kasumi exposed her glorious boobs in front of Ainz which shocked him.

"Whaaaaaaaat?! How did it come to this?! How can this happen?"

"Ah, Miss Kasumi please cover your chest. We-we are on the brink of a war." said Ainz.

Kasumi felt very disappointed in herself. Her body wasn't able to seduce the ruler of Nazarick. This was very wrong but when Ainz saw her nipples exposed, for some reason her body felt really hot.

"Forgive me for the shameful act, your Majesty. It felt like my body moved on her own."

"O-okay, I understand but pl-please cover your chest."

"Oh my gosh, they so gorgeous! I can't take my eyes off them! Please cover them before Albedo or someone else comes here!"

"Ah yes, right away, your Majesty."

Kasumi did as was told and got to normal again. For Ainz a bullet was dodged because Zesshi entered the room without knocking. Kasumi got a bit scared because of that war-scythe she was holding in her right hand.

She heard this strange female call the Sorcerer King, "My love", so that means she was a queen. But there was Alea too… "I guess his majesty has a great harem of pretty females." It wasn't new at all, some alphas in the Republic had their own harem.

"My love, everything is ready."

"Good, let's move then."

Suddenly Kasumi's vision changed and she found herself in a different room. Around were the subordinates of the Sorcerer King and also Akira that was on his knees with a lack on his neck.

The kitsune's ears were able to hear a lot of voices that came from the balcony. The Sorcerer King walked towards the balcony, so she and the subordinates followed him.

Kasumi just found out that she was on a tower that was surrounded by a great number of citizens. They all cheer and acclaim when they saw their ruler up on the tower. Kasumi was simply amazed at how all these people of different races work so well together without despising each other.

She did not understand the hate that came from the other nations that wanted to bring this nation down. It was just stupid to destroy such prosperity, even her people would be happy to live under the ruler of this God.

Now all the cheers died as the Sorcerer King raised his hand. Thousands of citizens were waiting for the Sorcerer King to start his speech.

"My dear citizens, one week ago was the flag day and the rise of our nation. I wanted to make a speech at that time but I was busy. Now the reason why I decided to make a speech today is not very pleasant…"

A lot of citizens were confused by that. What could it be?

"Some days ago a coalition of nations came together and made an oath to destroy our nation. These countries are the one to be expected, the Slane Theocracy, the Argland Council State, and nine nations from the eastern continent."

The citizen's reaction changed, and they were worried. An alliance of nations to destroy the balance again was very troublesome. But can their God deal with this war?

"Dear citizens, you don't need to worry about anything. As I said before, this was to be expected. Literally, all of you know the true colors of the Slane Theocracy, you just need to close your eyes and remember the past how thousands of slaves marched on these streets."

Yes, that day when the elves and the half-elves were rescued from their tormentors. It was a very sad day watching those poor souls in that situation.

"These people think of me as a Demon King and by defeating me they think that the world would be at peace again… But what do they mean at peace again? When was the world at peace? On every realm that we have conquered, there was a mindless war occurring! The Re-Estize Kingdom and the Baharuth Empire, the Elf Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy, the Dragon Kingdom and the Beastman Kingdom, the Holy Kingdom and the Abelion tribes, the City-State Alliance, and the Troll Kingdom, etc. When was there peace?"

Peace was simply an illusion… War was always among them.

"Let's just say that this alliance accomplishes victory, they slay me and end the Nazarick Kingdom. What happens next you may ask? There would be a lot of nations that want a piece of this territory. Humans would choose the nation that has more human rights, the elves would choose those that have elf rights, and the demihuman would choose those that have more demihuman rights. And you know what this means… you all would be a each other's throats again. There would be bloodshed everywhere!"

The end of the Nazarick Kingdom would just announce the beginning of a new dark age. The citizens that live in this nation did not want to go back to that terrine past anymore

"They don't understand just how stupid they are. One of these nations that were thought to be part of this alliance has brought to me their leader."

Ainz ordered the Death Cavaliers to bring the grey wolfman before the citizens. They brought Akira on the balcony and the citizens were staging at him with rage. Akira on the other hand was full in tears.

"This my dare citizens symbolize the face of foolishness, and where it leads you. What do you want me to do with this one?"

"Kill him!"

"Kill that scum!"

"Destroy him, your Majesty!"

"Make him suffer!"

The citizens shouted at him and called Akira all kinds of bad words and withed his death. Fate was never on his side and his greed led him to this situation. There was no way to fix things again.

"Well, you hear them." The Death Cavaliers put a rope around Akira's neck and tie it to the handrail. "This was all your fault "King Akira", goodbye. Mare..."

"Ye-Yes Lord Ainz."

"No please, no!"

The dark elf boy Mare used his staff and pushed Akira from the tower. At that very short moment, Akira remembered all the foolish actions that he had done. All those efforts went into nothings.

"I don't deserve this!"

Now he was facing the unstoppable end. The rope tightened and it broke his neck. His legs moved rapidly for a moment and his eyes had gone wide open with his tongue outside till his soul left the body.

Akira died...


The crowd cheered the death of the foolish wolfman that wanted to fight their God. They wanted all those fools that hated their God to have the same fate as this wolfman.

"Citizens! As your ruler, as your God, I will never ever leave you in the darkness! Our enemies don't know who are they dealing with! All of them will tremble before the power of the Nazarick Kingdom!"

The four dragon lords saw as the Dragon God descended upon the earth. First, an enormous arm came out of the dark sky, and then another one.

"What in the world is that thing?!

That monster was colossal, it blocked all the panorama that the Blue Sky Dragon Lord was observing a moment ago. Unfortunately, a village was at the location where that thing was falling.

The demihuman children were staring at the monster with surprised faces. Others that know the danger, were running as fast as possible but It was too late now. The monster opened his hand and it crushed the village flat beneath his hand.

The impact with the ground was so great that it caused an earthquake. All the city was shaking and panic fell upon the citizens. They screamed they cried, they ran, everything was chaos.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! What's the meaning of this?! Where did this thing come from?!" shouted in a panic the Diamond Dragon Lord.

"Could it be… the Heavenly Dragon Lord?" said the Obsidian Dragon Lord.

"No… this is not the Heavenly Dragon Lord. This might be something else!" said Suveria with fear.

This monster was super large and it was never seen before in the past. He had golden scales and very wide wings. His fall didn't just destroy a simple village but more and when he moved his tail the mountains got destroyed.

It was not a problem at all for him. He was standing on two feet and his head has reached the clouds. He did not know or care that his fall had killed countless demihumans from different villages.

The demihumans in the city finally were able to see the monster. The size of that thing was horrifying. He simply moved his leg and when it touched the ground the entire city shook.

"We must inform Tsaindoruks now!"

"Tsaindoruks might be observing that thing with the items of the flying castle. And what can he do about this monster?"

They know the power of the Platinum Dragon Lord but even the son of the Dragon Emperor wouldn't have a chance against this monster.

Another mountain was crushed flat by the monster, another earthquake hit the city, and a second one, and a third one stronger. It went like that because the monster was approaching the city and the more he approaches the more disastrous was the situation in the city.

A great shadow fell upon the city. The wings of the monster had blocked the shine from the sun. Many demihumans had fallen on their knees praying for mercy or salvation.

"Foolish pests of the Council State! I am the guardian of the 4th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick Zenith and I bring a message from the Supreme Overlord!"

This titanic monster was a simply subordinate of the Sorcerer King…

"How did they find out? Who told them?!" shouted the Wyrm Dragon Lord.

There was no way for the plans to be leaked out so how did they got discovered?

"There must have been a traitor among the rulers!"

"Damn it! Damn it all! How can that skeleton bastard control this monster?! This monster should be the Dragon God of all realms and not just a servant!"

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord yelled in frustration. But still, as soon as finding out about the holy alliance and the Sorcerer King brought this terrifying monster to deal with the nation that started all the hassle. They have underestimated the Sorcerer King

"Hear me well oh foolish mortals! For daring to raise an alliance against the Supreme One, you have brought doom upon your nation."

The dragon monster Zenith began to rise his arm slowly. What's going to happen? In the city, the demihumans were running like wild animals when a forest is burning. Such a horrifying monster appearing out of the blue and declaring the destruction of the Council State made everyone shit themselves.

"Run! Run!"

Only the word "run" was heard on the streets. There's no place to hide so the only option they had was to run as fast as possible.

As the arm of Zenith was high enough, the dragon lords were trying to think what should do at this moment.

"Should we attack him now?!" asked the Diamond Dragon Lord

"Are you crazy?! Our attack wouldn't even tackle him!" said the Wyrm Dragon Lord

"So what should we?! Wait for him to destroy us?!"

The dragon lords saw a blue sphere-forming up upon the finger of Zenith and it was growing bigger second after second. That was something that Zenith will attack them with and it put the dragon lord in a deep panic.

"Call all the dragons! We must flee east right now!"

"Wait, wait, wait, Zalazilkalia… What about our citizens?!" the Blue Sky Dragon Lord asked worriedly.

"We can't do anything about them, Suveria! We need to leave now and fight another day!"

Suveria did not wish for this end. Although the purpose of the creation of this nation was to farm souls for the wild magic, Suveria had grown to like the smaller races. If it wasn't for the demihumans, Suveria would have been slain by the Eight Greed Kings.

The Diamond Dragon Lord released a roar that informed all the three thousand dragons within the city to flee the nation. Suveria was out of choices, he opened his wings and begun to fly with the other dragons.

The citizens stopped running when they saw the dragons leaving the city. They were abandoning them. The demihumans couldn't do anything but watch with desperate faces as their protectors fly high in the sky not caring about the lives of their citizens.

Suveria couldn't turn his head below, he felt guilty for not being able to protect the city. The memories of the past returned again.

500 years ago…

The young dragon lord Suveria was lying on a field covered with blood. He could move his body well because there were ten corpses of dragon lords upon him. How he survived the fall? He didn't remember anything.

The army of the dragon lords encountered eight beings that showed up out of the blue and that was the moment when the massacre started. All his fellow dragon lords fell like flies from the sky.

Suveria did not remember what hit him, but he was lucky that he was still alive. "Ah, I need to get out here."

With the small strength that was left on him, Suveria crawled like a snake to free himself from all these corpses. Every time his body moved, he understood that he had broken bone somewhere. Maybe his arm.

After a few attempts, the young dragon lords managed to get out from the stack of corpses.

"Cough! Cough!" he spilled blood from his mouth.

He looked around shocked. There were corpses of dragon lords all over the place. It was a very tragic view.

"We are the strongest beings in the world… How can this happen?"

"Oooohh, hoho! Guys look, a survivor!"

Upon the stack of the corpses, armored beings showed up. All of them looked so powerful and each of them was wearing a different kind of armor. The heart of Suveria started to pound faster and faster. He had the attention of all of them.

"Well, well, well, I thought we were done here but one blue lizard is still breathing." spoke a person that in full plate armor and had two dragon wings on his back.

"Not for long."

"My lords, we should cut his head." Jeanne d'Arc spoke pointing her sword at the dragon.

"Yeah, Jeanne is right, Byzant wanna have the honor?" Byzant was a knight wearing a templar armor with a red cross upon his white armor.

"No, I'm going back to Eryuentiu. Let's go, Jeanne."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Man what a pain."

"Oh my fucking god guys, this fucker is still watching and you are doing nothing! Let fuck this guy up!"

"No… please no, I surrender!"

Suveria tried to save his skin by acting as a good pet but would that be enough?

"Hahaha, look at this dumbass, I like it when they cry for mercy."

"You should have stayed dead little lizard. Now we are going to cut off all your limbs, hahaha!"

Those evil waves of laughter struck unimaginable fear on the heart of the young dragon.

But at that moment, one of the kings caught an arrow that was about to strike on the back of his neck.

"What the hell?"

The kings turned to see who threw that arrow not caring about the dragon lord that was behind them. Should he attack them or should he…

"Waarggh, get away from the dragon lord, you bastards!"

A demihuman horde was coming towards the kings. The monsters have destroyed all their homes and killed many of their relatives. Of course, they have great hatred towards them.


[Meteor Fall]!

And the demihuman horde was destroyed easily by the huge meteor. Now the kings turned at the dragon but he was not there.

"What? When did he…"

They saw the blue dragon flying away at a great speed.

"So of the bitch! How is it possible that no one of you didn't notice it?!"

"Shut the fuck up Drakul! It's all your fault! We could have killed him long ago but your ass always wants to talk like an edgy shithead!"

"You better be careful with those words, SixNine?"

"Ouu, and what you gonna do about it, huh? Just because you were a guildmaster back in YGGDRASIL doesn't mean that I'm going to listen to your bullshit here!"

"Guys stop!"

Both Drakul and SixNine stopped their hassle when they heard the voice of a female warrior.

"Please stop, we have fought enough today, there is no need to fight between us."

"Uhhh, okay fine."

"Yeah but what about that dragon?

"I don't think that he will be brave enough to show up again."

"He was brave enough to escape."

"Shut... UP!"

Again the tension between the kings was raising day by day but Armanda, the only female player was able to stop them from going into a rampage at each other.

Up in the sky, the young dragon lord Suveria was flying aways from the tragic battlefield to hide and not show up again. He understood that chances to win against those monsters were zero.

"Thank you! Thank you demihumans! I swear that I will not devour your souls anymore!"

Now he was leaving them again at the mercy of this monster. The blue sphere has grown really big. He did not know what destructive power that thing would have but his instincts told Suveria to fly away from this place.

"Die now, foolish mortals!"

Zenith launched the blue sphere and it was approaching the capital at a powerful speed. Suveria and all the dragons were flying very high so they would not get caught by the shockwave of the blast.

He looked below when the blue sphere was about to hit the city. The demihumans had lost all their hopes and had accepted their tragic fate. They saw and kissed their loved ones for the last time until everything turned white.

When the impact happened, the entire city disappeared from the face of the earth. The sphere exploded spreading shockwaves all over the place. Even the dragon lords at that high were able to feel the powerful impact.

Because of the explosion, a tremendous amount of fire and black smoke lifted up reaching the clouds and higher, and after that came the huge rocks flying in every direction.

But the huge rocks stopped moving in mid-air. Zenith had a skill called [Gravity Field], because of this skill, the dragon god was surrounded by huge rocks and they stood like meteors in space.

The landscape of the Argland has been completely destroyed and turned black by the explosion. All the dragons that were looking at this disaster were terrified, Suveria hopes for his citizens to rest in peace. They were the only ones that did not deserve this fate.

"Zalazilkalia, should we help the armies of the east?" asked Suveria.

"What?! Did you lose your mind or something? What's make you think that Sorcerer King won't send this monster to destroy them? We will be again in mortal danger, that's we need to leave this realm?"

"But what about Tsaindoruks? Should we fly to him first?"

"We are in this position because of Tsaindoruks ego! That bastard will always stay inside that flying castle and help no one. We should save our families Suveria, our race!"

But what was the point of this alliance then? All this was leading the nations to a disastrous end. They had their hopes very high and the underestimation of the Sorcerer Kingdom lead them to a bad end

"Zalazilkalia it's better if we…"

"Ghaaaaaa! Ahhghh!"

A young dragon near Suveria was hit on the neck by something that looked like a blade. The young dragon was not able to resist it anymore so he fell from the sky while rotating.

"What the hell?!"

"Suveria look!"

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord turned his eyes and saw an army of dragons that was heading towards them. He did not expect any of this, these dragons were everywhere.

But he still was confused at the way that dragon died. A blade coming from far away and cutting through the hard scales of a dragon was unbelievable. The owner of that blad must be a very strong dragon."

"We can't avoid those Sky Guardians now, we have to fight them!"

"Damn it! All of you make sure to lead the battle near the ground! The numbers of those Sky Guardians are twice bigger than ours so make sure to bring their numbers down as many as possible!"

They heard the order clear and flight towards the enemy. Suveria had never had an encounter with the Sky Guardians.

"Damn it, they all have armor on their body… I can't believe that our first battle against the Sorcerer Kingdom would be with dragons like us!"

Both sides were about to clash. To remove the fear, the dragons roared hard. Suveria was trying to find out if there are dragon lords in the ranks of the Sky Guardians. There were some dragons that had a very large body but he was not sure if they are dragon lords.

The first attack came from the Sky Guardians. Five shining balls came from their side and hit five dragons.


They exploded and those five dragons lost limbs and wings. They couldn't continue anymore so their bodies fell like the first one. Unfortnenly, one of them was the son of Suveria, he wanted to fly down and grab his son but there's no time for that.

The bodies of the dragon from the Nazarick side and the Argland side clashed with each other. Because of the high speed, the impact was nothing but brutal. Head, limbs, tails, wings were falling from the sky.

The Argland dragons tried to cut through armor but with no result. Those are very strong runecraft armor produced by the dwarves. A sky guardian punched a dragon and with a blade that was connected to his forearm, he stabbed the dragon on the neck. The poor lifeless dragon fell.

The same quick kill was happening everywhere. It will look like the sky guardian was overwhelmed but that was the strategy and the enemy will end up with his throat split open.

But this was nothing compared to what one of the dragons was causing. Zalazilkalia was observing him with his eyes wide open. That sky guardian was covered with sharp blades all over his body. And the strange thing about those blades was that they were able to hide under the skin of this sky guardian and then come out when it needs to kill the enemy.

"You bastard, fight me!" shouted Zalazilkalia.

The brown sky guardian heard the challenge and went towards the Wyrm Dragon Lord. The two of them flight towards each other with tremendous speed. Zalazilkalia wanted to destroy this killer with his giant body but this sky guardian does not like to fight like a wild beast.

At the moment they were about to clash, the sky guardian changed direction on the low right side. Zalazilkalia was prepared for the impact and he got very angry for this sky guardian being a coward.

But there was a problem. Zalazilkalia was losing control of his own body and there was something missing. He lowered his head and saw that both of his legs were missing.

"Uuuggggghh, damn it!"

"Hahahaha, without the legs now you should be called the Amphiptere Dragon Lords."

"Ghghh! Who-Who are you, damn bastard?!"

"Ah, I am the SwitchBlade Dragon Lord Ballkan!"

"S-Switch… Blade?"

"There is no need to explain my title to you, so die."

The SwitchBlade Dragon Lord used his tail and shot five blades at Zalazilkalia's throat. He didn't see them coming, they were so fast. It was certain death, so the Wyrm Dragon Lord fell.


The Obsidian Dragon Lord was rushing to kill the enemy dragon lord but huge rocks appeared in the middle of the battle. All of them were hovering because of Zenith, he kept destroying the surface of the Argland filling the sky with massive rocks. Now they were in the middle of the sky battlefield.

Suddenly Gessenvult was attacked by a sky guardian out of nowhere and he stabbed him in the stomach.

"Grrrrgghh! You little bastard, come here!"

The young dragon was able to fly away from the Obsidian Dragon Lord's wrath but that was the plan. On the back, he was attacked by a thunder dragon and it electrified the body of the dragon lord.

"Damn you! Wraaagghhh!"

Gessenvult released his dark flames on the young thunder dragon. The fire did not kill him, but Gessenvult came fast and grabbed him and twisted his neck. The young dragon died immediately and Gessenvult threw him away.

"Now where is that bastard?"

At that moment Gessenvult was kicked in the face by Ballakan. He was kicked so hard and he fell upon one of the massive rocks. The Obsidian Dragon Lord felt pain especially at the wound caused by the stabbing.

"Damn it! How is this happening to me?!"

But there was no time to rest for him. Two blads struck his left and right shoulder.


It was too painful to stand up and he could see the enemy standing in front of him.

"Hahahaha, this is so entertaining."

"You crazy! You are damn crazy!"

"Shut the hell up, old fool!"

Ballkan used his tail and threw ten blades at the Obsidian Dragon Lord. Gessenvult was carved on the stone but he was still alive.

"Now you gonna be my next trophy."

It was a game. All the battle for survival was a game for this psychopath dragon lord. Gessenvult did not want to die by the claws of this freak.

Ballkan got confused at seeing the stomach of Gessenvult. It was glowing and it looked like it was about to burst.

"Damn you suicidal fuck!"

The SwitchBlade Dragon Lord flew high away from the rock and it caused a massive explosion. That shockwave pushed away hundreds of dragons. Ballkan now went to find new prey.

Diamond Dragon Lord and the Blue Sky Dragon Lord were in big trouble. They were being chased by a yellow dragon.

"Suveria that dragon is going to kill us both if we don't split."

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord was scared and has been looking behind if any of those blasts released by that dragon were coming at him. He stood very close with Omnaadsence and both were a perfect target for the yellow dragon.

"Suveria damn it, get away from me!"

Unfortunately, Omnaadsence got hit by the blast and it destroyed his left-wing.

"Damn you!"

The Diamond Dragon Lord lose control of his body and rotated until he crashed into one of those rocks. Omnaadsence lifted his head and saw the dragon army getting massacred by the Sky Guardians. He has been flying like crazy all this time and didn't notice what was happening with the rest of them.

But that was all, the psychopath dragon lord noticed the wounded dragon lord. Omnaadsence felt the danger coming behind him and closed his eyes.

"All this for nothing…"

With tremendous speed, the SwitchBlade Dragon Lord passed Omnaadsence and used his tail to slice the head of the Diamond Dragon Lord in half. Omnaadsence fell lifeless. Another giant rock clashed with this rock and squeezed completely the body of the Diamond Dragon Lord.

"Ooooh hahaha, yeeeeeess, two dragon lords and 124 dragons haha what a day!"

Suveria dodged another blast that was aimed at him. He was flying very low near the ground. He believes that this way he should hold this enemy better, but it was even worse. This dragon was very fast and it was reaching him.

"What the hell is this guy?! How can he shoot all those?! What the hell are those shining fireballs?!

The Ble Sky Dragon Lord flew through mountains and floating rocks but will this be enough? That yellow dragon was not leaving him alone.

"This one is annoying."

Laser Cannon Dragon Lord wanted to end this blue dragon. Orizon opened his mouth and shot another blast but this one went up and it exploded then they begun to fall like a shower of meteors.

Left, right, left, right, Suveria was dodging, one of them exploded right in front of him and it raised a cloud of dust and smoke. Suveria didn't care and went through the cloud but as he passed, the path was blocked by a floating rock.

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord opened his wings wide like a parachute to stop the speed of his body. He had no choice but to land on the ground. Suveria looked around and saw the corpses of the dragons that had died. All of them belonged to the dragon army of Argland.

The battle was lost…

"What should I do now?"

He was being surrounded by the Sky Guardians. There no place to run or hide, these dragons were coming to take his life.

"I-I give up! I surrender! I don't want to fight anymore!"

He said these words hoping for them to show mercy and it looked like the whole army was coming to him. They surrounded him so he would not try to escape.

The yellow dragon and the brown dragon were the leaders of this army so stepped forward.

"You said you gave up?"

"Ri-Right! I surrender. Fighting against you guys was a mistake from the start."

All the dragon around smirked at the foolish dragon. Well, he was right about it, fighting the Nazarick Kingdom was a mistake.

"Hmm, I see, I see, but there is a problem Blue Sky Dragon Lord. We have strict orders to kill all of you. You know what I mean right?"

"But... but, but I can be useful. I know all the plans of the alliance."

"We know them already. You have anything else to say to us?"


Orizon didn't play games and shot him with his cannon blasts. This was like a pillar and it went straight at Suveria chest making a hole in his body. He breathed for a few seconds until his body fell lifeless on the ground.

"Ayyyy, we did it, boys, we gonna have lots of goats meet tonight! For the Supreme One!"

Ballkan cheered for the great victory and the other dragons followed him.

"Hey look at this big guy, he is on a killing spree." said Orizon while looking at Zenith that was blowing shit up.

"He is having his fun but damn, to think that his majesty would have such giant dragon as a servant it scared the shit out of me when I saw him, haha."

"This is that guy that fixes all the problems. But anyway, let's get to work, we have to find our brothers that died and send all the other dragons to Katze Plains for farming."

"Ahhh, I hate this part."

"Don't be lazy or Lord Zigur will scold you."

"Okay okay."