Chapter 71 - Chapter 71

The session of the rulers ended successfully and everyone left the Helorin Kingdom and went to their domain to preparer their armies against the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. At first, when they heard about the Soul Eaters and the Death Knights, they were not sure about the alliance.

But the best thing that will ensure victory for the alliance was the dragon army. Everyone has a weak point, so fire and holy magic will be the real deal. This kingdom was very wide and they still didn't have a clue how they gonna make it fall.

The plan was to make trouble on the east of the Nazarick Kingdom so they can lure the Sorcerer King away from the west so the armies of the Slane Theocracy and the Argland Council State can launch a surprise attack on the unprotected cities and towns.

They also hoped for the population to come on their side when the cites fall under the rule of the alliance. The people might be very oppressed and they would always get a chance to win their freedom again.

If they manage to destroy the foot soldiers, the Sorcerer King will have to deal with the powerful heroes of the alliance. They will bring an end to the era of the Nazarick Kingdom and finish another chapter of this world as those of the Eight Greed Kings and the Demon Gods.

They need to prepare and become strong. If this alliance fail, then the world will fall on the cruel hands of the undead god.

The Blue Sky Dragon Lord and the Platinum Dragon Lord's armor were standing upon a sandhill on the desert of the south where Eryuentiu was located.

"Tsaindorcus… our armies ready for war."

"Good, but we have to go with the plan."


Tsar saw something weird at the voice of the dragon lord. He looked like he was tired.

"Suveria are you feeling good? Are you hungry?"

"No, it just… I think we are not enough. We need more soldiers, Tsar. The Sorcerer Kingdom is very large and there will be battles in every field and towns. One dead soldier from our side means one more soldier for the undead army."

The worried dragon was right, a dead soldier will just fill the ranks of the undead army. This means the dragons will have to carry the heaviest burden. They will have to burn the undead hordes shrinking them so the soldiers will have it easier to defeat them.

"We have gathered every demihuman that can hold a sword, the same thing is doing every country that is part of the alliance. The whole alliance army will count 6 million soldiers. You know that is a massive number, Suveria."

"I didn't know about the numbers, so 6 million is good I guess. But still, you know about this world better than me Tsar, are there any nations that can join with us?"

"Of course there exist other nations around the world, but they are very far away from here. It will take months for them to arrive here and let's not forget how dangerous the ocean is, they even might not come in pieces. Besides, they are very weak compared with the people here. For example, there is a continent that doesn't know about tire magic but has a magic system of their own and it's very weak."

"So the Eight Greed King conquering the entire world was nothing but a myth huh?"

The people don't know how big this world is."

Indeed, no one can imagine how large this world was. The eyes of the mortals have a border and if they can't grasp anymore, that means this is the end of the world.

"Anyway, I guess you are right about the danger that the ocean possesses. I also heard about the small islands getting conquered by Nazarick. Those undead monsters are expanding every day Tsar, it's a surprise that we are not their target… yet."

"We will make Ainz Ooal Gown know how wrong he was to underestimate us and the ancient wild magic soon, Suveria."

"Right, I guess I should return to Argland now."


Right now, the representatives were inside their carriage that was being pulled by two giant wolves. The carriage was protected by wolfman and kitsunes warriors and they also were riding giant wolves.

They had left the Helorin Kingdom and were riding in the territory of the Drogthoran Empire and were reaching the border with the Holy Celestial Empire. They have to pass through these nations so they can reach their homeland the Republic of Et'hem.

The female kitsune was staring at the window of the carriage. To not hurt her fluffy tail, she had to move it upon her belly and she was also brushing it. She was smoking and had to be careful not to burn her elegant tail that she is proud of.

Kitsunes have this thing that those who have a very fluffy and soft tail got the most respect from the other kitsunes. Of course, this female kitsune called Kasumi had an amazing tail. Kasumi was the leader of the Kagusa Clan and held a position on the assembly of the clan leaders of the Et'hem Republic.

"So, Akira what do you think?"

"Hmm? Think of what?" he raised his right eyebrow.

"About the session."

"Well, it went great, I guess. We have to prepare as soon as possible."

"Wasn't the session a bit short?"

"...Now that you are saying it, yeah It was a bit short but what about it?"

"They didn't mention a lot of information about the Sorcerer Kingdom, Akira. It felt like they were hiding it or they simply don't have the information they need."

Akira was staring at her dumbfounded and still didn't understand where she was going with this.

"I don't get it."

"They only mentioned the first army of the Sorcerer Kingdom, the undead army. But what about the other armies?"

"What other armies? The Sorcerer King is undead and only the undead will fight for him."

"Akira… the Sorcerer Kingdom have second armies, third armies, forth armies, fifth armies, and more. It's endless, how are we gonna deal with that?"

"You stupid fox, you simply are scared from the spooky skeleton."

Akira ignored her and turned his face at the window. Akira wasn't doing this because he cared about the peace of the world or anything like that. No, his goal was to become the absolute ruler of the Et'hem Republic.

He was so jealous when he saw the other rulers. They rule as kings and emperors, that's what he wanted. Akira wants to turn the nation into a monarchy, he wants to be the King of the Et'hem Kingdom.

In these peaceful times, he can't reach his dreams because of the rival clans. As the Alpha with more influence, he was able to convince some other clans to join this Alliance but he knows well there are others that will be against this war.

"Spooky skeleton you say, huh? Did you forget what that spooky skeleton has done for us?"

"Don't start again, I'm tired of that."

"The wolfmen and the kitsunes that were rescued by the Sorcerer Kingdom will rise on protest, Akira. You are violating the honor of the Republic just to become a king. The Sorcerer King will kill you Akira, you don't understand how powerful Nazarick is."

"Enough damn it, you don't shut that mouth like a frog in spring."

"That's not the right way to talk with a lady."

"Then at least show respect for the future king of the Et'hem Kingdom."

"You fool…"

He does not have much support, even the general of the army won't accept such treason when he learns about this. One of his cousins that lived in a villages near the Kotorr Alps was captured and enslaved by the orcs.

When his cousin was brought back unharmed by the servants of the Sorcerer King, he was grateful and his respect for Ainz Ooal Gown had grown very much. She does not know how he is going to convince the general to prepare the army of the Republic against the Nazarick Kingdom.

Suddenly Kasumi noticed Akira staging at her body.

"What are you looking at?"

Kasumi covered her chest with her hands.

"You know Kasumi, I will become the King of Et'hem Kingdom. But the king needs a queen… You are a very beautiful female and I would love to have you by my side as my queen."

Akira reached his hand to touch her thigh that was exposed but Kasumi reacted aggressively. She struck by burning the hand of Akira with her cigarette and he retired immediately.

"Tch, you stupid female… grrr." Akira growled while looking at his hand. "Your chances to be my queen are very low now, Kasumi."

"Pervert… Like I was interested to be your mate."

"Shut up, and open the damn window, you smoke too much!"

Kasumi opened the window of the carriage and the smoke created by her went out.

"This is the last order you are giving me, Akira. There will be no more orders from you."

The kitsune beauty smoked her cigarette handle. She was looking at the moon for a moment and her eyes shined. Then, she released the smoke from her mouth and the smoke turned into little foxes. They started to run fast in the forest leaving the carriage behind.

The destination of these little foxes was the capital of the Republic. A tall wolfman with short black hair clad in body armor was standing upon the thick branch of a tree looking at the full moon. There is something about the moon that fascinated the wolfmen. It's like the moon hypnotizes them and make the wolfmen stare at it for whole hours.

Upon his shoulders jumped the smoke foxes and they whisper in his ears.

The wolfman grinds his sharp teeth out of anger.







