Chapter 60 - Chapter 60

Nazar Corps Boot Camp, Samara Island…

The recruits had been training by the drill instructors for five days by now. More than half of the platoon was in a miserable state. They didn't do anything right, they did not even know their right from their left.

"Move you scumbags! Move!"

The privates hit the dummy with their broadswords.

"Come on, Private Madeye! KILL, KILL, KILL!"

Neia was in her leather armor, her face was full of sweat from training for hours. She executed the order given to her and went to hit the dummy.

"Aaaaagh! "Thrust!" Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Next Private! Quickly!"

"Haaaaaa! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The hobgoblin girl went for the kill. The drill instructor called her Private Goba. She actually was pretty strong and very athletic. Life in the wild has given her the skills she needs to perform better than most of her comrades.

"Private Paladin! Move!"

"Aaaaaaah! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Paladin boy thrust his sword at the chest of the dummy, but it stuck and he was trying to pull it off.

"Oh come on grandma, get that shit out of the dummy!"

"Aye Sir!"

After a little effort, Paladin boy managed to pull his broadsword.

"You have used those swords so bad to a point that they won't be able to cut in half a fucking tomato. Most of you retards attack those damn dummies like old people fuck. A Slane Theocracy knight is going to tear you a new asshole if you don't get your shit together! Do you fucking understand?!

"Yes, Sir!"

Next day

The platoon had been ordered by the senior drill instructor to run around the island. The privates were exhausted and the temperature was very high. The sweat ran down their face and hurt their eyes.

"By the Supreme One, y'all are like snails! What is this?! I am just walking here!" shouted the demon Yetmir.

"Ah, why did he order me to do this?"

Neia was holding an exhausted werebear like he was wounded. This werebear, belonged to the panda-man kin. He weighed a lot and his fur gave Neia trouble.

"How are you feeling, private Panda?

He did not respond to the drill instructor. His body was almost numb. Only Neia was the one who made him move his legs.

"Are you dying on me, private? Do it now you fat piece of shit!"

His harsh words struck fear into Neia too and made her speed up a bit. "Quickly private Madeye, move! Do you want to leave your comrade like that?"

"Sir no Sir!

"I am dying here!"

On the lone road, a Tabaxi was running very fast. As a beastman who belonged to the leopard man race, something like this was a piece of cake for him. His legs made long steps.

A grin curved on his mouth. "Hehe, I'm going to be the best." If he finished first, he thought that Yetmir would praise him.

One of the drill instructors reached him while flying and it surprised the young Tabaxi.

"Stop now!"

Immediately, he obeyed his order. "What the hell are you doing, Private?!"

"Sir, recruit training, sir!"

"No I think you got it wrong Private, this ain't a fucking competition who is the fastest of them all! You let the whole platoon behind enemy lines, you rainbow faggot! Get down and do push-ups until the platoon reaches this position! Now!"

"Aye Sir!"

Next day

All the platoon was in the line, males on the left, females on the right, and before them was a long table. They all were wearing the full plate armor of the Nazar Corps. The senior drill instructor Yetmir, had presented to them a…

"Alright maggots as you can see upon the table is a paper. I want you all to take that paper with both of your hands, raise your arms, and keep them straight for forty-five minutes. Begin now!"

In an instant, Neia with the others did as he said. She grabbed the paper and raised her arms. And now… nothing. They had to stay like that until the time's up.

While everyone was frozen, she glared around to see the rest of the platoon. No one was having any problem, but she was asking herself about this training.

"What is this? Some kind of a test? Why is it so important holding this paper?"

These were the first moments, but ten minutes passed, and some of the privates were not holding themselves well.

"Ah, this is not good, my arms will not hold for long."

Her arms had started to shake a bit, and the armor's weight made it even worse.

"What's wrong Private Madeye? Is that body armor heavy?" asked Yetmir.

"Sir, no, Sir!" responded Neia.

She understood that he was not asking about her plate armor. But soon the effect will start to rise. The young werebear couldn't resist anymore and his arms fell. One of the demons went straight to him.

"Get your fucking arms up!" he yelled at the beastman.

"Aye Sir!"

The werebear held the paper for a moment, but still, his arms fell again. That made the drill instructor even more enraged.



The desperate werebear raised his arms and they fell again.

"Get them up now, you white black shit! It's just a piece of paper! It doesn't weigh anything!"

"Aye Sir!"

Neia felt so bad for her comrade, his screams were chilling. Even her own arms were about to fall, but she had to endure it or she would be in the same position as Private Panda. Suddenly, Neia had the drill instructor very near her.

"Higher, higher." he hit her arms. "And eyes on the front, Private Madeye."

"Aye Sir!"

On the other side, the drill instructor was still yelling at Panda.

"What the matter with you, dickhead?! Get your arms up!"

Aye Sir!

The private failed again.

"Oh my fucking GOD, what the hell are you?! Were you born like this you slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit or did you work on it?!"

"I don't know-

"AAAAAAAAAHGH! This recrute! This recrute!"

"This recruit doesn't know sir!"

"You are a moron, Aye-aye Sir."

"Aye-aye Sir!"

Yetmir approached the drill instructor and Private Panda. "Private Billy Goat, turn your arms this way." He ordered a Bafolk to move on the left near Private Panda, then he put the arms of the werebear upon the arms of the Bafolk.

"It's just a fucking paper! How are you all supposed to hold a sword for hours when you can't hold a fucking piece of paper for 45 minutes." the demon spoke for everyone to hear.

The two drill instructors walked away to see the rest of the platoon leaving the two beastmen.

"When the light turns off, I'll give you a good lesson."

Said, Private Billy Goat with a calm but threatening voice making Private Panda's legs shiver.

"Next privates! Quickly!"

The wood elf Private Joker and the hyenaman Private Scavenger on their leather armor hed their wooden swords up and ready to clash upon a small ring. The rest of the platoon were cheering for the two warriors.

"Private Joker, are you a killer?" asked Yetmir.

"Sir yes Sir!"

"Let me hear your war cry!"


That was not just teasing but it was a signal to start the fight. Joker rushed at Scavenger, he dipped and weaved right as he was about to reach him and slashed downwards with the wooden sword. Scavenger parried the blow with the sword and sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from his face. Before Joker could respond, Scavenger struck the wood elf with his elbow on the face knocking him out of the ring.

Yetmir sighed in disappointment

"Well, that warcry was good but other than that, you failed really bad Private Joker. Alright, next privates!"

Private Snowball and Private Goba got in the ring. The young dark elf and the young hobgoblin put their helmets, then the two of them were ready to fight. She made brief eye contact with her opponent, who only smirked at her.


The dark elf charged at the hobgoblin going to her forewing and following it with a backswing. Private Goba dodged the first attack and then she swung, but her wooden sword missed. Snowball managed to smirk again at the opponent, but Goba rushed at him very fast.

Swing. Swing. Swing.

She hit Snowball on the head and her wooden sword cracked. Snowball's helmet flew off his head and he fell on the ground.

"Daaaaaamn, holy hell that was surprising. Now take Snowball's ass out of the ring."

Goba took her comrade so he could get healed. She had hit him really hard to a point he was not able to walk properly.

"Next privates! Come!"

"I wonder who is my opponent?"

Neia stepped on the ring and put her helmet, then she turned to face her opponent.

"Oh no…"

She got shocked when Billy Goat stepped on the ring. She glanced at the demon, and he looked normal. Well, of course for him all these fights were normal.

Billy got his helmet and turned at Neia. He flexed his arm and waved his sword on the left and on the right. He had that arrogant look in his eyes. This little human girl was nothing in front of the Bafolk.

"Fight!" the demon gave the signal.

It was Private Billy first who lunged forward with a growl. The bafolk raised the wooden sword and swung it toward the human girl. Neia's reflex kicked in and dogged the attack while rolling. It sure she felt the ring shaking and that scared Neia, because it looked like he really wanted to kill her.

Neai managed to rise on her feet, but at that moment Billy was right in front of her. He swung the weapon again. Neia had no time to dodge this attack, so she decided to block it.

She felt it. All that force made her hands tremble. The weight of his sword was dragging Neia down, but she recovered and pushed the Bafolk with all her force.

"I did that?!"

It was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. Neia quickly jumped back but an angry Billy Goat was rushing at her furiously. He reached Neia as fast as possible and used rough force. Neia saw the tsunami coming at her, the wooden sword was about to hit her helmet but she dogged the attack.

But she didn't run anywhere, she had just turned her front on the right side and saw the wooden sword of the Bafolk running down before her eyes like in slow motion. He had closed his eyes when the sword hit the ground, but when he opened them, Billy saw that he didn't hit anything only to see Madeye right in front of him.

His eyes met her eyes and then… a cold chill started to run down his spine. He remembered those eyes as ugly, but now they looked very frightening causing his fur to rise. A killing intent was being unleashed at him making the young Bafolk shivering in fear.

"She… She's a monster!" that was the only description he thought. Terror was all over his face and his eyes looked like they wanted to beg for mercy in front of this monster.

At that moment, Neia's strike came from below and hit the lower jaw of the Bafolk very hard. The wooden sword broke from the powerful attack and Billy fell on the ground one meter away from Neia.

Everyone was stuck with their jaws open shocked by what they saw. Neia had the same reaction too, she dropped the broken wooden sword on the ground and stared at the palms of her hand with surprised eyes.

"What… was that?"


All the recruits acclaimed for Private Madeye. For everyone, that was an amazing match to tell everyone that size and rough power does not matter.




Neia looked at her comrades with a surprised face. "They are cheering for me…" It was the first time that something like this happened to her. The only praise she had ever got has been only from her parents, this was new and it made her happy that she had accomplished something in her life.

Yetmir walked in the ring and approached to see Billy's situation.

"Private Billy, you got knocked the fuck out! That was a splendid match Private Madeye, did your daddy teach you how to use the sword?"

"Sometimes Sir!"

"I see, I see. Maggots, take Private Billy to the healing center and return back to the barracks in ten minutes!"

"Sir yes Sir!"