Mary stopped what she was doing and backed away from the table. "Jeb, I'm sorry but I can't be here if you're going to talk about this. It's too much to think about Camron right now. I am going to get ready. If you'll please excuse me James…" Mary put her food away and scurried out of the room. Jeb let out a big sigh and pushed his food away too.
He looked at me sternly and said, "James, this war started about fifty years ago…but what happened prior brought about the beginning of the end of humanity. It all started when a being called, '*&//#' came to this world and decided to take power for itself." As Jeb spoke the name aloud it ringed in my ears. I started to feel some pressure in my head as memories of the dream came back into my mind. It was the same name Jeb and Mary had said in the dream, only this time there wasn't any static. Jeb said it aloud clear as day but I could not make out any words or meaning.
Jeb must have noticed my confusion and said, "James, its name cannot be found in any human language. Even the word itself is considered to be an omen of bad days to come when spoken out loud. The only reason I'm telling you this now is to prepare you for the outside world if, or when you regain your memories. Mary would be furious with me if she heard me say its name. She blames the creature for taking Camron away from us, despite the raging war…"
Just then Jeb rose from the table, grabbed both of our plates, and placed them on the counter behind him. He came back towards me and said, "James, follow me outside. There is something I want you to see."
Jeb motioned to the back door on the other side of the kitchen. He opened the door and brought us both outside. For the first time I could see what this new world looked like. Just like I saw in my dream the sky was blue and red, with bits of yellow showing through, similar to a sunrise or a sunset but faded. The clouds above looked normal, slowly moving across the discolored sky. Despite the difference in color the sun's light pierced through the clouds illuminating the sky.
Jeb brings me across a small dirt road in the back of the house and we pass through large plot of crops. Eventually, we cross over an old wooden fence that leads out into a field that looked to be a graveyard. As we hop over fallen parts of the fence Jeb says, "James, this land has been in my family for generations. Mary and I are what's known as 'cultivators,' we grow the crops that are used to supply surrounding areas and to secretly aid in the human's fight against this monster."
He pauses for a moment then begins again, "It is said that the creature itself comes from another dimension, one connected through life and death. My grandfather told me that one night when the creature appeared, the entire sky changed, and screams of the dead could be heard across the world writhing in pain. He also said that since the creature's appearance, the veil between the land of the living, and the land of the dead, has been forever changed. Now, most humans are too scared to even think about death for fear of being eternally damned by the monster that now controls this world."
As we walk further we approach the graveyard and Jeb walks straight to a small tombstone underneath a large tree. He takes a deep breath and says, "This is our son Camron. Like Mary said, we buried him here a few years ago after he was killed in battle." Small bouquets of flowers and other items are placed along the grave.
Jeb kneels down and carefully rubs the top of the stone while saying, "Camron was special James…He had been given a gift at birth that most people in my grandfather's time would've feared. Simply put, he was what is known as an 'echo.'"
"My grandfather said that before the creature's appearance humans were normal beings who lived and died without interacting with the mighty forces found beyond the grave. But as the creature terrorized the world, humans began to be born with extraordinary abilities. These abilities are said to be a physical manifestation of the cosmic and infinite power found in the afterlife. The reason why they are called 'echoes' are to reflect the time when the souls of the dead screamed in pain upon the creature's arrival."
"In recent years, as more and more echoes were born, humanity decided that we should use these new-found abilities to fight against this awful creature. One day bringing peace to both the world and the lost souls of ones that have passed on. Camron believed this with all of his being. He had the ability to see and hear things far away, and was proud to be one of the top marksmen in the rebellion. Sadly, he was killed in a massive explosion that also took down his entire platoon. Even though his gift wasn't as powerful as most, he worked hard every day to fight for our cause…"
Jeb started to silently cry as he sat at Camron's grave. The wind gently blew the leaves and grass as I watched Jeb pray. As he sat I tried to remember the creature on the posters in Camron's room. The mystical nature of the beast now makes sense in that it isn't from this world at all. If that's the case then generations of people have been fighting to protect this world. Some have developed abilities that seem to derive power from the same world as the creature.
As I was lost in thought Jeb called back my attention, "James, I know this must be a lot for you to take in, on top of your lost memories, but I have one more thing to tell you. A long time ago, during the beginning parts of the war, a prophet by the name of 'Delirium' arose. She was said to have the power to see the future, and was considered to be the herald of a great hero yet to come. She prophesied that a hero would emerge from beyond the grave, and fight the very monster that is plaguing our world. Stating that they too would have extraordinary abilities and defeat the monster with the same power it draws destruction from."
Jeb quickly rises up from the gravesite and faces towards me. He wipes away a few of his tears and says, "Mary and I think that hero is you James. I want you to help us defeat this monster...The world is falling more and more into chaos and we need someone like you to protect, and guide us towards a better future. I know this may seem like a selfish request from someone you just met, but please help us. I beg of you James."
I stood dazed and confused. Jeb had basically just told me that I was the one to fight the monster in the posters; the same one that killed their son, and many others. I spoke without thinking and said, "Jeb, I know you and Mary have suffered so much already, but what do you think I can do?! I mean…I'm just a random guy that lost his memories. I'm not like your son Jeb, I don't have abilities…or can see and hear things far away or… I think I would remember if I was fated to fight some terrible monster that is destroying the world?!"
Jeb grips my shoulder and says, "But James, you practically fell out of the sky! Your cuts from earlier are completely gone! If you are not the hero foretold by the great prophet then, who are you?"
Just then Jeb and I fall to the ground. A loud noise booms through the fields and across the graveyard. Jeb quickly gets back up and looks in the direction of the old farmhouse. In the distance I can see flames and smoke rising from the home and filling the air.
Jeb screams out, "MARY!" and rushes over towards the house. I follow Jeb as we run across the field, hop the fence, and stop right in front of the burning home. Jeb shouts, "MARY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" as he runs towards the flames. I hear a small voice shouting, "JEB! I'm up here!" I see Mary shouting from the window on the second floor. Jeb races inside the house and yells, "I'm coming Mary!"
My eyes quickly look back up at Mary as she's shouting at me, "James! Run away! Get away from here! They found you!" Just then another explosion forces me onto my back. The house bursts out flame and smoke just before hearing Jeb and Mary scream from within.
My ears start to ring from the explosion. My head goes in and out of consciousness again as I lay flat on my back. I can see the smoke fill the air and ash rain down from above me. As I stare into the sky I see flashing yellow lights come closer and closer towards me. The smoke swirls around me as I see a giant machine blind me with more light. I see figures approaching me, and I black out.