The height was... about twelve feet. Or... was it taller?
So now what? Cassie glanced back at the den. Alpha Axel Ash was standing in the opening, watching her. He stretched and then loped across the exhibit to her, hopped up on the one boulder,
then higher onto the one she stood on. He licked her face, and the way his fur lay flat, his ears perked up, his tail raised high, he didn't seem in the least anxious or concerned.
She wasn't either. Yet.
Alpha Axel Ash nuzzled her face as if reassuring her, and she nuzzled him back, letting him know that if he needed reassuring, she could handle it. She swore he smiled back at her.
He lifted his snout high, and she knew he intended to call for help. He howled.
How would that aid them? His own people were at Mount Hood National Forest, way too far away.
The grey wolves stood and watched Alpha Axel Ash. Then the two of them lifted their heads and howled. If she could, she would laugh.