Chapter 11 - PAGE 11

John says "Than we'll just find an alternate method to gather information" Max says "Where to first?" John says "First we find others to help us on the journey than we leave" Max says "As you wish we'll help gather companions to join us" Max and Flare leave. John heads over to a weapon store and inspects the weapons. Two swords enter his feild of vision both are made of a tough and durable metal good for battle unfortunately useless against Demons. John places them inside of a swordcase. John than looks at the axes he finds two of the same metal and removes them. John next finds throwing knives of the same metal and takes them as well. John than starts to look at the body armour. The toughest available is good for a single blow from a young Demon. John grabs it and makes his way to the weapon store's register the man at the register looks at John and his gathered eqiupment and believeing that John could not affored it says "How will you be paying for all of this?" John hands over a small bag of Gold coins. The man goes through it and says "That looks like all the right amount take care and come again" John says "Take care" John puts on the armour puts the swords in their hilts the axes in their holdings and stashes away the small knives. John than leaves while the man at the register smiles. John is blocked by a boy with blue eyes and golden hair the boy says "Your planning to kill the Demon King I can help" John says "How exactly can you help?"