Jack says "Are you sure that map is even real? You were probably ripped off" Danny says "What do you know have you ever seen a Dragon?" Jack says "Not in person" That's when Mike and a girl with blue eyes and black hair arrives. Mike says "Danny thank you meet my sister Emily a great tracker" Emily says "Hero you will need to become stronger if you are to kill the Demon Lord and the first method is the Dragons I can take you to them" John says "Good to know Emily i'll keep it in mind and if I may what can I do now to get stronger?" Jack says "You can train when you get a chance anyway we should leave soon there's not a lot of time so we need to hurry" John says "What do you mean Jack?" Sarah says "What do you know that we don't?" Max says "Please tell us Jack" Everyone looks over at Jack. Jack says "Ok fine I will tell you the demon lord grows stronger by the second and six years ago an upriseing that was started two hundred years ago was finally prepareing to launch a counterattack when their base the stronghold everything was instantly destroyed the resistence is gone and the Demon King grows stronger if we wait he'll become unstoppable however we might stand a chance our only chance" John says "So we are the only thing between him and invinciblity?" Jack says "In a way yes but before we can target him we need to kill the seven major generals as well as the other great leaders and they could destroy nations by themselves back during the war considering your abillity it would be impossible to challenge them as a group"