Domain Eradication: Normalcy.
Form Reversal Technique: Human attainment.
The domain ceased and Andrew shot back to is human form without hesitation, magical chains wrapped around his whole body. Selene levitated him an inch of ground and increased the tightness of the chain around him. He groaned in the process, unable to endure that amount of pain.
"Arrgh!.", Andrew grunted. "What your deal! why ate you protecting him? do you even know what he has done!. That bastard left my sister in a state where she needs him more than ever!."
Selene invaded his mind, retrieving the information needed. "She's pregnant?"
"Yes!. And he wants to runaway, because he ain't ready.", Andrew was highly enraged! he hustled to break free from the chains but it only got tighter. "Get me out of this thing!."