Instead they were having a conversation Alexander says "You are a pretty amazing warrior would you mind training with me" Sarah says "No problem I also wanted to train with you I greatly respect you" Alexander says "As I you" With those words the two warriors passed by their admirers and headed to the training area. As a result all of the admirers became filled with jealous and watched as the two headed to the training area. Alexander and Sarah began training together Sarah taught Alexander how to fight with two swords instead of one as well as archery aiming how to adapt and strategy and Alexander would teach Sarah hand to hand combat as well as how to fight with only one sword so that way if Sarah was ever forced to use a single sword she would be able to hold her own against the undead. Alexander and Sarah were soon lost in their training which greatly increased the jealousy of all the admirers who knew that when Alexander or Sarah were lost in their training it could be days before they stopped especially thanks to the limitless energy the armor gave them. As they predicted it was a while before the two stopped training they had endlessly trained for nearly half a month before stopping at that point Alexander was equal to Sarah in duel welding equal in archery aiming strategy adaptation and Sarah was Alexander's equal in single sword combat and hand to hand combat ultimately becoming equals in all forms of combat. After stopping the two parted ways and headed to their bedrooms.