Chapter 44 - PAGE 44

After a long sleep Alexander was surprised to find Nagato in the room in meditation Alexander confused asked "Nagato why are you in my room?" Nagato looked at Alexander and said "While asleep you reached a early stage of enlightenment you have potential as a spiritual warrior allow me to guide you down the path to enlightenment" Alexander said "I'll do my best" Nagato smiling says "I know you will" From that point on Alexander became Nagato's disciple. However Alexander manages to excel in the teaching of spiritual control and within two weeks he becomes Nagato's spiritual equal however soon after Alexander surpasses Nagato in spiritual ability after only a month Alexander successfully manages to master spirit power and becomes enlightened however at the same time John transcends his own limit as well as the limits of humanity reaching another level due to this the power balance is maintained. The next day John and Alexander come face to face both of them seeing the other as a rival and never managed to get along with each other John says "So you have also gotten stronger what a pain" Alexander says "Yeah I feel the same way"

John and Alexander


(sorcerer John)

(Spiritual grand master Nageto)

(Sarah a skilled strategist and easily adapted to changes in a fight she was a skilled warrior that usually fought with two swords and a bow and arrow)

(Angel was also extremely skilled and capable of fighting on the battlefield using her healing however she was forbidden from joining the battlefield due to the fact that she is our only healer)

and we can't afford to lose her. *Important*

(Stopped working on it last year when we started going back to in school learning forgot about it but might pick up where I left off if I get a chance)