With how bizarre the transition between the first year representative and second had been, Ivy had prepared herself for anything when it came to Laura Vuana.
Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.
Laura didn't exactly enter Ivy's great wooden double doors as much as she exploded through them.
She stalked forward and slammed her palms down on Ivy's desk. Ivy couldn't help the reflexive raising of her eyebrows, though suppressed her reaction beyond that.
"You got Headmaster Tance fired, didn't you?" Laura demanded. "Don't even try denying it."
Ivy made a show of scanning Laura up and down.
Laura was a gorgeous girl, as all of her representatives were. Red-haired and with an apparently fiery personality to match, and, if you allowed Ivy to be crude, with a likewise explosive figure, she was exactly what Ivy had hoped in her third-year representative: maybe not so much by personality, but Avril had been flat-chested, and so had Roxy; so having a plushness to her figure was something Ivy appreciated. Having breasts Ivy could thrust between had been a growing concern, considering the lack of facilities years one and two had shown. But three, ah, so redeeming.
Forgive Ivy for the perversion – so many strong personalities, not to mention the influence in her pants, had her thoughts trending more debauched than usual. Which, admittedly, was a feat. Ivy was not some chaste girl in her old life; 'more debauched than usual' wasn't something easily achievable.
And these thoughts on her most recent student were, of course, something that would have been met with explosive discontent, had she expressed them. But they were what ran through Ivy's mind. A fiery personality, and a full figure … one almost bursting through the strained buttons of her dress shirt, the uniform of Ravenwood. The perfect to round out her other two representatives.
"Fired?" Ivy laughed in a perfect show of disregard. "Do you think me some low-level politicker, Miss Vuana? That I'd need to have something like that arranged?"
Not convinced, Laura leaned forward and asked sharply, "Then why's she gone? I talked to Miss Tance constantly. She never suggested she'd be retiring – I don't believe it for a second. She cared. Really cared. And now she's gone without a word, and I know she wouldn't have done that to me."
Ivy tucked that away – that Laura and the previous headmaster had had a close relationship. She wondered how close.
"I presume," Ivy said, "she had her reasons. I hadn't the slightest to do with her resignation."
Laura hesitated, maybe sensing the truth in her words. Withdrew from Ivy's desk, instead choosing to cross her arms. It accentuated, again, her already noticeable assets.
She tried to shift her thoughts away, her pants once again stiffening. Ugh, such a distraction. And a unique feeling … not arousal itself, obviously, but her dick hardening, making her pants grow tight. Feminine arousal was different from this male version. It wanted release, twitched with the demanding need.
Maybe she'd need to call on Amy … if only for release, until she could further ply Avril, Roxy, and Laura for what she needed. Because even small pleasures wouldn't be coming from any of them any time soon, and the frustration would only build. She'd need a clear mind for their meetings.
Ivy cleared her throat.
"Miss Tance …" Ivy mused. "I had no idea her departure was so sudden. Ravenwood approached me, not the other way around, I promise you." Ivy chewed on her lip. "If you'd like, I can contact her? Ask her why her exit was so hasty, on your behalf? I'm sure she had good reasons."
Laura faltered. Her arms uncrossed, and the remaining aggressiveness drained away. "That would be … kind of you?"
The statement in the undercurrent was, 'I'd assumed you'd be a bitch.'
"I prefer healthy working relationships with my representatives," Ivy said plainly. "If this is a sticking point for you, I'll have it handled immediately."
She opened her mouth, closed it. Her brow furrowed, seemingly beginning to be convinced.
"You really had nothing to do with it?"
"I did not, Miss Vuana."
She grimaced. "I guess I … came on a bit strong there, then."
"Ravenwood needs strong personalities," Ivy said. "Especially in a third-year representative … of anyone in the institution, it's you who our students look up to. Or so I've been told."
She flushed. "That's … an exaggeration."
Ivy quirked an eyebrow – modest? Abashed by compliments? And not seemingly feigned, either.
Laura cleared her throat. "So, um, why'd you call me? Classes haven't even started … the rep meetings are still on Thursday, right?"
"I don't intend to shake things up unnecessarily. So yes, Thursday is fine." Ivy shifted in her seat, tilted her head. "I simply wanted to get a feel for each of you beforehand. I have a lot to play catch up on, and not much time to do so."
"Oh. Um, sure. Ask away, I guess."
Ivy crossed her legs.
"Tell me about yourself, Laura."