Tristan drop his son in school with Mary Anne and went to work seeing Lola with Miles's parents also the twins too!
Hey guys what will I get you they order just then Miles walked saw Tristan hey baby he kissed Lola's cheek?
They eat and Lola went to back help Tristan out, after lunch, he went back to the paper.
After work, Tristan had to pick up the children how was school today good daddy Andrew said to him. We good time Mr. Milligan π I'm going to make dinner! Lola came in-laws coming for dinner with Hunter and Frankie, he walked in the kitchen wow Tristan cook yep I do man. Is everything ok with us yes it is Miles you and I meant to be friends not together?
Everyone arrived at the house at Hollingsworth I will make a toast he does welcome to the family!
Thanks, Mr. Hollingsworth she says please call me dad the twins says to her ok dad Lola said to him, after they left the house mola went to the bedroom for the night I love you Miles said Lola, and I love you Tristan says he says to her what you call me I said I love you Lola responded no you didn't! I'm sorry Lola said get out what I said sorry whatever he left the room are you ok Miles said Tristan no I am not I am sorry to hear that what happened I called Lola you by mistake why I said I love to her oh.
Look I made a huge mistake letting you go it ok no it ok what are you trying to say, I am in love with you Tristan kissed him and I am in love with you too what about you and her, I don't want to be with her and I want to be with you then he heard a sob he turns around to see Lola.