Chapter 8 - 6

The next morning, Tori called her boss Esme telling her she won't come in today. She didn't answer her phone she didn't pick up no maybe she is busy!

Oh well, she will call you back I know she will do that babe said Tori anyway I love you the same?

They fall asleep in each other arms at 7:45 pm.

Oh right there Esme yelled Zoe hit the spot baby you tight Zoe said, Esme. They dating since Zoe come out about 2 years, Esme liked girls since in middle school.

Fuck me, baby, harder she come on Esme wow hot babe it was I can't believe we been dating 2 years now,

She listens to her messages oh Tori isn't coming in today oh πŸ‘Œ baby, Zoe got dressed to go work I will see you a couple of hours bye baby. Esme went shopping for Zoe she bumps into Frankie and her boyfriend hey Esme they say how is Zoe is good thanks for asking?

Esme came home after shopping for Zoe came home from work how was the day it was stressful oh baby Esme kissed her, Esme cooks her dinner aw babe you are sweet thanks babe do need you to work tomorrow no but I am all yours tomorrow and Friday cool.