Chereads / So it is done / Chapter 9 - Little star

Chapter 9 - Little star

Jonathan didn't like teleporting to unknown places. Mainly because when teleporting to a location unknown to Jonathan, his accuracy left much to be desired. Of course, not in terms of the fact that trying to teleport himself into a Prague pub he could accidentally find himself in the Grand Canyon. But in terms where Jonathan could find himself sitting in the place of one of the visitors leaving the other guy stranded somewhere, or find himself arriving through the door of a ladies' room, or trapped in the ventilation.

Well his target is specific enough, so he wouldn't find himself in some random place. There must only be so many place with the name 'Mount Glenn Refugees Ministry' right?

After all, if he knows about the place of his arrival, Jonathan could imagine - 'I will open the front door'. But what if Jonathan did not know where the front doors of the pub were and chose one of the random ones? IF he were lucky, he would be entering through an embarrassing door like the ladies room. If not, well… I believe they called it telefragging? Of course that was only a scary story told by the old man… right?

Jonathan exhaled and shook his head. Haha, robbed a bank - and you're worried about accidentally teleporting to the warehouse and looking weird. Truly the priorities of a British gentleman.

Jonathan exhaled, then grabbed the handle of the door, previously chosen as the portal for teleportation by Jonathan at random. Not like thinking about it more would help him in this regard. And so, with a sigh, he took a step forward into the unknown. Okay, that was a bit too dramatic.

After a moment, Jonathan found himself in an unknown place.

Predictably, Jonathan did not arrive in some hotel lobby, but in some room in an unknown building. Unknown, however, solely from personal impressions. The photo he had found of the interior of the building he was going to be, was not perfect nor extensive but quite accurate. He had arrived in his destination. He was still lost in one of its many rooms, but close enough!

Jonathan looked around his surroundings, trying to determine if there were people around who could direct Jonathan's movement. A little earlier, of course, he had made some preliminary reconnaissance of the area through maps and pictures. But, unfortunately, this was not the most ideal way to orient himself, preferably he could find someone to direct him.

Strangely enough, for a place that was supposed to be brimming with refugees, the interior of the building was empty and Jonathan couldn't hear anyone around. Last time he checked, the office was supposed to be open? It's still the official working hours, the office was in the middle of the working day right now… and yet, there's no one around? Not even the staff?

Jonathan's initial plan was to hide himself within the crowd of other refugees, it would have been somewhat easier for Jonathan to pass by unnoticed with the glut of other applicants… And yet, the building was practically deserted.

Of course, it was possible that after the destruction of Rosegarden, which happened a few weeks ago, the many formalities with refugees have already been settled. However... that was very unlikely.

As he read the information on reintegrating refugees with its many formalities, a ludicrous amount of work had to be done to complete the refugee registration procedure. Furthermore, the average time to obtain citizenship for refugees was about six months. There's no way the building that was supposed to handle such a long process being empty. Jonathan found this more than just odd.

Besides, a government building being empty? Even if by a miracle, there's nothing to be done, such a building wouldn't normally be this empty. It was weird, more than strange.

Jonathan shrugged his shoulders. Hey who knows? Maybe one of the strange things in this Umbral World is government work being efficient? And so picking a random direction, Jonathan began heading down the long hallways to find the office he needed to go to.

While the ability to effectively communicate correctly with representatives of the authorities was not taught at the school of the Order, the students, one way or another, quickly learned such... lessons. In other words How to Bribe and Who to Bribe, essential knowledge for anyone who wants to be anyone.

And although Jonathan had never paid bribes before, the Old Man reputation being leverage enough, he knows the game and how to play it. Which goes on to explain why he's so nervous, he never even paid fines for incorrect parking before! Though perhaps more because Jonathan never owned a car rather than any care from his part. But primarily because Jonathan preferred to be a law-abiding citizen.

Even when he robbed banks.

In any case, although Jonathan had never given bribes before, through third hand accounts he was familiar with the concept of... Gratuitous gifts.

Although Jonathan never thought that he would be forced to use this theoretical knowledge in order to obtain fake documents and register someone else's child as his in another world of all places...

Jonathan sighed, fate had a strange sense of humor.

Still it was important to note the fact that in a case as delicate as Jonathan's, it was unlikely that ordinary lowly officials could help him. Perhaps they could… speed up the process of obtaining documents a little. But a manipulation as large as what Jonathan needed, he needed to grease the palm of a person with a little bit more of an... Influence. That is why Jonathan is currently heading towards where his reconnaissance showed the most gaudy of office. After all, like how water flows downstream, does an influential person like to show off their importance.

Walking along the empty corridors - and still not meeting a single person on his way - Jonathan made his way to the largest, most ornate carved door he could find. The door, made of a huge solid piece of wood, was adorned with a lavish sign.

"Head of the Mountain Glenn Refugee Registration Department, just who I'm looking for."

Jonathan then looked at a much smaller sign just below the eye-catching plaque. "Reception… Well, at least there's someone else in the building?"

Jonathan straightened his cloak as he weighed the bag he had brought with him to reassure himself. The bag was a little smaller than the bags he had used in his heist hinting at the somewhat smaller fortune within, five hundred thousand lien plus minus some loose few thousand lien. And, if necessary... another small bag was deposited where he could easily reach if he needed to add more money to the bribe.

Not like he could just wire the bribe money, so Magic to the rescue!

Jonathan tugged at his cloak again and knocked on the door.

After a moment, he heard a girl's voice from within. "Come in!"

Jonathan noted to himself how surprised the girl sounded before taking a step inside. As he steps through the heavy doors, he found himself in a spacious reception area lit by the midday sun with a small sofa for visitors, a girl looking at him with interest, as if she did not expect to see him at all, and another imposing door, this time with the initials of the chief engraved on the doors.

Really, egos and the need to put your name on everything is pretty much like gravity.

"Good afternoon." Still just as surprised and stunned, the girl looked at Jonathan, as if not understanding what he was doing in this office... No, perhaps in this building even. "Is your meeting scheduled?"

"No.", Jonathan smiled lightly, - "But I urgently need a meeting with the Head of the Department. Besides... It seems he's free enough to take an unscheduled meeting."

"Hmm?" The probable secretary blinked, clearly not understanding what exactly she needs to do in this situation, before slowly nodding. "Okay, now... What is your name?"

"Norman," Jonathan replied, - "Norman Bloomsberry."

After another moment, the girl, apparently acting as a secretary, leaned towards the communicator on her desk. It appears that she was talking to the Head as she lowered her voice for some reason.

Jonathan tried to listen in to the conversation, but the girl was extremely quiet, it seemed to be something that she was trained to do. Which is why Jonathan could not hear anything unless he wanted to attract attention by getting closer.

So he was forced to override his curiosity for now by looking at the expensive looking portraits hanging in the reception area.

For a few seconds, the girl continued talking on the communicator, before stretching out to her full height and smiling at Jonathan. Well at least the first step is done without a hitch.

"Please, go through the door Mr. Bloomsbury, Mr. Bor is expecting you."

Jonathan nodded, and smiled at the girl as he passed her by.

And so as he passed the heavy double door he took a step inside the opulent office, finding himself in the office of the first government official he ever met in this world.


Bor was somewhat confused as he watched the visitor walk into his office.

To put it lightly, Bor disliked having anyone enter his department, let alone his office. And Bor genuinely liked it this way. He vehemently disliked having to deal with the inane questions of another refugee and beggars who try to suckle on the generosity of his city. Worse, dealing with the faunus trying to get hold of the free support of Mount Glenn and slip through border control!

Those animals should stay in their zoo, far away from any enlightened humans like him.

Bor generally considered his position as an incredible karmic joke - the man who most opposed the introduction of laws on refugee support was appointed head of one of the branches of the Refugee Ministry!

Although, at least Bor could be glad that he was the one appointed on the position, and not one of those lily-hearted sissies. They'll bankrupt the city in a day!

Anyway thanks to his position as the head of the registration bureau, he could greatly help his colleagues from the management... Reduce the burden on management.

Although, who could blame Bor for his zeal?

Mountain Glenn doesn't need the poor and lost refugees. Ah! What he wouldn't give to make the soft-hearted fools that badger him to accept more refugees open their eyes. Those dregs of society refuse to work, preferring to live on welfare, creating misery and poverty on the streets, And that if they were lucky and were only parasites, the worst of the worst would only become criminals.

Mount Glenn was certainly much better off without them.

Therefore, Bor was so surprised to meet this new visitor. It is very unlikely that he was a refugee, Bor had made sure that no refugee could come to Mount Glenn.

He had confided with his friends at border control that his agency was overwhelmed, and therefore, at the moment, registration of refugees was to be paused as his department worked through their backlog. The only reason that the conversation didn't end with some winking was because they were both grown men. He still took the opportunity to gloat in his own mind of course.

However, not that anyone could object to Bor, he could count on his hands the number of people that could countermand his authority… Hulden? Kreek? Zoen? Or maybe Veil's Counselors. Hahaha! He couldn't even take the last one seriously.

Bor brushed aside his thoughts before looking into the eyes of the newcomer.

He was a short guy in a raincoat and a felt hat. In Bor's opinion, the hat did not suit him at all, but it looked expensive at least. Most of his attention though was taken by the small sports bag in his hands. The clearly filled to the brim bag was out of place in an office like Bor's, but he chose to discard his stereotypes. If he were able to get through the barriers that Bor himself had constructed, then he was clearly a man of means. Of what type is Bor's job to find out.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Norman," Bor nodded amicably to the newcomer, not even trying to get up from his seat. "Please, do take a seat."

"Good afternoon, thank you, Mr. Bor." Norman took a seat, finding himself at the table opposite Bor, looking at him attentively.

"Today I came to you regarding some help I need in registering… several people who got themselves into a spot of problem."

Bor almost rolled his eyes, he was talking about refugees. Great, another soft-hearted idiot who doesn't know what's good for them. He could have ended the conversation at that. However, his curiosity made him refrain from ending the dialogue at this point. If nothing else, the expensive clothes he's wearing means he's at least have some prospects in the future.

"I'm afraid I absolutely can't help you in this... Noble cause.", - Bor nodded, as if making it clear to the newcomer that the conversation was over even before it began. "Unfortunately, my department is currently overloaded with work registering the refugees from Rosegarden, so I can't add more work to the pile." Bor repeated the lie he told anyone who bothered to ask.

"Oh, it seems to me, Mr. Bor, that you did not quite understand me correctly." The guy slowly looked from Bor to the window.

And here begins the begging and pleading. Bor barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this tired old dance. Well, he could indulge watching the young man bash his head against the wall he supposed.

"These people I'm seeking your help from, of course, are not refugees. Their registration in no case will take much effort from your department…"

Bor kept a sigh of annoyance from being exhaled, before smiling attentively. Time to end this farce before the young man started crying or something as ridiculous. "I'm afraid I can't help you. The formal application will be considered in the shortest possible time." Not.

"Hmm," Seeing that Norman wouldn't give up, Bor was prepared to buzz in the guards. Before his next words stopped his action.

"In that case… Let me rephrase my request. It might be better for you not to think of my request as accepting refugees. But as welcoming very wealthy investors in… a difficult life situation." Hoh? Well, this is a new tactic.

"Really?" Bor, for the first time in the entire conversation, looked closely at the guy in front of him, recalculating his earlier observation that the man in front of him was of some means.

"Investment immigration is indeed a priority in Mountain Glenn at the moment, but I'm afraid this is not my department." Bor hedged his bet to see if he would bite.

"Yes, but it is your department that is engaged in helping people in difficult life situations, no? Processing people without documentation is more your department's job. And, it so happened that these profitable investors, during the chaos of the destruction of Rosegarden, happened to lose most of their documentation… Are you seeing the conundrum I'm in?"

Bor blinked, it seems that a picture is slowly beginning to form in his head...

"And, as far as I understand, restoring or reacquiring such documentation by the ways of other departments are… Impossible?" Bor looked at Norman carefully.

"Certainly, Mr. Bor," Norman also nodded calmly.

Bor thought about it for a second… On the one hand, he loathe admitting refugees that would only be a drain to Mount Glenn. On the other hand, doing so in this instance might land Mount Glenn a measure of financial investment. Of course, he would need to see some first-hand proof of their wealth, but Bor didn't think that Norman hadn't thought of that. He then eyed the sports bag that Norman had placed next to his seat.

Judging by the above reasoning, however, it is unlikely that the people that Norman wanted him to admit in Mount Glenn were ordinary refugees. There's almost zero possibility that a person existed without the possibility of restoring the documentation that they exist in some way… Scrolls have existed for a long time, and the CCT network logs their existence. That's the whole reasoning why his department existed in the first place! If he ever has the misfortune of admitting a refugee that is of course.

Most likely, whoever Norman wants to help acquire citizenship did not have this documentation in the first place.

In that case their supposed wealth could only come from illegal business - or illegal income.

Banditry or other sorts of organized crime was a death sentence anywhere with a functioning justice system. Everybody knows that some settlements tolerate their existence, and so the possibility of criminal organizations accumulating wealth was not impossible. The destruction of Rosegarden probably prompted the crime family ensconced there to flee and abandon their wealth.

But, there were always people who were ready to take the risk and even during the destruction of their house try to profit. And with everything in Rosegarden nothing more than ashes… well, there's a lot of money to be made if he 'help' these upstanding members of society. Not that there wasn't any risk though…

Bor thought about it for another second before deciding on a course of action. "Of course, I understand you. We will carry out a complete inventory of the property and begin the registration procedure as soon as possible." It's not like they're going to bring their crime family with them. And besides, lien is lien, not like there's going to be anything that's going to lead any trouble to him, no?

However, Norman, who just had achieved his goal, did not seem to be satisfied. "Mr. Bor, that is indeed excellent news. However, my charge can't wait for too long. And the normal procedure for registering refugees and obtaining official documentations will take... too long."

"I see." Bor looked at the information that Norman had unknowingly provided attentively.

"Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea how I can influence this." Let's see what he can dig out.

"In this, Mr. Bor, you are certainly mistaken." Norman shook his head theatrically. "After all, my charge are literally biting their fingers from the opportunity to… pour money into the economy." Norman smiled knowingly.

Bor blinked in surprise before nodding.

So a bribe, hmm… Bor pursed his lips as he thought about this.

On the one hand, of course, he was ready to help good outstanding people into their good community. If he were to obtain a certain amount of profit for their gratitude… well it's just his just reward for his good behavior. On the other hand, Bor was well aware that such a blatant offer could be a trap from his rivals... He would rather not interfere with the work of his good friend Zoen's department.

"I see," Bor nodded knowingly, looking at the guy smiling in response to his acceptance. "Well... And what do you offer me in this case?" Let's see how much gratitude would get.

"Undoubtedly, a huge gratitude on behalf of our dear investors." The guy motioned to the bag. "A very weighty gratitude." Bor couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face.

"However, it is worth stating… " Bor added, noting an internally important point in their conversation. "Getting your paperwork done that quickly is… unorthodox. Getting all the necessary documentation in one day is a... Very difficult job." Let's see if he can get more.

"Of course, but I can only hope that the gratitude will be a worthy reward for your efforts." Norman nodded and acquiesces.

"Hmm," Bor nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off Norman. "And what people exactly got into such a… difficult situation?" With the negotiation done, now he actually needed to do his job.

"They're two wonderful people, outstanding and productive members of society, Jonathan Goodman and Cinder Fall. And while circumstances haven't been perfect lately, they're looking forward to a fresh start." Norman said as seriously as he can, looking into Bor's eyes.

Hmm, two unknown names… Good that they're not notorious criminals that their names is not one that Bor knows by heart, like that ghastly Branwen Tribe. Still, it's best if he does his due diligence in their upcoming meeting. Still, two people at once not of the same family huh? Partners perhaps?

"I see." Bor nodded, - "Two people at once... Of course, it is possible to arrange their swift repatriation. But, unfortunately, such a scale… it will require the coordinated work of several people at once…" Now to see just how desperate these people are...

"The gratitude on my part will certainly be much more than satisfactory for as many people you need as well," Norman nodded, forcing Bor to grin inwardly. A point of leverage, Norman needed these documents. Well, no need to scare the golden goose away at this point.

"Also, if I can bother you for a favor. The issue of guardianship is quite a point of importance for my… clients." - Norman added slowly, seemingly a lot more relaxed now that the deal is pretty much done. "Cinder is somewhat... younger than the age of full responsibility before the law. And well, she does need a guardian in this new place for her."

"I see…" - Bor narrowed his eyes. While an assurance that the people won't be committing crimes with a younger charge involved is welcome. The potential trouble they might bring with them is not.

"I hope that ... Her parents will not raise questions about her staying besides... Other people?" Are there going to be people that are going to chase after her? Bor's expression implied.

"Cinder is an orphan, if there are other people with the surname Fall - then they are certainly just namesakes." The names are fakes. Norman, no, Jonathan, then sighed theatrically, slowly adding some details.

"Jonathan was the only one left that could take care of her. The destruction of Rosegarden had left her with no place left to stay other than with Jonathan. And with no other family to speak… well it follows that the only adult left in her life should take care of her, no? Besides, I'm sure that a city as magnificent as yours has the means to check in on her… conditions, no?" There's no one chasing after them, and Jonathan is a trusted relative.

"Of course, that is certainly no hurdle." Bor nodded gravely, for the first time ever somewhat eager to allow a refugee to actually become a citizen of Mount Glenn. Money was indeed an important motivator for his activities, but he was also a man of honor. Even he was not ready to neglect children for money.

Unless, of course, they were refugees.

Children of refugees were virtually doomed, their parents were pulling them to the bottom, and they knew no other life than crime and begging. Unhappy and doomed people that would only bring the Grimm to his city.

This Jonathan seems to be an exception. Truly, to have the bravery to steal from a crime family as Grimm overrun his surroundings… He could use a guy like that.

"In that case, I suppose you will need a different list of documents." Bor smiled, now to close the deal and receive his due rewards.

"Examinations, grades for young Cinder... I'm afraid that after the destruction of Rosegarden it will be necessary to issue a whole package of other documents to make sure that dear Cinder's standards are measured… So much work… " Bor pretty much nakedly asked for his bribe money now.

"My gratitude will be…" Norman sighed, - "Substantial."

"This is commendable, Mr. Norman, however...". - Bohr looked at him appraisingly. He imagines he has lien for eyes at this moment "How much will it be?"

"Let's just say… " Norman smiled, as he picked up his sports bag and slowly unzip the zipper and tipped the contents on top of his desk. "If all the bureaucratic formalities are settled by tomorrow... well I believe a second home is not out of reach?" If Bor's eyes are not attached to his head, he was sure that they would be falling of his eye sockets as he looked at the small mountain of lien slowly building in front of him.

Oh yes, being a good person definitely has its rewards.


Jonathan, who found himself back in his room, did not remember at all how he ended up in it. Just as he leaves Bor's office, he suddenly loses his consciousness. Only regaining it when he was already lying on the bed of his hotel room.

The conversation, if he could call it that, with Bor literally drank him dry. The hidden negotiation, double meanings, made the conversation with the man made him feel viscous, stringy, like a fly in syrup.

Hinting the amount of money he was carrying, making half-hints by controlling his own words... Jonathan even made the man understand, just in case, that Jonathan was his 'new' name...

If the law becomes interested in Jonathan's actions later, it will be much better if they start looking for information about the past of a certain Norman Bloomsberry rather than Jonathan Goodman. Not that it makes much difference anyway, both names were not officially registered anywhere... Unless, of course, Jonathan had just unknowingly made the life of a certain Norman exciting.

In any case, it's better that Bor thinks that Jonathan already has a certain familiarity with this world and is now running away from his old acquaintances. Or, perhaps, from past criminal business, rather than the fact that Jonathan barely knew his way around the world.

However, Jonathan should congratulate himself, he got the complete documentations for him and Cinder! And for only for six hundred thousand lien to boot!

In any case, Jonathan was lucky that the official he met turned out to be corrupt and his cooperation can be bought. With the amount of wealth that he had shown he could produce, he was sure that their future relations would be smooth sailing.

However, a discovery that he had acquired after dealing with Bor worried him somewhat.

It seems that the refugee registration procedure was not as… smooth as he would have preferred.

Jonathan exhaled, trying not to think about it anymore. It didn't bother him at all! He needs to solve his own problems, not the problems of the whole world!

Jonathan exhaled loudly again, trying not to think about what had happened, falling into the pillow on his face.

True, Jonathan was now Norman... At least unofficially until he becomes Jonathan Goodman again officially.

Ha, that was funny to think about, another name in the collection of Jonathan's many names!

Norman, Jonathan - what's next? Another pseudonym... If Jonathan were allowed to choose, he would like to make a pseudonym that's a lot cooler like 'The Elusive Man'...

Jonathan smiled before exhaling.

In fact, these were simply silly thoughts borne out of the elation he felt after solving another incredible problem. And all at the cost of just one bag and six hundred thousand liens! A trifle, considering that Jonathan had more than nine million left at his disposal!

His plan for resolving such an important problem went astonishingly flawlessly! Jonathan could only be surprised at his luck - and, of course, be glad...

Although, in his height of elation, Jonathan remembered a thing that the Old Man used to say.

When everything goes according to plan - look for a catch...

But Jonathan didn't want to think about it at all.


"What evidence do we have?" An overweight man, an officer of the law, looked unimpressed at the charred walls of the server room.

"None, basically," A colleague of his, a tall, skinny man sighed and reached for a cigarette. Only to remember that it was prohibited to smoke in the bank. He sighed with annoyance as he returned his cigarettes case back to one of his pockets.

"We found some footprints in the vault… But we cannot just arrest everyone based on the size of their shoes. The camera's data banks are so charred that their only use is as a particularly expensive bricks. There's nothing that can be lifted from the servers. Some partial fingerprints were found on the tables, but they are not in the database, nor are they complete enough for comparison anyway. No chance of identifying the culprit that way."

"Did the employees see anything strange?" - The officer asked his nicotine-starved friend.

The colleague just shook his head, - "One of the guards saw a strange guy, young, said that he was a schoolboy - or something like that. We looked at the recordings from the knights from the surroundings, but we did not find anything incriminating. He was acting somewhat strange, but is unlikely to be our suspect. Besides, he left the bank before the robbery happened, his name is also not listed in the register of hunters and people with identified semblances." The guy scratched his face in a nicotine deprived itch. He should really invest in nicotine patches if his addiction is that bad.

"Furthermore, the criminal groups that have the ability to perhaps pull off this heist were not spotted anywhere near Atlas. Our contacts with the criminal elements in Mantle didn't see any suspicious movements that could indicate a large group of criminals mobilizing, a few of our informants even say the gangs are as baffled as we are. Most likely, this heist was conducted solo - possibly by an unregistered teleporting Semblance, maybe even a technomancer or an invisibility one." He grimaced at that possibility, if that were true then there would almost be no chance to catch the culprit. Atlas' police was already catching flak for creating the 'list', if they base their entire investigation based simply on suspecting certain Semblances… yeah, he can already read the headline 'Atlas Restarts The Great War!' in newspapers.

"And judging by the fact that the money has not surfaced anywhere - probably he is already far beyond the Atlas." His colleague finished with a huff.

"So… we essentially have nothing." The officer nodded, looking at the ruins of the server burned down by an electric explosion. An inspiration suddenly struck him! "Damn it, Kurt! Dust! Electric dust! Contact all the Schnee stores, find anyone who recently bought a high volume of electric dust from their store in Atlas!"

"What if he didn't buy his Dust in Atlas?" Kurt glanced at the officer with some doubt. "And even if he did, will the Schnee agree to let us see their sales record?"

"Kurt, think with your head sometimes." The officer sighed, "We are investigating the robbery of a Schnee bank! I'm surprised they haven't given us the full summaries of their sale of dust for the last year! And, well, if he did not buy it in the Atlas, ask our informants... Oh, and see if anyone has recently arrived in Atlas carrying Dust. It's subject to a mandatory declaration, so we might as well cut off the list of suspects. As for that guard and the strange guy... Ask him to make a composite - whether it is actually suspicious or not - we will find out later…"


Cinder felt ... Strange. An emotion that she was familiar with these last few days

On the one hand, realizing that her torture was all about to end - Cinder felt incredible elation, the likes of which she had never felt before.

On the other hand… the waiting.

When?! WHEN?! WHEN?!

As if barely holding herself together now that all this would end soon, Cinder suddenly felt how painful it was for her to be in this damn hotel.

Smile at Miss Sunny. Tolerate the twins. Look after visitors.

Cinder felt her joy alternating with great irritation with each passing second.

Malice was slowly accumulating within her, a malice that before had no way to express itself. Not for Jonathan, no. Cinder didn't feel any such emotion with Jonathan.

Could she? Did she even have the right?

Jonathan was strong. He could deal with all the problems that annoyed Cinder with a snap of his finger. Like snapping his fingers, it was also done very quickly.

Cinder hated her life.

As if a flame of hatred, once extinguished, once trampled into the mud, remaining nothing more than a smoldering sparkling ember in the ash, has begun flaring up again.

Let's burn them. All of them. No one could leave. Lock the doors. Turn off the alarm. We know where the alarm is. Burn them all.

Nobody will notice anything.

Cinder exhaled, soothing her trembling hands. It was impossible to do that, it will attract attention. And Jonathan asked her not to attract any attention.

Therefore, biting her lips until blood appeared, Cinder tried to restrain herself.

Looking at the floor. In front of Miss Sunny.

"Hmm," Miss Sunny's voice was as cold as usual, but Cinder was not at all afraid anymore. Not at all, not now of all times.

"It seems that my upbringing is finally beginning to bear fruit. Today your work has been performed flawlessly. You are free to do whatever you want for now. By tomorrow morning the banquet for Mr. Rhodes should be ready by six o'clock in the morning. He paid a significant amount of lien for this order."

A significant amount, ha ha… Cinder gritted her teeth until they squeaked, trying not to betray her attitude. Mr. Rhodes, haha? The Hunter?

Cinder could prepare a wonderful banquet for him.

Miss Sunny was so short-sighted giving Cinder the key to the cleaning supplies pantry.

What will be stronger - the famous survivability of hunters - or a liter of alkali in their guts?

Cinder would have been glad to see the result of the experiment, but she pulled herself together at the last moment.

Jonathan asked not to attract attention. And Cinder will fulfill what was said without any complaints. Cinder will do whatever was told to her. Anything Jonathan asked for.

Cinder continued to stare at the floor as Miss Sunny waxed limericks about the wonderful Mr. Rhodes, but it was only a mask. Such a familiar mask that Cinder has used all her life.

Miss Sunny, as if sensing something, asked Cinder something, "Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Of course, Miss Sunny." Cinder replied as she always did. "Without you, I am nothing."

Miss Sunny, even as she suspected something was wrong, however, found no reason for her concern, only glancing over at Cinder, and then waved her hand. " You're free."

Cinder stayed where she was without looking up, waiting for Miss Sunny to leave the room — this time without the twins — before looking up.

Miss Sunny...

Cinder would love to lay her hands on her. Perhaps on her neck. She would hold her until she stopped twitching. A long, slow torturous burning. She would love to look into her eyes as she slowly burns her to death.

Unfortunately, even using her aura, Cinder was not sure that she could overpower Miss Sunny... But she knows where she sleeps, she could easily do it.

What an incredible surprise Cinder's semblance would be for Miss Sunny. Oh, Cinder would like to look Miss Sunny in the eyes when she realized that she was dying at the hands of the most ungrateful girl, Cinder...

Cinder slowly clenched her hands into fists before exhaling.

Don't attract attention. Don't attract attention. Repeating Jonathan's words like a mantra, Cinder headed for her room. The one that was officially allocated to Cinder. The broom closet.

After that, as soon as the door closed behind her, Cinder climbed into the ventilation. She knew the way to her room - but today she had to go to another one.

Right... Forward... Right... And right again...

Cinder studied the hotel's ventilation system well, and therefore it was not difficult for her to find her goal in the maze-like air ducts. Just a few tens of seconds - and Cinder reached the required ventilation grill before looking inside the room.

Jonathan's room looked the same as yesterday's, except Cinder had returned his washed and dried T-shirts while he was not in the room. However, this time Jonathan was inside.

Walking around the room, he muttered something to himself. Cinder tried to listen, but could not make out anything, except for scraps of phrases that were not enough to make a coherent sentence... Something about 'Ars Aer'? Whatever that is.

Cinder tried to listen more, but Jonathan, as if somehow sensing Cinder's presence, turned towards her, causing Cinder to freeze like a deer in a flashlight.

"Who's there!?" Jonathan shouted as he peered intently into the ventilation grill, where Cinder is. An attentive, tenacious look...

Cinder blinked, confused as to why she was afraid of Jonathan of all people, before moving forward, lifting the grate in her way.

"Oh, Cinder. You surprised me." Seeing that it was Cinder, Jonathan instantly relaxed before helping Cinder out of the ventilation.

"I didn't know that you... Use such paths to get around." From someone else, such words could have sounded like a mockery. However, Jonathan only smiled, not giving Cinder even the opportunity to be angry with him in any way...

Not that Cinder is planning on doing such a thing, it is unlikely that Cinder could even feel anger towards Jonathan at this point...

Cinder, now finding herself in Jonathan's room, first lowered her eyes, and then, remembering Jonathan's words, raised her gaze to him, looking into his eyes.

"Did you need something from me?" Jonathan smiled, looking into Cinder's eyes, forcing her to look away for some unknown reason as she felt a strange emotion as she stared into Jonathan's kind eyes.

Cinder was silent for a few seconds before slowly answering, "No."

"I see… " Jonathan sighed before nodding to himself, smiling guiltily. "Sorry, I'm a little busy right now... I need to prepare a lot in order to remove your… This pendant."

Cinder froze. She was distracting Jonathan! Cinder instantly cursed herself with the worst words she knew, and thanks to not quite sober hunters, Cinder knew a lot.

"Of course, I'm very sorry!" Panic seized Cinder, forcing her to rush to the door before Jonathan caught Cinder before she could go anywhere.

Jonathan's embrace was good, Cinder thought, forcing her to freeze.

Jonathan was warm. Calm. Strong.

Cinder froze in his arms, trying not to even breathe. "Wait here." Jonathan said to Cinder, making her freeze again. "That... I didn't mean to say that you're bothering me or anything… I mean, I'm very glad that you're here. Likewise, I'm just not quite sure how I can help you at this moment…"

Cinder was still frozen before slowly breathing out, "Can I… stay here then? I will not interfere with what you're doing. You won't even notice that I'm here!"

"Yes, of course. You can stay, Cinder." After a moment Jonathan let go of Cinder - and Cinder suddenly felt very cold. So uncomfortable when compared to when Jonathan was holding her...

"Can you…" - Cinder suddenly felt an impulse that made her utter completely rash words, - "Can you hug me again?"

Cinder couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth! Well done, Cinder! She promised not to interfere - and then...

"Of course." Jonathan smiled, looking at Cinder with a warm expression on his face. "If you want - I can hug you again."

"How long?" Cinder suddenly looked up at Jonathan with an unknown heat pooling in her stomach.

"As long as you want," Jonathan smiled as he ran his hands through Cinder's hair.

Cinder didn't know what to do before the feeling she had kept hidden bursts out. "You... You won't leave me, right?"

Cinder was afraid. Jonathan will answer her, won't he? And the answer to her is that he... that he...

"Of course." Jonathan hugged Cinder tighter. "I won't leave you. There's nothing on Eart… Remnant that will make me leave you."

Cinder probably should have cried - but for some reason she didn't want to. She was... a little sad. Only a little bit.

Somehow she liked this feeling of sadness. It was strange - but Cinder was probably still too young to properly understand these feelings she has.

Basking in the warmth of Jonathan's body, Cinder could feel that her eyes were slowly closing. It was always cold in her room... But for some reason, when Jonathan was next to her, Cinder was warm. Cozy. Good.

Cinder, feeling a warmth she felt for the first time, slowly closed her eyes.

Cinder closed her eyes, feeling her breathing and heartbeat gradually calm down.

The burning hate towards Miss Sunny... The Twins... Hunters… It was all still inside her, behind a door that was now closed in a cold, uncomfortable room...

But Jonathan was here now, together with Cinder.

It was warm, light, good...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

Cinder seemed to hear a voice humming a song to her...

How I wonder what you are...

There was nothing special in this voice - no special training, no melodic sound. Indeed, it was somewhat out of tune.

Up above the world so high...

But the voice sang softly, calmly...

Like a diamond in the sky...

To Cinder's ears that there was nothing more pleasant in this world than this voice.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star...

As Cinder falls asleep, she seemed to be standing under the endless night sky, looking up...

How I wonder what you are...

And all the problems were left far behind...