Chapter 6 - Amira

"Are we thinking of the same kind of c*ke?" he said with a laugh after he recovered from his shock.

"If you're thinking about one that's powdery and snow white, then yes." she replied with the same playful smile.

Seeing her teeth that were whiter than the drug she was talking about, Draco could only think that her smile was truly beautiful.

Having his suspicions confirmed, Draco looked at this gorgeous woman in a different light.

"What a coincidence. You know, I was also thinking that some snow would go well with my drink."

"Truly. I was astonished that not one of those old bastards on the second floor had any." she replied.

Draco shook his head at that, "I wouldn't be." he turned to look at her, "Honestly, I'd bet all the c*caine on me that they were just being stingy."

The woman looked up at him in surprise, "On you?"

Draco flashed her a charming smile and said, "That's right. That among other things."

Hearing this the woman looked him up and down and leaned closer, "Oh? Like what?" she said after a moment.

Draco's heart sped up seeing this beauty so close to him, but sensing the mood he kept his cool and replied with the same smile.

"I guess you'll have to wait and see, won't you?"

Hearing this, a pearl of laughter escaped her lips. It was a melodious noise that could move the heart of any man.

"My, you're certainly a charming one, aren't you?" she said in her accented voice.

She looked over her shoulder and waved at someone in the distance.

Looking at the man who was now walking over to him, the first thing Draco noticed was the white garb he was wearing.

It looked like a white robe that covered his entire body, and it was even wrapped around his head. Resting on top of his head was a long red and white checkered piece of fabric that hung down to his shoulders.

Although Draco couldn't see much through the robes covering his head, his face was left uncovered. The man had an excellent facial structure, and judging from his beard, black hair.

He was tall, at least 6'1" (186 cm), and looked to be rather powerfully built under his loose robes.

Draco couldn't put a finger on it, but this man seemed almost... dangerous. He also didn't know for sure, but he felt like this man was extremely wealthy.

Rich people always had a certain demeanor, and this man oozed it. Draco had certainly learned how to identify this demeanor during his time selling at Richmond University.

The man walked up to the two of them with a confident stride.

When he arrived he glanced at Draco inquisitively for a moment, then instantly forgot about him before saying, "Sister, you called?"

Seeing that this man had the same skin tone as the woman, the same accent, and had just called her sister, Draco instantly connected all the dots.

The woman nodded her head, "I did brother, I just found out something delightful."

The man looked at her questioningly, "Oh? Few things can get you this excited."

She smiled and responded, "Indeed, but this man right here just said that he could get us some c*caine."

The man looked back over at Draco with renewed interest. "Is that so?"

She nodded her head and also looked at Draco, "It's true! Speaking of, I never actually got your name."

Draco smiled wryly as he thought, 'I never promised anything for her brother, I hope he doesn't expect a free lunch like his beautiful sister.'

Outwardly however, he only said, "The name's Draco."

The woman smiled when she heard this, "An interesting name. You can call me Amira." she replied as she held out a delicate looking hand to Draco.

Draco took her hand and was surprised by the surprising strength in her grip, 'She's not as fragile as she looks.' he thought to himself.

Draco looked at the man standing in front of them. Noticing Draco's gaze, the man only said, "Muhammed." before looking back at his sister.

Muhammed was surprised to see that Amira was giving so much attention to this random Las Vegas drug dealer.

Staring at the both of them for a moment Draco finally said, "Let me show you two what I got."

He unzipped his tracksuit jacket and pulled out a small plastic bag from some sort of inside pocket. Looking at the baggie one would notice that it was filled with a white, snow-like powder.

Handing the baggie to Amira he said, "See for yourself."

Looking at the product, Amira was pleased with what she saw. She stuck a finger in the bag and placed it in her mouth.

It was quite the sensual sight, and Draco had to quickly blink as he saw the beautiful Middle Eastern girl licking her finger.

Looking at Amira placing her slender finger on her full, pink lips, Draco had to forcefully keep himself from thinking something naughty.

"This is quality stuff." she said after a moment, feeling the numbing sensation on her tongue.

Chuckling, Draco nodded his head, "I know."

A voice sounded out from the side, "Is that all you have? We're going to need much more than that." said Muhammed with a sneer.

Draco shook his head, "Of course not, I have plenty back in my room. This is just what I happened to have on me."

'Is this man an idiot? Did he really expect me to pull out a brick of c*caine at the f*cking bar table?' Draco thought to himself.

Muhammed raised an eyebrow at that, "Well, It'll do for now I suppose. I'm going to need that right now actually, I've got a game to attend to. The Bombardier is at stake."

"Wait! You're betting the plane?!" Amira exclaimed in shock next to Draco.

Muhammed chuckled in the most pompous way Draco had ever heard, "Amira. Amira." he said as he made a calming gesture. "Settle down, my dear sister. Without a little bit of risk there can be no gain."

Amira shook her head with an exasperated expression on her face, "I hope you know what you're doing."

Muhammed said nothing as he took the bag from her and fished in his robes for a moment. His hand soon came back out with a few hundred dollars, which he then casually handed to Draco.

Afterwards he began to walk off towards the staircase leading to the second floor.

"Worry not sister, the next time you see me our fortune will have increased." he said while walking off.

After a moment, Draco broke the silence, "Well, he's definitely a character."

In truth, Draco was more than a little peeved. Muhammed had taken the bag that he had intended to give to Amira. Also, he was quite confused by this plane business, but he knew better than to pry into a stranger's affairs.

'At least he payed well for it.' he thought while looking at the three hundred dollars that was now in his hand. He quickly put the money away and looked at Amira.

"That he is." she said while watching him walk off. A slight pout on her lips.

She looked back at him, "Was that really all you had on you?"

Draco nodded his head, "It was, but like I said I can go bring you some more from my room."

Amira shook her head, "No, don't bother. I'm coming with you." she said as an imperceptible glint flashed through her eyes.

Draco was surprised, he didn't know why she would suddenly suggest to come with him.

'Maybe I'm just overthinking things.' he thought, but Draco wasn't an inexperienced man. Seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, and remembering the earlier atmosphere, it would be strange if his mind didn't wander.

While these thoughts were going through his mind, he gave Amira a wry smile.

"If you want to, I won't stop you."

"Perfect, then it's settled. Let's go." she said, putting down her drink and standing up.

She looked at Draco and showed him a brilliant smile, "Lead the way."