Chapter 5 - The Casino

Upon entering Draco's room you could immediately see the tasteful furniture and beautiful artwork on the walls.

However, Draco was so exhausted that he barely looked at any of it before collapsing onto his bed.

Looking to the side of his bed at the clock he saw that it was 9:04 PM.

'Damn, I could've sworn it was later than this.' was the last thing he thought before falling asleep.

Draco didn't sleep peacefully, however, as he was wracked by nightmares. He saw memories of Shamus' destroyed head and relived the moment he ran over that gangster's body.


Draco woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, and when he looked over he saw that it was only 1:29 AM.

"About four and a half hours of sleep, huh?" he mumbled under his breath as he sat up.

Draco got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. There he washed his face, and stared at himself in the mirror for a long minute.

'I'm really a killer now, aren't I?' he thought to himself with conflicted emotions flashing over his face.

He shook his head and decided to get out of his room. Draco wasn't someone who could go back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night, or morning for that matter.

Besides, he decided that he needed to get drunk and forget everything that had happened just earlier in the day.

The casino was the perfect place for that, and without wasting any time he got into the elevator and headed straight to the casino floor.

The elevator required him to scan his room key before being allowed entrance to the floor, which he promptly did.

A few seconds later and the elevator was descending.

As soon as the elevator doors opened his eyes were greeted with a myriad of flashing colors.

The sounds of arcade machines going off and the clinking of coins and pachinko machines could be heard all the way from the elevator.

The casino itself was separated into two floors, with the second floor overlooking the first one with a balcony that was around 40 feet up.

The most notable feature of the casino was what looked like hundreds of arcade machines.

They were lining the walls and arranged in neat rows all throughout the first floor.

Seated among the numerous machines were a variety of people.

The most common sight were middle aged and old men. The sight of Hawaiian shirts, beer bellies, and open toed sandals was a common one throughout the first floor of the casino.

Looking up at the second floor one would see an entirely different sight. The floor seemed sparsely populated, and various men wearing well tailored suits and designer clothing sat at different areas.

If you looked around the men you could notice them accompanied by sometimes up to several gorgeous women.

Everywhere you looked you could see beauties one would rarely see chatting and laughing.

They were all wearing short luxurious dresses that showed off their fit form and curves as they mingled and flirted with the high-rollers.

These high-rollers were seated at several tables playing games like poker or blackjack. They had smiles on their faces as different women held onto their arms and laughed at their corny jokes.

If anyone on the first floor were to hear some of the things these men were betting on, their eyes would surely pop out of their sockets.

Getting out of the elevator, Draco took all of this in as he scanned his surroundings. He looked around for a moment before spotting what he was looking for.

Draco headed straight for the bar on the first floor, not paying any mind to the loud gambling machines around him.

Sitting down at the bar Draco waved a hand to get the bartender's attention.

"Let me get an Old Fashioned." he said

To Draco's surprise, the bartender didn't even bother to ask for his ID as he began to make his drink.

Half a minute later Draco was sipping his drink as he turned around to observe the rest of the casino.

Looking around, Draco's attention was immediately drawn to the second floor of the balcony.

Seeing the middle aged men in suits surrounded by some of the most beautiful women he had ever seen made him click his tongue in annoyance.

'Damn, what a waste. Look at all those old cows eating young grass.' he thought as he continued to sip his drink.

Looking at the rest of the casino Draco wondered if he should also try a little gambling, but he quickly shook his head as he realized that he shouldn't be recklessly spending money in this situation.

Draco never was much of a gambler anyways. Why spend money in the faint hope that you could maybe make more, if you could instead spend money and guarantee that you would?

He'd taken bets before, but he'd never actually gone to a casino and gambled. He figured that he'd have to be pretty drunk before he would ever try.

"Vodka Spritz, if you would dear." said a heavily accented, feminine voice to the right of Draco.

This voice interrupted Draco's line of thought, and when he turned to find the owner of the voice he was stunned by what he saw.

Seated next to him was what one could only describe as a picturesque beauty.

She looked young, and from what he could tell was not too much older than himself. She had light, caramel brown skin, and short, straight hair down to her chin.

The first thing Draco noticed were her eyes. They were a dark brown color, but still somehow seemed as if they could light up the world.

She was wearing a luxurious looking black pantsuit, and had on a white undershirt.

She had sharp features, and her high cheekbones made her look like someone who belonged on the front of a fashion magazine.

'Stunning.' was the only thing that came to Draco's mind as he watched her receive her drink. He couldn't quite place a finger on her accent, but she seemed to be Middle Eastern.

Draco noticed that the woman was looking at the drink in her hand with a perturbed expression.

"I'm likely going to regret this later." he heard her mumble to himself.

Draco chuckled when he heard that, "What, is the Spritz really that scary?"

The woman seemed surprised that someone had heard her, and she looked over with a wry smile, "Well no, not normally."

"Normally?" Draco asked.

She smiled playfully, "Normally, I'd have some c*ke along with my drink."

Draco was once again stunned. He certainly didn't expect the woman to say something like that.