Chereads / When I wasn’t looking / Chapter 2 - Andie ( Things I didn’t know)

Chapter 2 - Andie ( Things I didn’t know)

After dinner Jaylee wondered off with Owen somewhere, totally ignoring the watchful glare from her mother. However it didn't go unnoticed by Owen's father.

His dad politely reminded Owen to mind his manners, which gave me a since of relief. I sincerely hoped Owen would do as his father

said,because I didn't want to deal with a heartbroken best friend if Alpha Boy was anything like my brother.

After Jaylee and Owen left the dining room Emma grabbed my arm urging me to follow her. I quickly placed the napkin that was in my lap on the table remembering my manners and excused myself from the table.

" Thank you for dinner Alpha Thomas, and Luna Layla it was delicious " I smiled politely, complimenting the grub, and headed out of the dining room with Emma.

We left out of Pack house through the back door in the kitchen. Emma almost dragging me down the road to a large craftsman style bungalow setting back along the edge of the woods.

After walking closer I noticed a cute sweaty guy with curly brown hair setting on the front porch swing .

When we made our way over to where he was setting, he flashed us a big smile and pulled Emma down into his lap.

My eyes bugged slightly when his hand slipped underneath her shirt and squeezed her ribs. My mind momentarily malfunctioned, was I really this far behind all other teenagers. I wondered.

" Andie this is my boyfriend Parker"I heard Emma say ,bringing me out of my shocked state. I quickly gathered my composure and extended my hand for a friendly shake.

" It's nice to meet you Parker" I murmured, taking note that he never stop caressing Emma's side even while he was shaking my hand.

" Same here, have a seat Andie" Parker politely said, jotting his chin towards the other half of the porch swing. " You girls almost missed me, I was just about to go in and take a shower. I've been working out." He explained his sweaty state with an apologetic grin and a slight shrug.

I nodded and flopped down beside them on the swing scooting back into the corner. Turning sideways with my back pressed against the chains that was holding the swing up,so that I faced them.

" Parker will be heading off to college in a couple of weeks he's enrolled at SPU this year." Emma informed me, sounding really proud of her boyfriend.

However I did catch a bit of dejection in the way she said it. And I guess Parker caught it too.

He learned forward kissing her neck cooing softly in her ear " Aah, babe I'm going to miss you so, so ,much."

The PDA between the two of them was a bit over the top but it's nothing new for werewolves. Actually all the little pecking kisses and lite touches were mild compared to the full blown make out sessions in public of a true mated couple.

I didn't let any of it bother me and the three of us had a good chat for a couple of hours before Emma and I headed back to the pack house. I headed upstairs to the guest room to find it empty.

I showered and put my fav 49ers t-shirt on just before the door cracked open. Jaylee come slithering in with a sneaky grin on her face.

" What did you do?" I ask, accusingly lifting one of my eyebrows and giving her the stink eye.

Her sneaky ass grinned " Nothing much just kissed and a little touching."

" Okay, come clean just how much touching" I suspiciously ask,cocking my head to the side and give her a stern look.

The same look my mom gives me when she suspects I'm not telling her the truth.

" Oh, you know just my boobs" she said dreamily, bringing her hands up to rub across her own chest.

She did this like it's no big deal to let some horny Alpha boy cop a feel while sucking on her face.

" So does it not bother you that you may not see Owen again. LIKE FOREVER " I yelled the last part to get it through her thick head.

" Jeez Andie, it's not like we done it or anything. Are you not even curious to know what it feels like to make out with a guy?" She whined, dragging her sorry self over to her suitcase to pull out some flimsy little pink pajama set thing with spaghetti straps.

" No, not right now." I said flatly not letting her whining bother me.

" Don't tell me you plan to save yourself for your soulmate?" She ask kinda haughtily "That's just some old fashion crap that our teachers and parents tell us to do. And do you know why?" She ask and continued to answer her own question "Because they know how hard it's going to be to control our teenage werewolf hormones."She sighed and looked at me like she expected me to agree with the crap she just spouted out.

When I didn't and just stared at her like she was crazy, she got that looked on her face like I just kicked her dog and betrayed our friendship.

Then I couldn't stand that sappy look she was giving me any longer."Jaylee" I took a deep breath calmly calling her name to get her full attention as I walked over to the bed to set down facing her.

" I don't expect anything like that, but I do think it's a good idea to wait until you have a steady boyfriend. Someone that cares about how you feel instead off sharing your body with a bunch of random guys."

She groaned dramatically and put her hands over her face before spouting out some more crazy crap . " Do you really think people still do that?" She ask rolling he eyes at me.

"Andie let me share a little information with you, Now I'm sure you're not aware of this, but let's take your sister and Hanna for instance. Do you think that's what they do?" She ask like I was stupid,then answered her own question again.

"No they don't, I walked in on Hanna and Peyton last week in the pool house and she was on her knees giving him a blow job." She said all this matter-of-factly without missing a beat.

If it wasn't for Peyton and Brent saying what ever tumbles out of their mouth I don't believe I would even be familiar with that phrase. I know all the girls at school are all over Peyton some are even my age all the way up to the age of seventeen.

However I really thought all the ones who knew for sure he wasn't their mate wouldn't bother themselves with his egotistic self .

My mouth dropped open and I guess Jaylee realized she had just said something that totally shocked me.

Which she did, I would have never in a million years suspected Hanna of such behavior with my brother.

Jaylee walked over to the bed planting her ass beside me and pulling me in for a hug and tried to comfort me.

" It's okay Andie, I never realized it either until last week after busting Peyton and Hanna. Then I really started paying attention to everyone around me.

" A..are you sure that's what Hanna and Peyton where doing." I found the courage to stutter out the question even though my mind was a complete mess.

I just want to make sure Jaylee knew what she was talking about. Because the first time I heard Peyton use that phrase I had to google the meaning . I just couldn't understand why Hanna would bother messing around with my brother.

Hanna is a beautiful girl who has already turned eighteen and she would know if Peyton was her soulmate. "Why on earth would she waste her time having sex with a sixteen year old Alpha male." I ask totally confused bringing my hands up to cover my face.

Hearing this made me want to puke "Peyton is just gross he has sex with half the girls in our school." I groaned not understanding any of this.

" Oh jeez Andie ,you really don't know?"

Jaylee ask , pushing me back away from her so that I was setting straight up on the bed.

" No, I really don't." I pouted slightly annoyed at the way she ask me that question. Like I was stupid or something.

She learned into me and whispered really low, like this was something top secret "Well let me enlighten you on a little secret that most female werewolves know."

My ears perked up and I leaned a bit closer steadying my heart beat before her words left me speechless for a second time tonight.

" Andie all female werewolves want to have sex with Alpha males because they are supposed to be the best. Alpha males have all that extra testosterone and this makes them last longer. I'm not really sure why this is so important but I want to find out."She giggled wiggling her eyebrows at me like I was supposed to know what that means.

" Oh Jaylee please don't say you want to have sex with Peyton too." I begged and covered my face again with both hands. I just couldn't bare the thought of Jaylee wanting to have sex with Peyton.He's my brother and I love him but he's a total arrogant ass.

" No, no!" She squealed flapping both her hands like a bird " Never with Peyton" she scrunched her face and spat out my brother's name with disgust to my relief.

We both giggled and went to bed that night on a lighter note but I couldn't help wondering what this lasting longer really ment.

Jaylee also informed me that she kinda caught my sister with her Uncle Noah. Noah is her dad's youngest brother and our pack doctor. He's good looking and smart with a beta blood line. He's about ten years older than my sister,however neither one of them have found their soulmate yet.

Jaylee told me she didn't catch them actually having sex like she did Peyton and Hanna.

However she said when she took her uncle some of the cake her mom had baked my sister came out of Doctor Noah's bathroom with wet hair like she had just took a shower.

I guess I really need to pay closer attention to what's going on around me. I just thought Doctor Noah and Abby were really good friends, well I guess they are. What's that people say? friends with benefits.

The next morning after breakfast we got under way again heading for our next destination Cape Saint James, Canada.

After flying about five and a half hours we landed on an island and an older man came to greet us.

He shook my dad's hand and we all basically done the same thing as we had done yesterday, loaded up into two luxury SUV's and head to a pack house.

The only difference was I didn't know any one who lived here. Alpha William was an older man on the verge of retiring actually my dad came here almost like an advisor for Alpha William's son,Alpha Eli.

Alpha Eli was a buff looking man about forty years old with a wife and two children. His son was around ten years old and his daughter was around six.

This was kind of a blessing to me because there was no temptation for Jaylee. I teased her a little bit about what a cutie Young Alpha Liam the ten year old was, and how I thought she might enjoy his company for the night.

I don't think she liked the idea of baby setting because she pouted and dragged me off to the beach with our brothers to see an old light house.

After dinner Jaylee and I hung around in the shadows watching Peyton and Hanna from a distance. And let me tell you, those two sure are sneaky. They never even glanced at each other until after our parents all went to bed that night.

I was beginning to think Jaylee had told me a bunch of crap just to get me off her tail about Owen. However she convinced me to watch closely and sure enough we caught them sneaking off outside together.

We didn't follow them to see exactly what they were doing.But we did see them come back inside and Hanna looked a bit flushed and Peyton's hair was a bit messy.

After spying on Peyton and Hanna Jaylee and I went on to bed. After I closed the door she told me about how my sister has been sneaking over to her uncle Noah's house almost every morning before he goes to the hospital.