Chereads / When I wasn’t looking / Chapter 6 - Zack( Touch it)

Chapter 6 - Zack( Touch it)

Upon our arrival at my family's table my mom gathered Luna Caroline in her arms and I heard her whisper " Please don't worry about Andie. My son is a good man and I will personally look after her like she's my own daughter."

Well I guess breaking the news to her mother that her teenage daughter won't be going back home with her come Monday morning is already done. So I guess there's nothing left to explain except about Andie having a chaperone until we get married.

After mom released Luna Caroline I ushered them to the table, maned up and cut straight to the chase. " Mom, Luna Caroline" That's right I address both of our mothers at the same time. "Andie and I,along with our father's have decided that it would be better for her to stay here at the Starlight pack until we get married." When I said married I could feel my baby girl tense up a bit. I rubbed the top of her tiny hand I was holding underneath the table. After I sensed her relax I continued. " Alpha Lucius will be sending a chaperone for her just as soon as he finds a suitable candidate. He said it may take a couple of weeks. But please rest assured Luna Caroline, Andie will be well taken care of in the meantime. My mom will make certain of that."

Luna Caroline sighed and rubbed her temples like she was getting a headache but didn't complain about the decision her husband had made concerning their daughter. And to be honest according to werewolf law and customs they both know my father and I are being very generous by even considering what they want. It's a well known fact when an Alpha finds his soulmate she actually becomes his responsibilities at that very moment no questions ask. He is responsible for her health and well being in every aspect and nobody has a right to question his decision on any part of it. I'm only guessing here but I suppose it's that way because whatever affects his soulmate also affects him . In essence a mated couple becomes one heart and one soul to never be apart. There's an old saying among werewolves that goes something like this: what the moon goddess brought together let no man separated.I never gave that shit much thought until today.But I'm sure if it wasn't for those old laws and customs Alpha Lucius would have gathered his family and left Alaska by now.

With that out of the way I stand offering my hand to her mother " Luna Caroline please allow me to escort you back to your table."

I look over my shoulder and tell my girl "Andie I'll have your food sent over here. Make yourself comfortable there beside my mother." Then I walked away with her mom by my side giving no room for arguments.

By the time I got her mom back to the table Alpha Lucius was back in his chair and the food was being served. I immediately glanced around the table finding Andie's place card ignoring the two she wolves eye fucking me. I point to Andie's chair and tell the server " This person's dinner needs to be served at my family's table." She nods her head gathered Andie's dinner and headed in the direction of my family's table.

Immediately I turned my attention to Alpha Lucius " I will have Andie's stuff moved to the Alpha's quarters in the morning. She will be occupying my sisters old room, there's even a guest room beside it for her chaperone when you're able to find the right person." I informed him

Alpha Lucius nodded and the redhead beside him squealed "Andie gets to stay here."

I glance at the girl, then back at Alpha Lucius to hear he was already explaining the situation to the frowning redhead "Yes Andie is staying,I'm going to start interviewing for her a chaperone when we return home."

"I'll do it daddy there's no need to hire anyone . All my classes are on line anyway and who would be better to watch over my little sister then me." The redhead cooed sickly sweet making me wonder what her ass was up to. If she stays I'll need to keep an eye on her ass she looks like a sneaky bitch to me.

However I decide it's not my problem, I smile.

" Please enjoy your dinner everyone. " I give them a small nod turn and walked away. Leaving them to figure out this chaperone bullshit by themselves.It's not like Andie really needs one. Do they really think I would do something inappropriate with my baby girl that might scare her for the rest of her life. No that's wrong,it would scare us for the rest of our lives since she's part of me.

I high tail it away from there making quick steps towards my baby girl when someone yanked on my arm. I spin around to see who grabbed me just to hear Brandy's smart ass mouth " Are you done babysitting for the night."

I grinned at her smart ass. " Nope got to get back to it. Catch you later." I jerked my arm away from her hand strolled on over to the table to find Julianna had her ass in my seat.

" I see you met my sister" my baby girl nodded and flashed me a smile then continued her conversation with my nosey ass sister about the bracelet she has on.

Looks like I need to buy my girl some jewelry. I hope that bracelet was gave to her by her mother if not she won't have it for long.

" Don't you think you need to go eat with your mate?" I ask julianna, her annoying ass smirked at me.

" I guess we can talk later." She told my girl, got her ass out of my chair and gave me the fucking stink eye.

I ignored her crazy ass, took my seat beside my baby girl and pulled her little bracelet clad arm over in front of me

" Where did you get your bracelet" I had to ask just to make sure my girl is as innocent as I think.

" My mom had it made for me to represent our pack.Look closer between the sapphires it has little moons engraved in the white gold." She told me as she moved the bracelet around her tiny wrist.

I pulled her little hand closer trying as hard as I could not to be affected by the tingling sensation that's been zapping my ass all damn day. " That's pretty, we will need to get you one made to represent our pack. You can design it however you want." I murmured, that made her little ass grinn and I could feel through the bond that she was happy.

That's right I still hadn't released her arm. I don't know why but once I touch her it's almost impossible for me to let her go. The initial contact is tingly but after that a tranquil sensation washes through my body, soothing me like a warm blanket straight out of the dryer on a cold night.

I know she's going to think I'm clingy and I wish like hell she could feel what I feel. At that thought I got an idea.

" Andie would you like me to tell you what the bond feels like? I mean how I'm so sure you're my soulmate?"

" Sure" she responded, and my I add she sounded truly curious and interested.

" Well at first it was nothing but your scent. I wasn't even in the room with you when I noticed it." I brought her hand up to my nose and sniffed it.

She scrunched her little nose, I chuckled and tapped the end of her nose with my finger." Don't do that, you're going to love the way I smell too one day."

She giggled like the little girl she is. Then her little face become serious. "okay what do I smell like to you and how could you smell me if I wasn't in the room with you?

" You smell" I paused to choose my words carefully, she smells sexy and erotic as hell but I can't tell her that yet. " You smell beautiful like roses and fresh orange slices. And I could detect your scent on your dad's clothes in the billiards room this afternoon it made my wolf restless.

"Really" she chirped like a little bird and grabbed my hand taking a big whiff surprising the hell out of me.

" what do I smell like to you? I ask her curious to know, and I really don't give a fuck that my mom is looking down the table at us now. "Now use that little alpha werewolf nose of yours and we will see if my scent changes to you when you turn eighteen."

"You smell like body wash and a little like ginger." She finally decided taking her little nose away from my hand."Hey can we do some more of these comparisons"she ask totally excited.Her bright blue eyes shining like brilliant diamonds.

" We can, do you like science?" I ask and to my delight her whole face lite up.

" I do, what else can we try? "

I didn't even need to think about this, I just laid my hand flat on the table beside her plate. " touch it" I murmured and my mom jumped from her seat stalking in our direction like a polar bear.

" Zachary Matthew "she screeched from about a foot away startling my baby girl and drawing everyone's attention to our table.

" Yes Mother" I ask politely even though I could see the rage burning in her eyes.

Her head spun around looking at the crowd remembering where she was,lowering her voice to a whisper " Can I speak to you in your dad's office."

" Sure" I stand up grabbing my girls hand dragging her along as we followed my mom to my dad's office. I think I've been in my dad's office today more then I have in the past two years.

My mom and dad haven't bothered themselves in my life for a long time. I'm not really sure what's got my mom so upset but I guess I'm going to find out. I take out my key and unlock the door ushering my girl inside with my mom hot on our trail. She closed the door softly and glares at me like the Alpha she wolf she is and I'm her pray.

I raised a brow " Has something upset you mom?" I ask, curious to know what got her panties in bunch.

With one hand on her hip and the other one on her forehead like she was dying she spouted out the craziest bullshit I ever heard.

" Please tell me you didn't just ask Andie to touch you."

"I did, what's the problem?"

Her ass groaned like she was dying, quite frankly I've never seen my mother act this way.

"Just tell me mom what the hell has upset you so much? Surly me asking Andie to touch my hand isn't what's bothering you."

" Yo... your hand" she stuttered like I've never heard her do before.

Then it dawned on me my mom had her mind in the gutter " Yeah, my hand" I wiggled my fingers in front of her face.

" what the were you thinking?" I couldn't resist asking just to see what she says.

Andie gasphed and covered her mouth with her hand. I pulled her into my arms pressing her head into my chest " It's okay baby, we didn't do anything wrong" I murmured on her scalp hoping to calm my baby girl down.

" Oh, Andie, sweetheart I'm so, so sorry. I never thought you were doing anything wrong. I guess, I just need to trust Zack more when it comes to you." My mom squealed and moved to wrap both us in her arms like a big old mother hen.

By the time we got back to the banquet hall all the tables had been cleared and people were milling around the the room. I make a b-line for the bar dragging Andie along with me. When some nosey fuck stopped us in the middle of the room.