My throat tightened, my hands were sweaty and the overwhelming feeling to run came over me but I wanted to stay. In all honesty, I was conflicted. I desperately searched for anyone that was having the same reaction I did but there was no one. Of course no one would feel this way. I knew that. Why? Because nobody knew her like I did. Every curve, every dip and mark that was on her flesh, I was well aware of. The desire was there. It had always been. It never left as much as I tried to push it in the back of my mind, it always worked it way back. Her red and gold mask hid her face from me but I knew it was her. I could tell who she was from anywhere.
My shaky hand reached for my drink and I downed the whole thing. One gulp. I really needed another.
"Who is that?" Gabby whispered, jerking her head towards Melania.
Callie shrugged and looked around like everyone else.
I watched Melania strut over to a table but soon to my disappointment, a man not too much older me walked in behind her. He headed towards the podium in which Raymond grinned at this. When the two men were in close enough distance, they reached out to shake each other's hand.
"Lovely people, Charles Staples." Raymond spoke into the microphone once more.
Again, the applause began. I was sweating bullets. It was taking everything in me not to look over to where she was. Like a switch being pushed for me to turn my neck and I was fighting hard against it. I knew she was staring at me. I could feel her gaze burning into the side of my face. Her blue eyes daring me to look at her. She knew I wanted to. Hell, I knew I wanted to but I couldn't.
"Baby, you okay?" I was snapped out of my trance by Gabby touching my hand.
Turning to stare at her, I tried to hide the look in my eye. The look that would betray me.
"Mm, yea. I'm fine. I think I need some air though. I'll be right back babe." I forced a smile and quicker than need be, I stood from my chair and headed towards the door.
Against my better judgement, I looked over to where she was sitting only to be disappointed once more. Melania was not there. From there, I pushed the double doors open and instead of heading outside, I made my way to the mens bathroom.The fluorescent lights were flickering as if they were about blow. It was making me annoyed. Apparently, the men in the bathroom didn't keep this place clean. There was toilet paper on the floor and a drippy faucet.
I walked to one of the sinks and turned the water on. That was the only sound. The rushing water. It was peaceful but that didn't last long when a I heard one of the squeaky stalls behind. My eyes immediately flickered to the mirror to see a short, stubby guy walking out. His hair was mostly grey, what little he had. His stomach over his pants, with slacks that drug the ground. A stain right on the breast pocket of his shirt. His mask pushed to the top of his head. Mine was still on.
Please don't talk to me...please.
"I can't believe old Raymond is leaving the company. Did you hear?" The man asked, rolling up his sleeve to wash his hands.
I pretended to do the same thing so I wouldn't look like a lunatic with the water just running.
"Yes, I heard. Pity." I agreed but I didn't care. At all.
He scoffed, "About time I say. He didn't care about all his employees. Just the ones who brought in the money."
If I cared, I would have agreed but I didn't so I kept my mouth shut. I never cared about anything with this job. It was a paycheck and that was all that concerned me.
"Mmm." I hummed in a dismal tone.
Reaching up, he yanked the handle for the paper towels down and jerked the brown material and wiped his hands.
"Well I'm headed back out there. Enjoy your night." He smiled and tossed the paper in the trash and missing. Not even bothering to pick it up off the floor as he walked out.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, shaking my head. I thought about splashing my face but decided against it. Gabby was probably worried and here I was in the bathroom trying to stay calm. I reached out to turn the water off. Walking to the bathroom door and opening it, I froze.
There she was. The same way she was two years ago. She hadn't changed one bit. But was she supposed to it's only been two years. Her blue eyes glowing from behind the mask. Her red lips held a smirk. My eyes trailed down her curved anatomy all the way down to her legs. Right then it hit me, I remembered everything that happened two years ago. The night she fixed my hand, the night she asked me to stay. The night being the first night I'd ever give up control to a woman. Letting her have full say over what we did and didn't do. I gave and she took. She took everything I had to offer. She ruined me and I loved it.
Her hands were attached to the door way. Nails painted a glossy red. Blocking anyone from entering or me from leaving. Her wrists were graced with beautiful gold jewelry. My tongue darted out, wetting my lips and her eyes watched my movement.
"My love. It's been too long." Her velvet voice slipped through my ears.
I was in shock. It's been way too long since I'd laid eyes on her. But she was just as beautiful as before. I couldn't help myself from saying it over again.
"M-Melania, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to focus on my chest tightening.
She took a step forward. I took a step back. Her bottom lip jutted out in a faux pout. "Oh baby. What's wrong hm?"
My hands became clammy again. They were itching to touch her. I immediately clenched my hands into fists to prevent any such act.
"Tsk tsk. Didn't you miss me?" She sighed.
I did. I really did.
She moved towards me even more. Without turning around, she pushed the bathroom door closed with her back and locked it. Here I was, my back against the wall. Her sweet perfume in my nostrils and my eyes watching her in that black dress.
"It's been two years. Why now? Why come back now?" I asked, trying not to stumble over my words.
She smiled. "Because I love you Xavier. I've been waiting for the right time to come back to you. But then you went and made me upset."
I frowned, "Upset?"
"Mhm, you went and proposed to Gabriela. She was supposed to be me. Hm?" She reached out and touched me.
Her nails at the first button of my shirt. I swallowed harshly. Her eyes caught mine. She popped the button.
One down. Six more to go.
"Melania, I can't."
Her fingers didn't pause.
Second button. Five more to go.
"You already did." She smirked and moved her lips to my neck. Her cool lips pecked the sweaty skin there. At this point I was almost done for. Every since I met this woman, NO wasn't in my vocabulary.
"Well I can't do this again." I tried to sound firm. But unfortunately it didn't come out that way.
She giggled and licked my neck before pulling back to snatch my mask off. It was done too quick. She gasped.
"There's my handsome man." Her index fingertip ran down my lips.
I grabbed her wrist, watching her expression change from seductive to angry. "You have to stop."
Tilting her head to the side, she narrowed her eyes at me. "Why? If you're thinking I'm going to respect this whole engagement you have going on, you're wrong. I'm not. You're mine. So you can get rid of her or I can do it for you."
Her words. You're mine. It made me feel good. It made me feel wanted. Gabby loved me but Melania made me feel loved. It's like she made sure I knew.
"You can't stake some kind of claim on me after two years Mel. I'm with Gabby. I was with Gabby when we..." I sighed. I didn't want to finish the sentence.
She grabbed my chin and made me look at her.
"When we what Xavier? Made love? Yes you were with her. She didn't matter then and she doesn't matter now."
It was supposed to matter. Gabby was supposed to be the love of my life. Why wasn't I pushing this girl away? She didn't have a claim on me. She couldn't. Gabby had the claim. But right now it sure didn't feel like it.
I watched her and she watched me back. She knew I was contemplating. She knew what kind of control she had over me. I hated that she knew but she did. Her eyes demanded my attention. Her body demanded I worship it. I'd already done it once. My eyes slid down to her mouth. Fighting with myself was something I never had to do. The last time I did, was two years ago when I told myself going back to her house was a bad idea. Luckily, I won.
But this time, I don't think I was going to be so lucky. She didn't have to say a word. My mind was pushing and pulling. I knew what I was supposed to but what I was about to do was taking the bigger effect. Everything I just spouted out was true but at this moment, Melania was right. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered, except this moment.
Without a second thought, I placed my lips against hers for the second time in two years. I slowly let go of her wrist and moved my hands to her waist. The softness of her lips was dearly missed by my own. How have I survived this long without this? She brought her cool hands to my cheeks. I missed her. Everything about her. She has been gone too long and part of would be damned if she left again. I brought her closer to me as if kissing her was my life support. She didn't object. She never complained about anything I did. I never did wrong with her. I bet I could walk in the house soaking wet and she'd help strip down instead of complain.
Damn. I was comparing her to Gabby. That's was the worst thing to do because in my book. Mel would win ever time.
She kissed me like she did before. Sweet with a pinch of spicy. Her hands moved up so they rested in my hair. I loved when she did that. She pulled away and kissed all over my face. I knew she was leaving her red lipstick all over me but at this moment I didn't care. I knew I would later.
"Do you love me?" She asked while stealing kisses.
Yes. Yes I did. But I didn't know if I should tell her. I've loved her since I walked away from her before.
"Mel I–
She kissed me again, underneath my earlobe. At the moment, I was no better than Greg. I was lower than dirt. I was doing the very thing I didn't condone. Cheating. I wanted to kick his ass when I should be kicking my own. Because I had a feeling that I was going falling even deeper than I planned.
"Say it." She whispered.
I'd do whatever she wanted. She brought me to my knees.
"I love you."
She smirked, "I know."