The year is 2080, 60 years have gone by since covid-19. In the beginning it was nothing more than a global sickness akin to a plague. Vaccines were made and they did their job for the most part. However, what people did not see coming came 10 years later. It was found that certain people who were immune to covid in the first place their children had bodies stronger than normal. They also were smarter and faster. Some more so than others.
As these children grew up abilities were introduced, some relatively normal and others akin to comics and fantasy. However, this also led to a war. In 2050, a war ensued which dropped the global population to about 1 billion and the Earth could no longer take it. In such a war many nuclear weapons were employed and many countries were destroyed. The survivors would have to go outside with respirators while only those that were already empowered actually showed any real resistance to the radiation in the air. A nuclear winter had come.
All the radiation in the air has also allowed many creatures to start mutating. And it was found that many of these creatures were infected with remnants of a virus very similar to covid. Which has led to grotesque appearances.
Here in 2080 in the slums of what was formerly known as Milwaukee we come across a lazy man by the name of Malorn. It is with him as he stares out the window at a snowstorm that our story begins.