"Well see as you already know that, it's safe to say we can skip a little bit. We just killed demons all over the country until word got out about us to the demon queen. She knew I was a summoned hero and could not let me live so she sent stronger demons after us, not fun." Yumi says
"Yeah I'll bet" ????? says
"They may have been stronger but we killed them and soon we were making planes to go to the castle and confront the demon queen." Yumi says
"Oh yes, you learned new magic to fight her and trained with Sir Liam for your swordsmanship" ????? says
"Yep I learned a lot until I felt like I was confident enough in my skills to pick a fight with the literal queen of demons!"
"I completely understand but in the end you ended up here so I guess It didn't really turn out in your favor" ????? says sadly
"Well on the bright side I did get to meet you!" Yumi says cheerfully
"Yeah at least one good thing came from this, we got to meet each other" ????? says wholeheartedly
"It must have been lonely being in here with no one to talk to" ????? says sympathetically
"It was... But we should get back to the story I'm almost done." Yumi says