Chereads / An Addicts Guide To Webnovel / Chapter 29 - Cat + Garage = Garage Cat

Chapter 29 - Cat + Garage = Garage Cat

So early 2021 in around Febuary when the snow was melting me and my mom saw something while picking up sticks, so I could mow the lawn.

We saw a bright white cat underneath our back deck. And Convinitly, he was seeking shelter inside our old, left out Cat carrier we got 10 years ago. And so that was the moment we psuedo adopted our garage cat.

The reason I say psuedo adopted is because we feed him, give him water, and we give him a heating pad to sleep on. We don't actually own him, he's just a very cuddly stray.

When we found him, he was super thin, you couldn't see his bones, you could feel them. And after a couple months he's healed up quite fine.

Here's a picture of him, I think he's a Turkish Angora. He also purs super loud, It'll be like 9am and go out to feed him, when I close the door I can hear him meowing from upstairs. And my house isn't small by any means. And my parents can tell when I'm petting him because they say they can hear it from their bedroom.

And because my dad thought it would be funny. his name is officially "Fuckin' Cat"

The little guy hurts himself alot though, he'll randomly go outside, and back inside with blood on him. He actually got in a fight and got part of him fur and muscle torn off on his leg. You can probably see it in the picture. It's already healed, but he keeps opening the wound, we have to now close the garage door every time he hurts himself to make sure he dosen't open it immediatly.

Cats are stupid. But I love them So i can't say anything.

Void_Eagle out.