Liza was looking like she would pull her hair out any minute now. Maybe what Diana said is true. Someone important must be coming.
But who could it be to make her so anxious? Several of the newbies were running around the third floor doing their small tasks with panicked expressions on their faces.
I guess reading files is much easier than this. Someone zoomed past me and almost hit me in the process. There was panic in his eyes. He barely stopped to say sorry, and he was running again.
"Can you be any faster Fred; we are running out of time. He would be here any minute." a girl yelled at him.
"Someone get me a coffee." Liza yelled, a girl who was passing her was startled hearing it and was looking for a place to put the papers in her hands to get her coffee, I went to the girl and said that I would get her coffee. She looked relieved and went off with the papers.