Chereads / (The Fallen Trilogy) Fallen / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven : Silver Rain

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven : Silver Rain

(Lena's Prologue)

Cleo's party ended a few minutes past midnight, and I'd barely spoke two words to her the entire night. I mean, what was there I could say to her without things becoming awkward? Neither of us had spoken one word to each other, since the thing that happened in my visit chambers? And there was no way I could speak to Scarlet Fey by myself! Who knows what kind of nonsense could come out of my mouth when I'm nervous? How was I even supposed to process what had just happened by myself, I knew I needed to speak to someone; I was hoping by doing so, I could help myself figure it all out better, but in the end I decided against it. Cleo had made me promise no words describing last night would leave the edge of my mind. No one would know what Cleo was hiding, no one except her and me. That's what I promised, and that was how it was going to remain.

I gathered up some remaining energy I had stored away in the corners of my tiny body, and was able to get myself back to my chambers, before I stumbled down from the drinks I captured into my mouth, as they enter down my throat into my belly. What better to do at a party, that I would not speak at, then get drunk, and have some fun. Although what I did couldn't possibly be considered ''having fun'' seeing as I barely spoke to the other quests! I didn't even report those guys to Cleo, the minute I witnessed their little prank….Spiking the punch bowl, in order to get the more fancy quests to give away their social security numbers, and the price tags on jewelry and expensive wine. No harm was done, I supposed. I got myself back to my room in only a couple minutes to spare, I looked beyond the hallway with droopy eyes, as I pay real close to the contents of the feature standing there, in front of my door. He turned once he heard me. I was to drunk to remember if I'd seen him before or not, so I just approached him, He made a wide and happy smile appear on his white, creamy face, as I looked him up and down. He didn't seem to mind me staring though, so I looked up at him again, all humility disappearing from me, as I fought myself not to lean on him, even though his shoulders reminded me of soft white pillows. A marshmallow, I think that's the name of that delicious, gooey dessert, I favor more than life its self. He waited for me to get myself back to reality before specking. I straightened my back, pulled out my chest, and waited for him to speak.

''Looks like you had a lot of fun,'' he whispered. I nodded slowly, as a soft cough escape past my lips. The expired whine I had partying around in my stomach covered the embarrassment I would've felt had I actually been aware, which I knew I'd probably be thankful for when I woke in the morning. ''Stay away from the punch, and the whine,'' I warned. ''Expired and spiked by punks!'' My tone of voice confidently told him I'd drunk too much, how he rose an eyebrow at me. As the words processed in his aware mind, he let out a small chuckle, as he held his hand out to me. ''May I help you?'' he asked. I blushed, but recovered. Without asking questions, I grabbed his hand as I guided him inside my chambers. I didn't care if he wanted to come with me or not, I just brought him inside, hoping he'd be okay with everything.

Although once he was inside, standing next to me, as I pulled my arms over my head, where they rested on the back of me, and hoped he'd have some good explanation to explain to me, why he was there, standing there in front of my door. I was sort of hoping he was some sort of distant prince from another land, here to take me away from everything, and keep my mind distracted from Keith. ''This better be good,'' I suddenly breathed, although I would regret that once his eyes grew dark. Sorrow and death proceeding to claim me, as I felt my bottom, under the comfortable patterns of the made up bed. Traces of white feathers, and the taste of blood, still lurked in edges in the corner of my cheeks. The taste of blood reminded me of Cleo and the previous night, which made me instantly relax, as my body tensed up. ''Excuse me,'' I whimpered. ''I don't know why I said that, I shouldn't be so rude, you were just trying to help me.'' ''You're drunk.'' He said.

''What,'' I mean, yes, I am, or I was, I'm fine now..'' I got up before he could stop me, by forcing me down, and held my arms up to my chest. ''Was there a reason you were hanging out in front of my chambers?'' I questioned him. ''Right, about that,'' he stared, His features made him so handsome, with his dark black hair, and pale blue eyes. His outfit reminded me of a soldier, with black chest-plates, and two of them covered along his arms, all painted black just like his hair. His hair was short and spiky at the top, tamed in the back, with silver piercings in his ears, and a black tattoo printed on his left cheek. The language the tattoo was written in was one I'd never seen before. It interested me, but I decided to leave that question for after he told me his business here. ''By the looks of you, I'd say you were human? Correct?'' ''Why do you care what species I come from? Who's telling you to ask me that?'' I asked angrily. I knew it. I knew I was right. He was sent here to gather information from me. Obviously someone didn't trust me and had someone paid to interrogate me. Instead of making it obvious I knew what he was doing, I tried to act like I had no idea, and continued on with my drunk spell. I stumbled and moved side to side, rocking like a boat. I faked a reaction like I was going to puke, and his smile faded. He frowned and glared at me with those strong pale eyes. I found myself on the bed, with his strong arms pressed against my arms, his face inches from mine. I could smell something that wasn't punch or wine in his breath.

Bleach and blood.

I figured out where the blood had come from, and the bleach... Once I realized why it was there, my body shivered violently, and my expression froze.



He'd used the bleach to distract others from the scent of blood on him. His breath reeked of the stuff. The powerful strength of bleach can overpower and cover up any other scents or smells. It was clear his plan had worked, and he'd been able to gain access to the castle. Then the party. I was sure he'd already tried to drink from some guests gathered at the party, and he chose me as his next meal. I figured because I was wasted, my blood had become toxic now. Vampires have a taste for toxic blood, more common in humans than Retuz, which given he was in a castle filled with them, he knew he'd have to track down a human soon, if he wanted to keep himself hidden.Vampires aren't welcome in Retuz Kingdom. If someone had seen him…..I'd hate to think what sort of consequences could become from it.

He moved closer towards me, the warmth of his whole body connected with mine, as he reached for my face, cuffing my cheek in his palm. I felt nervous sweats appear on my forehead, and my palms, as my heart beat rose through both my eardrums. I was terrified, scared for my life, but I'd try not to let him see. He scared me. This wasn't the first time a creation of darkness had terrified me before. Keith scared me just the same, the first time he and I met. I remember like it was yesterday, though it was years ago. At least it felt like years ago…..Sometimes, I wonder to myself, does he even remember those years we'd spent together?

I hope…


Her lightheadedness was gone and she was grateful his bloodsucking was pain free. If there was one thing in the entire world, she didn't want, this was it. Death. She didn't want to die, never able to see Keith again, spend the rest of her life unable to stand in the sun. That was torture. She didn't want it....

Her praises were answered the moment the warmth between them, suddenly went cold, as her body went from rigid and still, swore, and painful, to suddenly alive, as the warmth inside those veins, returned to life. She was confused why he'd stopped feeding from her, but received her answer, in the time it took her, for her eyes to freeze upon his blank, expressionless face.


Death surrounded him, as the rotting smell of his skin, filled the air above where she sat, on the bed. Motionless at first, as the old creeks from time with oil, filled her ears, as she moved slow and softly, moving herself to have a better image of him. He where laying down next to her, her legs were cris crossed in front of herself, his back just inches from touching her. She brushed two long fingertips on both sides of his neck, gasping when she received nothing.

Her blood was the murder weapon. He'd been poisoned by her body.