Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 59 - Festival Events Heat Up! Emiko Losing Herself?

Chapter 59 - Festival Events Heat Up! Emiko Losing Herself?

Shuhei "Alright everyone! I hope you had a good lunch break but it seems it's about time we get the show going again! All students regroup and prepare for the next match after a quick warmup period!"

As the students stand in groups of their classes, they stretch and warm up as Shuhei announces the next event.

Shuhei "Let's take a look back at the scoreboard while we prepare ourselves. It seems class 3-2 is in third place bringing in 67 points! That may not look impressive but it's more than enough to keep them in the game! Then we have… what's this? Class 2-1 and class 4-1 are tied for points?! How is that possible?! It seems that both of their performances are just that superb! Who knows which one will come out on top?! Guess we'll get some insight in our next event: King of the Hill!"

Emiko smiles intensely as the others all smirk too.

Emiko "My favorite!"

Haru "This is gonna get intense."

Shuhei "This game is simple. Out on the field, we have a large, pink headband. Within the five minutes set for the match, whoever can get to the headband first and bring it to the top of the small grassy mound and stay there the longest wins! There will be four referees around all with stopwatches to ensure an accurate timing. Okay, everyone ready?! Get to your places!"

The classes all group up in their sections and prepare to rush the field. A referee by their sections then raises his hand for a moment before swinging his arm down and blowing his whistle sharply. The students start running towards the field. Tom quickly locates the headband and makes his way to it. Himiko notices him and tackles him over.

Himiko "Not this time punk!"

Kage takes advantage and swiftly moves in and grabs the headband. He rushes up the mound when Suiyoubi grabs his ankle and trips him. He looks back at her and pauses for a moment. She looks up at him and pauses too. They look at each other awkwardly for a moment, hesitating for some reason when suddenly Shiori swoops in and grabs the headband from his hand.

Shiori "Thanks for the backup Suiyoubi!"

She rushes the hill and stands at the top holding the headband in her hand.

Shiori "Okay now for the hard part."

She looks back to see multiple students rushing her way when Ryuji and Touma suddenly appear before her.

Ryuji "Don't worry, we got your back."

Touma nods agreeing as students collide with them. They do their best to hold them back as Emiko comes up from behind. She hops onto another student's back and jumps over them.

Student "Hey!"

Emiko "Thanks for the boost!"

She then grabs the headband and tries to pull it from her hand but Shiori doesn't let go, causing them both to go rolling down the side of the mound. As soon as they stop rolling, Shiori is laying face down and lets go of the headband so Emiko grabs it and rushes back up the mound.

Emiko "Just gotta stay at the top, shouldn't be that hard."

She slides in and immediately starts dodging people. She holds it up, ducks and dodges, and swings her arm around as her classmates defend her. Some students roll down the hill laughing as they take out friends and classmates on the way. As Emiko's class defends her, suddenly Sky swoops in from behind and snatches the headband out of her hand quickly. She slides down the hill as the class is in shock. Kage specifically looks over.

Kage "No way! She used the-"

Sky "Shadow Snatch! Haha! Bet you didn't see that coming, did you! I figured out your special move! Now look who's got the headband, blehh! Uh oh."

She taunts them on the hill before realizing Tom and Frank are charging her. After she notices them, they tackle her, causing her to let go of the headband. It flows in the air for a moment before Kenzo casually grabs it.

Kenzo "Thanks for this. I'd really rather not have tackling involved at all."

He then walks it up the hill to the others and hands it to Emiko.

Kenzo "For you."

Emiko "Aw, aren't you so sweet!"

He blushes a bit before turning around, embarrassed.

Kenzo "Well I suppose it was rather sweet of me."

Hikigaya "We have to get that headband!"

Kitaro "Right!"

They both rush up the mound and dive after them, tackling Emiko and Kenzo.

Kenzo "Hey! What did I say about tackling!"

They roll down the hill together and once they stop, Hikigaya gets up quickly.

Hikigaya "Quick, get the headband and get up there! We need some time under our belt before we lose!"

Kenzo then starts laughing as he gets up.

Kenzo "You'll find it pretty hard to get the headband from us."

They give him a confused look as someone whistles at them. They turn around to see Kage standing on the hill with the headband in hand.

Emiko "The old switcheroo."

She says with a smirk as the referees blow the whistle.

Shuhei "And that's time! I don't know about all but I think I could tell who spent the most time as the King of the Hill! Let's get those points tallied up!"

Shiori steps next to Hikigaya as he dusts himself off.

Hikigaya "Did you see what happened? That sneaky ninja guy!"

Shiori "Yeah well we still lost, again."

Hikigaya "It's alright, don't worry about it. We'll turn this around."

She smiles at him a bit, appreciating the reassurance.

Shuhei "Alright, with those points tallied, let's get ready for the next event! Musical Chairs! The last classmember standing earns their class big points!"

The students all begin walking around the chairs as the music plays when it suddenly cuts out. In an instant, Shiori's classmates all turn and make sure she has a seat by offering their chairs.

Hikigaya "Here Shiori!"

She quickly sits in the seat despite being in shock from the support. Then the others scramble to their seats as the many students who got out walk off the court.

Shiori "What are you guys doing?"

Hikigaya "Making sure you have a seat. You gotta be the one to lead us to victory. You are our class lead, right?"

He gives her a light smile as she nods with a determined, understanding look.

Shiori "Right!"

Emiko gets an irritated look as the students get up and start walking with the music.

Emiko "Those guys are starting to work together. I gotta watchout or they could best me."

As she speaks, the music cuts out and Frank, who is right behind her, suddenly swoops in and takes her seat. She turns and looks at him shocked.

Emiko "Frank! Why would you do that?!"

The music then turns back on and the students begin walking again.

Frank "Oh! I'm sorry Emiko! You were just lost in thought and I guess I just-"

Suddenly, the music stops abruptly again but with the both of them talking, neither one is able to get to a seat quick enough.

Shuhei "Ooh, and with that, it seems like all of class 4-1 is eliminated! That leaves only two classes left!"

Emiko turns and gives Frank an upset look before storming off. The match then quickly ends.

Shuhei "Class 2-1 are our winners! What an amazing event, now let's move onto Ball Toss! Toss as many of your balls as you can into the baskets! The taller baskets are worth more, now let's go!"

Kage then charges with his arm full of tiny balls and throws them into different height baskets around the court. He gets many in but misses a few when Touma runs by him holding Chizuru on his back. She then tosses the ball into the tall baskets worth more score with ease from being so high up.

Shiori "Good job guys! Keep it up!"

Kage pants as he lands next to Emiko.

Kage "I can't keep up with them. It's harder for me to reach the tall baskets."

Emiko "I don't care, just keep throwing! Frank, get over here and help Kage!"

Shuhei "Look at that precision! Class 3-2 has made quick work of their balls and all with fairly high scores! All thanks to Tom's quick thinking and coordination! They definitely won this event!"

The others look at him with shock on their faces as he smirks along with his class.

Shuhei "With that swiftly wrapped up, onto the next event: Headband Grab! Students will try to grab other students' headbands and give them to their leads! The class with the most headbands in the end wins, but watch out! If your lead loses their headband, your class instantly loses! Now, are you ready?!"

The classes all group up in different corners of the field. Touma puts Shiori on his back this time, Himiko holds Frank and a different classmate holds Tom. All the students are now wearing headbands of different colors as they wait. The referee then blows a whistle as they charge. Class 4-1 makes aggressive plays as Emiko pushes them to do so. Kenzo runs off to grab headbands leaving Emiko and Himiko.

Emiko "What are you doing? Follow Kenzo! He knows how to get the other leads' headbands!"

Himiko "Yeah but it's not that easy! I gotta protect you from the others too!"

Emiko "Don't worry about me, just go follow him!"

Himiko "If you don't stop shouting at me, I'm gonna-"

Emiko "Gonna what? I'm your lead which means I know best! I'm not about to lose to some second years so move your butt!"

Himiko "Alright, that's it…"

She then tosses Emiko off of her. Emiko looks shocked as she looks up at Himiko.

Himiko "Listen, I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to-"

Shiori "Coming through!"

Suddenly, Touma and Shiori along with Ryuji, Lucy, Haru and Hikigaya come barreling through, snatching Himiko and Emiko's headbands. They are shocked as the others give the headbands to Shiori.

Touma "Sorry big sis, but we got an event to win!"

He shouts as they rush through the other students.

Shuhei "Ouch, it seems Himiko just lost her grip or something because she dropped Emiko! Not just that but Shiori has made easy work of class 4-1 and is only gaining more headbands with the help of her team! That is some true teamwork if I've ever seen it!"

Emiko growls for a second before sharply looking at Himiko.

Emiko "What is your problem?! Are you trying to make us lose?! Cause that's what just happened, we lost!"

Himiko stares at her for a moment with a look of disbelief before throwing her arms up and shaking her head and walking away.

Shuhei "And with that, I think we have our winner for this event! Class 2-1!"

They cheer as they throw the headbands up into the air.

Shuhei "Alright, let's take a quick break everyone. We're gonna tally up the points real quick before we move onto our final event of the day!"

He says with an ominously excited look in his eyes.