Chereads / Stray Clouds / Chapter 65 - Shiori Vs. Hikigaya! The Duel For Blame!

Chapter 65 - Shiori Vs. Hikigaya! The Duel For Blame!

He looks at her confused.

Hikigaya "No, why would I hate you?"

Shiori "Because, your sister and all that… It's my fault."

Hikigaya sighs a bit and looks at her softly.

Shiori "It's okay if you do.. I understand."

Hikigaya "Shiori, I don't hate you. Besides, it's not even really your fault. It's mine."

Shiori "No it's not! How could it be? I was the one who didn't save her!"

Hikigaya "Well I was her brother! I was right there and I couldn't do anything."

They pause for a moment, both looking down.

Shiori "It's not your fault."

Hikigaya "It's not yours either."

She looks at him with a slightly irritated look and he gives one back.

Shiori "You can't debate me on this. It's my fault no matter how you look at it."

Hikigaya "It's mine. It was my responsibility as her brother!"

Shiori "She was my sister too!"

They sit in silence again for another moment.

Hikigaya "You're really gonna fight me on this?"

Shiori "Yes."

Hikigaya "Fine. How about this? Let's have a duel. The winner gets to be at fault."

Shiori "Sounds like a good idea to me. You'll see who's fault it really was."

She says with a determined smile as he smiles back.

Hikigaya "Meet me in the mountains at 11 o'clock."

Shiori "You're on."

She gets up and leaves his room with a determined look. Hikigaya has a slight soft smile on his face as he watches her leave.

Later that night, out in a grassy clear area in the mountains and forest, Shiori stands in the moonlight. She looks back when Hikigaya steps towards her.

Shiori "So you actually showed up."

Hikigaya "We left at the same time, just because you can fly doesn't mean you get to look down on me."

He says with a frustrated tone. His eyes then sharpen and he looks at her.

Hikigaya "Are we doing this or what?"

Shiori "I don't know, it was your idea. You sure you don't want to back down now and just admit that it's my fault."

Hikigaya "Not a chance!"

He shouts as he swings his bone whip from his wrist at her. She dashes to the side and into the air, dodging the whip but is shocked when she looks back in his direction to see his arm stretching her way as he punches her in the stomach and into the ground. A big cloud of dust explodes as Hikigaya pulls his arm back.

Hikigaya "Are you sure you don't want to back down?"

Suddenly, a large fire bar jets towards him out of the smoke. His eyes grow wide before he puts his hands in front of him covered in bone to block the fire. He stands in the fire for a moment before jumping out of it and shaking his hands as they smoke.

Hikigaya "Ow ow ow! Hot!"

The smoke stops as the burns go away. Shiori stands in the dust cloud this is now dissipating with her open palm pointed at him with traces of fire coming from it.

Hikigaya "Fire balls now? Since when?"

Shiori "I didn't even know I could do that!"

She shouts as she pulls back to jump after him. As she flies through the air at him, Hikigaya points his arm towards her and stretches them at her, growing in size as they go. She is surprised as his large hands grab her body.

Hikigaya "Got ya!"

He then swings her around a couple times before throwing her into the ground. She smashes into the ground with a large boom as Hikigaya lands in front of her.

Hikigaya "Give it up. I know all your moves. I'm gonna win and it's gonna be all my fault."

She gets up from the small crater and smiles at him.

Shiori "Well you know what they say. Fight fire with fire!"

As she says this, she pulls her arm back for a punch and throws it, extending and growing her arm like Hikigaya did before her. Hikigaya is shocked and hit with the punch as he goes flying back and into the trees behind him. He reels from the attack for a moment before opening his eyes wide from a barrage of punches coming his way. He freaks out as multiple arms extend at him. He dodges a couple before shrinking his body to be tiny, roughly the size of a young child, to escape the punches. Suddenly, the punches stop as Shiori's eyes widen. She pulls her arms back as her eyes light up and blushes appear on her cheeks.

Shiori 'Tiny Hikigaya! So cute!'

As Hikigaya runs towards her in his tiny form, he crouches down and dives at her growing back to full size. She is caught off guard as he grabs onto her wrists.

Hikigaya "Don't underestimate me!"

He then flips over her and throws her into the air. She flies through the air for a moment as he throws one heavy punch extending her way. She then extends her wings out to catch herself and immediately blocks the punch. Hikigaya is surprised as a tail comes out from her body and extends his way. It zips back and forth quickly as it makes its way to him.

Hikigaya 'I can't keep track of it!'

It then connects with his stomach, sending him flying back before it comes for another attack and smashes him into the ground. Shiori lands in front of the small crater and dust cloud where Hikigaya is. Suddenly, two arms and a leg come extending from the ground around her before bending back and slamming towards her. She jumps back and dodges the three limbs as Hikigaya smirks, sticking his limbs into the ground. He pulls them back as Shiori smirks back at him. She pulls her arm back as it starts to steam and turn to frost.

Shiori "Get ready for a snow wave!"

She then pushes her hand in his direction as a large amount of snow comes flying at him. Hikigaya has a worried look as he is buried in the wave of snow. He digs his way up to the surface and starts shivering.

Hikigaya "Ah! T-that's so c-cold! Oh, I know!"

He holds himself for a second as he shivers before he extends his arms out to his sides and slams his fists together. This causes a pulse to go through his arms and towards his chest. Shiori looks with confusion as he starts to turn a darker red color and some of his veins start to bulge. Steam starts to come off of his body as the snow melts a bit around him. Suddenly, he disappears. Shiori's eyes widen as he appears behind her. He grabs her by the waist with her arms and suplexes her into the ground. She grunts as she rolls back. She stands up quickly and throws an extending punch at him but he disappears again. She stands straight up and looks around.

Hikigaya "Oh yeah, this'll do nicely."

She turns to see him in a tree standing on a branch.

Shiori "New technique?"

Hikigaya "Yeah, not sure what I'm gonna call it but I feel good. Nice and warm."

Shiori "Well if you want to be warm so bad, I can help!"

She brings both of her arms back as she swings them forward and claps them together which sends off a large bolt of lightning at Hikigaya. He then disappears again and runs to the side.

Shiori 'He's even faster than lightning now?!'

She pulls her hands apart as her eyes follow Hikigaya as he dashes to her side and pulls back his arm for a punch. As he throws the punch as her, only her eyes can keep up so she is unable to dodge or block when suddenly, a sword forms in front of his fist and blocks the attack. He collides with the sword and pushes against it for a moment before jumping back.

Hikigaya "Where did that come from?"

Shiori turns and grabs the handle on the katana. She then stances with it at Hikigaya. He smiles.

Hikigaya "Oh you wanna swordplay now. Check this out."

He then slashes along his palm with his own hand causing blood to come out. Shiori gets a concerned look for a moment before realizing he can harden his blood. He hardens it into a blade but nowhere near a refined sword shape. She then smiles at him as they dash at each other. Hikigaya comes down first with a heavy downward strike which Shiori blocks and parries. She goes for a mid body horizontal slash which Hikigaya is barely able to dodge by jumping back a bit. He looks up with shock as Shiori follows up with a diagonal downward slash. He blocks it with his blade and they clash for a moment.

Shiori "I didn't expect you to have this much skill with a blade."

Hikigaya "What can I say? Watching anime really taught me well!"

They push each other back then clash blades a few more times before Shiori thrusts at him which he dodges by flipping backward. He then pulls his arm back with blade in hand. Shiori is surprised as he throws the blade at her at high speeds. She blocks it barely and is knocked off balance a bit. That's when Hikigaya dashes to her and sweeps the legs. She is shocked as she falls to the side and Hikigaya follows up with a heavy punch to the ground slamming her into it. She blocks with her arm and sword as she struggles against his punch. He smirks as she gets irritated. Suddenly, heat starts to arise from Shiori. Hikigaya notices and gets a worried look as she shouts and a pillar of flames bursts out of her. Hikigaya is thrown back and stumbles a bit as Shiori quickly dashes out of the flames and lands a heavy downward blow to Hikigaya's face. It hits him so hard that the blood technique he was using deactivates and he even spits out a little blood. Shiori is concerned and pulls back.

Shiori "Ah Hikigaya! I'm sorry, I shouldn't've-"

Suddenly, he punches her in the stomach knocking the wind out of her. They both stumble back, reeling from the heavy blows. She looks at him with a pained look, holding her stomach.

Shiori "That was mean…"

Hikigaya "You're the one who won't let it be my fault…"

Shiori "Because it's not."

Hikigaya "Well it's not yours either."

They stare at each other for a moment before they dash towards each other. Hikigaya tries to hit her with an open palm strike but she ducks down and places her index fingers against his body with her wrists together and palms open. They glow with a pinkish hue as Hikigaya's eyes widen.

Shiori "Sakura Two Point."

A small force wave shoots into his body knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying back. He slides and tries to catch himself, holding his stomach as Shiori jumps above him and starts spinning vertically with her leg out. Her foot catches on fire and she becomes a flipping fire wheel.

Shiori "Meteor Fall!"

Hikigaya puts his hands up and blocks as she slams her leg onto him and crushing him into the ground. The fire disperses quickly as Hikigaya's arms steam. Shiori looks surprised as Hikigaya smirks a bit but obviously in a little pain. His right arm then begins to stretch and wrap around Shiori's leg before grabbing onto her waist. She blushes again as Hikigaya jumps up high into the air and pulls her along with him.